CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

What's Up With the Two Syaorans?

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Cherry tiger:
Ho-hum... I'm not gonna speculate too much on it. I'll let CLAMP reveal it in due time...  :confused:

Besides, doesn't the Syaoran that's with Fei Wong Reed look much younger than Syaoran? Just a thought...

that's what i saw also.. the one that fei wong whoever person has seems to be younger..

I just had a thought...well...what if the Syaoran with Fei Wong was Syaoran when he was younger.  You know, the part of him he lost since remember that the Syaoran we have now who is traveling with Fai, Kurogane, Mokona and Sakura had lost all memories of his past when before he was 7 or 8.  Maybe the Syaoran with Fei Wong was the split personality of our Syaoran Haru from Fruits Basket.  lmfao  Just my random rambling.  Hm...I'mma stop dwelling into this too much now.   :heh:


--- Quote from: Sya0ran on June 22 2005, 07:12 am ---I just had a thought...well...what if the Syaoran with Fei Wong was Syaoran when he was younger. You know, the part of him he lost since remember that the Syaoran we have now who is traveling with Fai, Kurogane, Mokona and Sakura had lost all memories of his past when before he was 7 or 8.

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 :keke: I think that way too. I mean, in vol 8, Show content he had a nightmare where he "woke up" in the middle of nowhere, his head was bandadged, and his clothes were the exact same as the ones the other Syaoran wears..[/spoile]..I guess he was brainwashed? Maybe Fei wong put a curse on his right Pegasus' eye from yu-gi-oh...that's why it's bandadged?  :sweatdrop:


--- Quote from: Sya0ran on June 22 2005, 07:12 am ---I just had a thought...well...what if the Syaoran with Fei Wong was Syaoran when he was younger. You know, the part of him he lost since remember that the Syaoran we have now who is traveling with Fai, Kurogane, Mokona and Sakura had lost all memories of his past when before he was 7 or 8. Maybe the Syaoran with Fei Wong was the split personality of our Syaoran Haru from Fruits Basket. lmfao Just my random rambling. Hm...I'mma stop dwelling into this too much now. :heh:

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yeah i agree with you the most.  fei wong probably placed syaoran in that country deliberately as a plan to obtain the power to cross dimensions


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