AuthorTopic: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?  (Read 11163 times)

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Offline Alexiel

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #20 on: July 10 2005, 11:06 pm »
very true... great, now i have to look back in my book to find out which honorific that meant. lol. if they could trsanslate it into something else, it could be possible, but lets hope not

I dont believe america will have it on TV either. Tsubasa doesn't seem like a show they'd put on and if they did, its probably going to be on saturdays or so. but hopefully not... for personal reasons. lol

and i seriously dont want ADV to get tsubasa on their own production list... i resent them ^^

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #21 on: July 11 2005, 04:07 am »
if they do translate it into english, how will they:

  • show the relationship of syaoran and sakura
  • fai make fun of kurogane with "kuro-puu", "kuro-rin" "kuro-tan" etc.

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #22 on: July 11 2005, 04:32 am »
thats why it, in my opinion, should NOT be produced in the US. when something is already good the way they are, they should not be messed with

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #23 on: July 11 2005, 05:54 am »
where i live (canada) they wrecked card captors sakura when they dubbed it. they replaced the original text with somethign else to ignore all the love parts...ick.  :love9:  :violent5:
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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #24 on: July 12 2005, 12:55 am »
if they do translate it into english, how will they:

  • show the relationship of syaoran and sakura
  • fai make fun of kurogane with "kuro-puu", "kuro-rin" "kuro-tan" etc.

If they dub it, they would probably have Sakura call Shaoran "Sir Shaoran" instead of "Shaoran-kun", like what was done with Fuu in the dub of Rayearth.  For Kurogane's nicknames, there could be a slim chance that they would keep them if the dub is uncut, but my guess is they would probably come up with new nicknames for the dub.
When her leathery, crow-footed face turned towards my raised hand and said, “Yes, the boy in the Sailor Mercury t-shirt,” I sprung into action. It took me a brief 20 seconds to acquire the bokken (wooden sword) I had secured to the underside of our chairs with duct tape the night previous. Shouting “Japan BANZAIII!” in the manner of those noble kamikaze pilots from the War of United States Aggression (so tactlessly referred to in your history books as “World War II”), I charged the stage, bringing down the bokken forcefully onto the plywood table in front of Tiffany Grant. It was a tragic mistake not to channel my ki correctly. The bokken splintered into a thousand pieces, leaving me with no other plan of attack besides shouting, “You’re no Asuka!” as two Ohayocon toughs escorted me out of the

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #25 on: July 12 2005, 04:12 am »
I don't see much problem of why it would be "troublesome" to bring Tsubasa to US. However, I too, wonder what would happen with the -kun stuff , their names, and Fai's nicknames.

Maybe good dubber woud get it and keep the -kun and such? I mean in the anime, the usage of and non-usage of -kun is sorta explained by Sakura. (Sakura calling Syaoran without -kun because they are close)

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #26 on: July 12 2005, 04:32 am »
it might come onto tv tho 
isn't it kinda styled like .hack//sign  cartoon network had that one!!   but if it ever does i hope they don't butcher it!!!
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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #27 on: July 12 2005, 05:19 am »
If TRC comes to the US, then it'll most probably come to Canada too (I live in Canada :lol:)  And I think the anime DVDs (with subtitles) usually arrive here after two-three years since the anime came out in Japan. *It really depends on the popularity of the anime as well - then it can come here even sooner* But I'm pretty sure TRC will be licensed in North America soon. *It's CLAMP for heaven's sake!*

However, if they're planning to dub it and air it on TV, I'm definitely not looking forward to that :sweatdrop:  TRC is something so precious to change *especially if it's gonna end like "Cardcaptors" :angry:* Even if it isn't so bad, I'll still wanna stick to the original TRC and buy the DVDs as soon as they come out. *I've already started saving up for them :heh:*

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #28 on: July 12 2005, 05:24 am »
If they dub it, they would probably have Sakura call Shaoran "Sir Shaoran" instead of "Shaoran-kun", like what was done with Fuu in the dub of Rayearth. For Kurogane's nicknames, there could be a slim chance that they would keep them if the dub is uncut, but my guess is they would probably come up with new nicknames for the dub.

eww...sir syaoran? that doesn't look right since he is just 15. also it doens't look like he has a good enough status to be called "sir". kurogane and fai nicknames...i can see how that can work by saying kuro-puu and whatever :P i can see that as normal for a dubbed show. :) well that's just my opinion anyways
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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #29 on: July 12 2005, 06:30 am »
true... Sir Syaoran? o_O i kno thats just a geeky formality. lol

if they DID bring over the -kun, etc, i seriously hope they wouldnt mis-pronounce it... good grief lol

