
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544817 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2160 on: November 03 2005, 09:51 am »
Well, that IS what most girls talk about, right? :tongue3:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2161 on: November 03 2005, 11:30 am »
Yep! But I'm not the type who would talk about them all the time, like this group of girls I know :sweatdrop:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2162 on: November 03 2005, 11:35 am »
Heh yea! Some girls just talk about guys all the time, and it really gets on my nerves!
I wouldn't mind if they talk about them once in a while, but when it gets repetitive I just snap.  :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2163 on: November 03 2005, 11:39 am »
So true! I mean, there's topics other than boys! There are far more interesting topics than boys. I mean, yeah, I like boys and all, but they're not the ONLY thing in the world worth talking about.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2164 on: November 03 2005, 12:01 pm »
For once, I'm not reading every single post. I'm too tired. Endoh-chan, in response to a post you made yesterday, I was also hospitalized. Good news, I'm not going deaf! Bad news, I'm anemic. I have a low blood count and I was held prisoner in the hospital for 2 days. I was even confined to bed rest. The only thing that was entertaining was that I drove all the nurses crazy with my jokes! My blood count is supposed to be between the numbers 12-15. Mine was at 5.9. It's up to like 10.8, but I have a ways to go before it goes back up. But I'm a fighter. Ganbatte mas!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2165 on: November 03 2005, 12:06 pm »
Heh yea! Some girls just talk about guys all the time, and it really gets on my nerves!
I wouldn't mind if they talk about them once in a while, but when it gets repetitive I just snap. :sweatdrop:

Same here. But some girls replied this to me when I asked them is that what you only talk about in your group: Don't you talk about  that in a group of girls?
Seriously, I don't remembered that most of my conversions with my sisters in girl shool talking about it. It is ok to talk about once in a blue moon BUT not to everyone you just met asking them Do you have girl/boy friend? crush? what type of girl/boy you like?

To them it is just common gossiping and joking just for fun. Sorry I take that seriously.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2166 on: November 03 2005, 08:42 pm »
I find a repetitive conversion about boys very tiring. Especially if a girl only talks about how cute that guy is, how much she hates that girl for flirting with him...etc...

Usually I try to avoid entering conversation like those. I only end up looking like one of these:  :dodge:  :sweatdrop:  :snore:  -_-

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2167 on: November 03 2005, 08:53 pm »
Gah....I know what you mean. If she isn't squealing his name all day long, she's boring me with how his hairstyle was so cute, and his adorable eyes, and how even though he's a waiter in Blackpool they exchanged numbers and may get serious.

My response =  :boxing: or :violent1:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2168 on: November 04 2005, 06:10 am »
That seems to be the only thing my "Friends" talk about these days.
It gets old real fast.
Like my friends Fiona and Shelly. They're obsessed with this guy in our school and they talk about him 24/7.
This is actually the conversation they had one time.
F: Oh my god! Did you see his shirt today? The one that says "Thursday" on the front?
S: Oh my god, yes! What happened to the hole on the back of it?
F: I think he stitched it up! It looks so cute! He's pretty good at it!
S: Oh my god, I know!

Me: [gag]

I mean sure, I talk about the guy I like from time to time but I don't go blabbing about how he stitched a hole in his shirt.
Seriously. I would rather play in oncoming traffic than hear this crap.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2169 on: November 04 2005, 07:34 am »
Well, that IS what most girls talk about, right? :tongue3:
lmao! haha yeahh!!
love guys ^_^..
unless..yeah >.>

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2170 on: November 04 2005, 09:49 am »
Is good to talk about guys sometime, but i hate the people who live just for guys, and when something happen they cried like it was the end of the world, !!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2171 on: November 04 2005, 11:03 am »
Yeah sometimes I'm like "Sheesh, he's not the only guy in the world, there's more uou know. The world doesn't go around him."

That's why sometimes I prefer to hang out with people who talk about...well...more sensible things....thank goodness my best friend isn't like that.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2172 on: November 04 2005, 11:19 am »
I can't stand girls like that either. I like my crush, but it's not like I'll die if he doesn't go out with me. I have a life apart from him.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2173 on: November 04 2005, 12:15 pm »
Yeah, my guy friend told me he...er...doesn't like those kind of girls. We were talking about this girl who obviously really likes him (grabbing his arm, always following him, etc.) and he said it was frustrating. Especially since he gets this feeling that the girl's trying to own him like glaring at every girl that talks to him jokes with him...etc. Heck she even gave me a death glare when I asked help with math homework! :sweatdrop:

And when he's not around you should hear her talk! Geez, it's annoying.

