CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
What's Up With the Two Syaorans?
hehe.. dont worry I was just exagerating...I used to frequent
so I already know far toooo much >_<
lol ok then
You know, there was a rumor going around about this situation...
the two Syaoran's we've seen so far are connected. Syaoran1 has no past while we see Syaoran2 in his childhood age. both have a blind eye. Think of them as opposites. one is an teen form while the other is as a child, both have opposite blind eyes, one is concious, the other isnt.... err, you get the drift. ^^
about that scene with Syaoran fighting Kurogane, i wanted to say, if anyone remember what Fei Wong had said about a :certain: person needed for him to obtain the power to cross dimensions, wouldnt that sentence explain why Syaoran2 had made Syaoran1 move to get him away to keep him alive? and maybe it works the same way, if one disappears, the other does too
i take a bet that you guys have no idea what i just said... lol ;D
Ruby Chan:
That kinda confused me. But I'm just gonna say...I think they're the same person, but in diff time flows.
***wouldnt that sentence explain why Syaoran2 had made Syaoran1 move to get him away to keep him alive? and maybe it works the same way, if one disappears, the other does too***
This part makes sense to me.
I think maybe, yes, Fei Reed does need Syaoran.
Or maybe too, since Syaoran 2 has a link to our Syaoran 1 he would've tried to protect him out of instinct.
But why all the sudden?
If Syaoran 2 has been floating in the tube for so long, why just now is Syaoran 1 sensing him?
Perhaps Syaoran 2 is waking up?
Maybe at some point Syaoran 1 will have to remerge with Syaoran 2 and he'll finally understand what happened to him?
Or maybe he'll have to defeat him and never know.
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