Er, where I am, here is the system:
When you are 4 years old, you would be in JUNIOR Kindergarten.
When you are 5 years old, you would be in SENIOR Kindergarten.
6 yrs old: Grade 1 (NOT FIRST GRADE! I hate it when I go to the US and they ask me ((Since we go there for back-to-school shopping... argh)) what grade I go to. When I say Grade __ they always say, "oh, __GRADE? What the heck is Grade __!?" It gets me really mad. It's practically the same thing ((I don't have anything against the US or the people there))
7 yrs old: Grade 2
8 yrs old: Grade 3
9 yrs old: Grade 4
10 yrs old: Grade 5
11 yrs old: Grade 6 (THE END OF ELEMENTARY/JUNIOR SCHOOL) Total of: 8 years.
And then...
12 yrs old: Grade 7
13 yrs old: Grade 8 (END OF MIDDLE SCHOOL) Total of: 2 years
14 yrs old: Grade 9
15 yrs old: Grade 10
16 yrs old: Grade 11
17 yrs old: Grade 12 (END OF HIGH SCHOOL) Total of: 4 years.
Then college/university.
And uh, my age shall remain a secret *smile*

Let's put it this way: I am older than 9, younger than 25.

Sorry, not much of a hint, huh? Okay, here. How about this? My age is whatever you want it to be

I can be 3 years old if you want.
And school is starting up on the 6th... ohhh nooo... dang you school!!