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What's Up With the Two Syaorans?

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that would be because Yuuko disrupted Fei Wong's ability to watch over them when they were in that place with Yasha and Ashura (forgot the name ^^") when they fell into Ashura's territory. so he uses Syaoran2 as another way of interaction. remember, he also said they needed them alove in order for his goal to be achieved as well (dont ask which chapter. i dont remember lol)

Angelic-Essence, I think we have pretty much same idea about the two Syaorans.... if not same, at least close anyway  :tongue:

You know, thinking about Fei Wong Reed and his secret plans makes me feel really sad for Sakura and Syaoran.... especially Syaoran. Fei Wong Reed messed up their lives way too much... I think if it wasn't for Fei Wong Reed, Sakura wouldn't have lost her feathers.. The wall (that had wing design on it in the chamber below the ruins) starting to absorb Sakura was trap made by Fei Wong Reed, right? Or did I assume that wrong?  :sweatdrop:

i dont believe it was a trap. i think its something more like a vault to what Fei Wong Reed wanted and Sakura was teh key to obtaining that power. I dont know. its just a speculation

I doubt that Fei Wong did all those.  I think he expected these things to happen, and from the way I see it, all he has done is just watching the two by sending this weird waiter guy to spy on them.
Also, it seems that there is not much he can do to mess up their lives, as it would seem that Yuuko has so much more influence over that.  He was quite surprised by the fact that Yuuko has the ability to twist and alter the events in time and space, so she has been "meddling" around with stuff to frustrate Fei Wong quite a bit.

Angelic- Essence's idea can be explained in this matter written below, I think...

That vault was made by an ancient group who lived well before the establishment of Clow, and Sakura just so happens to have a link to that forgotten past that is now calling out to her.  Sakura's mysterious inborn powers is ancient and potentially dangerous.  Maybe that's why that vault has been sealed, like a demon that has been asleep for ages, and now, seeing the light of day again, it wakes up, and then...
What is that aura?  It feels so familiar.  So comforting.  I must get more of it!!
The energy sealed in the vault and the power Sakura possesses are like magnets, and when one magnetic force is exposed to another, BAM!  They stick together unless someone meddles with it and rips them apart, except that, this time, the piece "someone else" grabbed ahold of is now less than a piece.

Why is it calling her now of all the time in the world?  I think that since Syaoran has been digging that place for so long, the energy from the vault itself has been released into the atmosphere, so neither is it a trap, nor is there anything anyone can do.  So if anyone should blame for Sakura's fate, it would have to be Syaoran's mindless snooping and tempering with things he has no idea of. 
The only fault Fei Wong is in is creating Syaoran in the first place and dump him on the street helpless and vulnerable
Again, also a speculation


--- Quote from: Hira on July 17 2005, 05:36 am ---I doubt that Fei Wong did all those. I think he expected these things to happen, and from the way I see it, all he has done is just watching the two by sending this weird waiter guy to spy on them.

--- End quote ---

Waiter guy? Are you talking about the guy from Jade country? Or the mysterious shadow in chapter 69? Anyone have speculations as to who that is? Supposedly, its someone they've met before. Hmm...

(sorry, getting off-topic) -_-;


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