CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Miyuki-Chan in TRC

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Has anyone noticed Miyuki-Chan from MC in Wonderland running about in: The Hanshin Republic, (pg 166 in the first vol. of the US version) Koryo (pg 18 in vol 3 of US version)  Jade (pg 88 in the 4th vol. of the US version) and in Oto (pg 113 of the 5th vol. in the US version)???? Boy, she has been a busy bee. I hope she will be in all the worlds the group hops to. She wasn't in the "lake world" tho. Too bad.

haha yeah...there's another thread that mentions her...

has she appeared in xxxholic?


she does appear in the lake world! not as a human, but a shape. look at the whole picture. ;)

Rika Iiyumi:
what picture?? which page?? i've looked at the pages with a magnifying glass AND i still can't find her!!!


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