My friends treat me well... Very well indeed. But hey, I almost just hang around with one girl in my whole school.
But I have had idiotic "friends" like that too. No more!

Still, on other forums I'm treated like... well, like dirt. And when I just go out people look at me very strangely
(yesh~ They're just jealous of my Tokyo Babylon-outfits!!!

XD). But anyway! I hope I'm not sounding like a
"Compliment Fisher" Miharu Endoh mentioned!

'Cause I'm not.
The whole text above can be ignored!

The important thing is that I love this place! =3
Because everyone is nice. And respect each other. And almost most importantly, we
care(just the
"How are you feeling?" thread proves this)!!! This place is wonderful. Or rather, the people online are wonderful!