AuthorTopic: Broken bones...  (Read 16492 times)

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Re: Broken bones...
« Reply #40 on: October 09 2005, 01:00 am »
Here's a story my science teacher last year told me.  There was this drunk guy, the police were following him.  He went to one of those really high like 3 story building, the guy goes there..then JUMPS off.  The police was like WTF.  They go back out and look for the place the guy landed...he's not there...they look the other way...he had just got back up and started running again......

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Re: Broken bones...
« Reply #41 on: October 28 2005, 01:52 pm »
Here's a story my science teacher last year told me. There was this drunk guy, the police were following him. He went to one of those really high like 3 story building, the guy goes there..then JUMPS off. The police was like WTF. They go back out and look for the place the guy landed...he's not there...they look the other way...he had just got back up and started running again......

I have NO idea why you just told that story (I guess cuz he didn't break anything?), but that's pretty much the coolest thing ever! XD XD Stuff like that, sadly, makes my day! Now I'm gonna be laughing for hours, just picturing that is hilarious...
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Re: Broken bones...
« Reply #42 on: October 29 2005, 01:10 am »
I have broken my arm a couple of times.  Wasn't a bad injury.  By no means.  But that guy who did had a little talk with me the next day...and got fired
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