CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

What's Up With the Two Syaorans?

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***I think that way too. I mean, in vol 8, Show content he had a nightmare where he "woke up" in the middle of nowhere, his head was bandadged, and his clothes were the exact same as the ones the other Syaoran wears..[/spoile]..I guess he was brainwashed? Maybe Fei wong put a curse on his right Pegasus' eye from yu-gi-oh...that's why it's bandadged?***

Except that in that scene it isn't his right eye, it's his left.
If you look closely in book 8 when it shows him wandering, it's his LEFT eye that is covered.

But when it shows Syaoran early in the series saying how he doesn't remember his past and it shows him huddled down before Fujitaka finds him and adopts him, his right eye is covered.

So, either he isn't remembering his own memories or he is seeing a "mirror" image of himself.

The Syaoran that Fei Wong has has his left eye covered.
The opposite of Syaoran.

Good point, I figured that out too.  Its either the Syaoran with Fei Wong was a pathetic excuse for a clone or it probably is another half of Syaoran he lost.  Mhm...the minds that CLAMP has works in mysterious ways.   :heh:

***Good point, I figured that out too.  Its either the Syaoran with Fei Wong was a pathetic excuse for a clone or it probably is another half of Syaoran he lost.  Mhm...the minds that CLAMP has works in mysterious ways.***

Or it's Syaoran's "twin".
Like a mirror image of Syaoran.

Wow...when I read that sentence of yours I immediately felt the feeling of de ja vu.  o_O;  Yeah, anyway...true true.  Syaoran's is it possible though since the Syaoran with Fei Wong (man...I'mma just call him Syaoran #2 since I'm tired of writing out "Fei Wong's Syaoran..XD) looks a few years younger than the Syaoran we have now (Syaoran #1...the real one with Saku etc..x.x;).  Mhm...maybe time is stopped around where Fei Wong lives or something insane like that.  Hmm.. :sweatdrop:

***how is it possible though since the Syaoran with Fei Wong (man...I'mma just call him Syaoran #2 since I'm tired of writing out "Fei Wong's Syaoran..XD) looks a few years younger than the Syaoran we have now (Syaoran #1...the real one with Saku etc..x.x;).***

Or perhaps time flows slower.
Maybe Syaoran 2 doesn't age. He's suspened in that thing, maybe that keeps him suspended in time, so to speak and he stays the same until ready to be used for whatever evil purpose?


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