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #30 on: July 12 2005, 06:43 am »
I'd rather have them keep -kun and mispronounce it than take it out and put something else.... I'm afraid of what the "else" could be... :dodge:

Offline Alexiel

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #31 on: July 12 2005, 07:14 am »
... good point. lol. well, all we can do is wait for the future... unless anyone is like Clow Reed and would like to tell what that future would be? =3

but wait! what if they change the name themselves? *GASPS*

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #32 on: July 12 2005, 08:18 am »
... good point. lol. well, all we can do is wait for the future... unless anyone is like Clow Reed and would like to tell what that future would be? =3

but wait! what if they change the name themselves? *GASPS*

NOOO! They cannot change Sakura, Syaroan, Kuro-pin *cough* I meant Kurogane, Fai, and.... well, everyone else!

But still... I want it to be shown here...  ahhh.... may the anime come to US and fall into the hands of good dubbers!

Who was the one that did Fullmetal Alchemist? I thought their dubs (compared to all the other dubs that exist) were pretty good... I mean sure, they did change some of the stuff that was said in original but still....muuch better than other dubs. This dub didn't make me go  :dodge: like other dubs did...

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #33 on: July 12 2005, 08:59 am »
true! same thing i thought with Trigun dubbed version. only those violent animes get good dubs... why is that? Oh my dear... *prays desperately*

oh wait, theyll be sure to have Sakura and Syaoran's names stay the same (IF) but not sure about everyone else (that includes teh countries too)

seriously speaking let us all keep originality in its place for Tsubasa (excluding the japanese producers... animation from the manga *cough*)

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries
« Reply #34 on: July 12 2005, 12:58 pm »
If Tsubasa is dubbed uncut which it more than likely will, they won't change the names.  And violent anime aren't the only anime to have good dubs.  Miyazaki films all have good dubs and with the expection of Mononokehime, they're not violent at all, and A Little Snow Fairy: Sugar is a children's anime with abosuletly nothing objectionable in it and it had a good dub.
When her leathery, crow-footed face turned towards my raised hand and said, “Yes, the boy in the Sailor Mercury t-shirt,” I sprung into action. It took me a brief 20 seconds to acquire the bokken (wooden sword) I had secured to the underside of our chairs with duct tape the night previous. Shouting “Japan BANZAIII!” in the manner of those noble kamikaze pilots from the War of United States Aggression (so tactlessly referred to in your history books as “World War II”), I charged the stage, bringing down the bokken forcefully onto the plywood table in front of Tiffany Grant. It was a tragic mistake not to channel my ki correctly. The bokken splintered into a thousand pieces, leaving me with no other plan of attack besides shouting, “You’re no Asuka!” as two Ohayocon toughs escorted me out of the

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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #35 on: July 19 2005, 11:44 am »
Bwah hah hah hah!

This reminds me of a conversation my friend and I had about what it would be like if Tsubasa was badly dubbed/dubbed by 4Kids (one and the same?)
*opens mouth* *pause* ... On second thought, I think half of the conversation... Well, I'm afraid to write down.

But, let's just say... We came to the conclusion that Fai would have a really *cough*weird english accent, Kurogane would have a russian accent for some reason, and Syaoran would be called 'Li' and Sakura's name would be pronounced 'Sakoora' and they would have to cut a lot of Fai-related footage 'cause... I don't know. And of course, they wouldn't mention Kurogane killing things. No, he'd just be... Uh... Actually, I don't know if we touched on that part of the show, we were either laughing too hard, or suddenly got distracted then (possibly by the episode we were watching then) and... Yeah.
Edit: Upon checking with said friend, I think we decided that Kurogane would be SENDING PEOPLE TO TEH SHADOW REALM!11!  and Fai's nicknames... They'd come up with new ones. ('Kuro-Mushy-Smushy-Bananacakes!')(*cough* We may have started getting a liiiitle random there...)

But, in all seriousness... I'm kinda afraid of Tsubasa getting dubbed. Then again, I could just be paranoid from the last time a favourite anime/manga series of mine got dubbed... *mourns her poor One Piece*
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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #36 on: July 19 2005, 12:01 pm »
I think it'll be a dvd release in the states and Oz, etc like most of the animes now.
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Re: When will TRC reach the US and other countries?
« Reply #37 on: July 19 2005, 02:08 pm »
If in my country,well it only takes about 1 1/2 years when they released the DVD version.In TV showing,I think 2 years perhaps in I hope it's in Saturday(I hope its my free time)and only big problem,either 2 stations will show it but I vote for ABS-CBN 2(local channel in the Philippines) 'cause they shown last time Cardcaptor Sakura!! :hehe:
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