uh.. Lika... you don't spam, i havn't read ONE spam from you ... ever i think.
its cool that you talk a lot ^^ when i post too much (which i know i do) i always try to take a vow of silence, (shame it never works, i have an opinion on everything)
but you have exams, so good lluck on them ^^ i t ook all mine already so me lucky ^^
also i saw ArcadeMan has become Moderator for the General Media Section
oh ya and jus thought i'd say, dunno if i have buut..
i got accepted into College !! WOO i'm finally taking the class i want which is Multi-Media
its gonna be so much fun. we get to paint, draw, create video animations, sound recording, 3D graphics on the computer then animate them, Photoshopping, Conputer Graphics, website designa nd graphics and loads of other creative stuff
i start this september so woo !! i'm a proper College guy

just i know i'll also get TONS of work to do >.> ah well...