CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

What's Up With the Two Syaorans?

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--- Quote ---Or the mysterious shadow in chapter 69? Anyone have speculations as to who that is? Supposedly, its someone they've met before. Hmm...

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Yeah, I'm going crazy wondering who that is too.
I don't think they've told yet have they?

Also, the fact that Yuuko had their clothes.
She must have taken them for a reason, just to sell them back to them.  :lol:
I assume it was dangerous that they left them, because another Fai, Kurogane, Syaoran or Sakura could have taken them, wore them, and perhaps tricked them?


--- Quote from: Hira on July 17 2005, 05:36 am ---Why is it calling her now of all the time in the world? I think that since Syaoran has been digging that place for so long, the energy from the vault itself has been released into the atmosphere, so neither is it a trap, nor is there anything anyone can do. So if anyone should blame for Sakura's fate, it would have to be Syaoran's mindless snooping and tempering with things he has no idea of.
The only fault Fei Wong is in is creating Syaoran in the first place and dump him on the street helpless and vulnerable
Again, also a speculation

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that last part in Syaoran's case. Are you trying to day that he also happens to have a past connection to Sakura's power? Lol, forgive me if I misunderstood. ^____^"

And yes Pikari, I believe Hira was referring to that dude from Jade. ^____^

No, I'm sorry that I wasn't clear  :heh:
The energy that was trapped in the vault in which I believe has connections to Sakura's power was just simply exposed and released when Syaoran digs an opening at the archaeological site.  The energy comes out the moment Syaoran exposes the vault, so even though it was purely unintentional, Syaoran opened the Padora's Box

OH!!! Hey, I like that theory! It actually sounds reasonable from the other forum i went to. Lol.

Huh, it kinda seems like blame on Syaoran for some reason... lol, an accidental one anyway. ^_^;;

 It would've been interesting if Syaoran had a connection to that past... OH maybe he does in some way (both Syaoran's i mean) O.O maybe Im getting ahead of myself in random thoughts XD but then i consider what those symbols on the the second Syaoran.... hmm.... *in deep thought*

i realize about a person -that is hide in a place with the guy that is always watching to shaoran and sakura's actions o.รณ-

I don't remenber the name >-<  a image:

they have a person hide o_o and that person is like shaoran with tattoo like in this image:


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