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99% of the female population all think that Syaoran is the hottest bishie ever in both TRC & CCS. 1% is me! XD If you're one of the 1% who isn't so possesive over Syaoran, and wants him to be with Sakura only, copy and paste this into your sig.


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2174 on: November 04 2005, 12:44 pm »
Yeah, my guy friend told me he...er...doesn't like those kind of girls. We were talking about this girl who obviously really likes him (grabbing his arm, always following him, etc.) and he said it was frustrating. Especially since he gets this feeling that the girl's trying to own him like glaring at every girl that talks to him jokes with him...etc. Heck she even gave me a death glare when I asked help with math homework! :sweatdrop:

And when he's not around you should hear her talk! Geez, it's annoying.

She sounds like Meiling-chan! That's scary! :shifty:  :sad5:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2175 on: November 04 2005, 12:50 pm »
I can't stand girls like that either. I like my crush, but it's not like I'll die if he doesn't go out with me. I have a life apart from him.

i totally agree with you!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2176 on: November 04 2005, 01:00 pm »
Haha, okay, I'm gonna sound like a total hypocrit by doing this but I just have to tell someone! And also, I wanted to explain my knee, so it's two in one!
Okay, so, here's a little conversation I just had with my crush on msn :tongue3: Somebody shoot me now. Seriously.

Me: I must be the most klutziest person in the world. Expect to see me at school tomorow in crutches  
Josh: whaaat??
Me: haha, well, my knee had been bugging me for awhile but I thought I had just pulled a muscle or something. But this morning my knee was completely swollen and I couldn't walk! Turns out, there's fluid built up around the knee cap. Much fun  
Josh: i've had that. hmm. i'll bring you a present to make you feel better, yah?
Me: Haha, if you want  [Although inside I'm screaming "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"]
Josh: it will help you with your klutziness  :tongue3:
Me: And it would be ...?    :tongue3:
Josh:  :wink:

Excuse me while I squirm with joy! Hmm, I wonder what it is...?
Oh god, I'm such a girl. [gags]
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2177 on: November 04 2005, 01:51 pm »
Honestly, Endoh-chan, there is nothing wrong with getting excited very once and a while! I'd be thrilled if the guy I use to like gave me a present. He never did, of course. -__-; I'm really obvious about my feelings toward someone and that probably pushed him away..and well, I was only a friend to him. It's OK  to be excited as long as you don't overdo it ( and you really don't seem the type to anyway. )
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2178 on: November 04 2005, 02:10 pm »
i totally agree with you!

Arigatou gozaimashita bLuetopaz-sama!

Haha, okay, I'm gonna sound like a total hypocrit by doing this but I just have to tell someone! And also, I wanted to explain my knee, so it's two in one!
Okay, so, here's a little conversation I just had with my crush on msn :tongue3: Somebody shoot me now. Seriously.

Me: I must be the most klutziest person in the world. Expect to see me at school tomorow in crutches 
Josh: whaaat??
Me: haha, well, my knee had been bugging me for awhile but I thought I had just pulled a muscle or something. But this morning my knee was completely swollen and I couldn't walk! Turns out, there's fluid built up around the knee cap. Much fun   
Josh: i've had that. hmm. i'll bring you a present to make you feel better, yah?
Me: Haha, if you want  [Although inside I'm screaming "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"]
Josh: it will help you with your klutziness  :tongue3:
Me: And it would be ...?    :tongue3:
Josh:  :wink:

Excuse me while I squirm with joy! Hmm, I wonder what it is...?
Oh god, I'm such a girl. [gags]

Ah, omedato gozaimas Endoh-chan! I'd be jumping for joy if my crush did that! Sugoi! And it's ok if you get excited once in a while! It's a girls' job! Just don't go over board!

Also, changing the topic a little bit, I have gone to college for 4 years now, and I never missed a day, until I was admitted in the hospital. Because of this, some of the students in my class asked where I was and I told them I was admitted because I'm anemic. My doctor told me that I'm anemic because I don't eat enough, I donate blood to the Red Cross, my life is too stressful, and I'm a woman which means I get periods. Hence, the loss of blood.

Well, one of the guys in my English class (not my crush) asked me where all of my blood went. I said, "I'm a woman. You figure it out." After I said that he said, "Oh, never mind then." Everybody at my table and the table behind me cracked up laughing!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2179 on: November 04 2005, 02:29 pm »
Thanks Genki-chan and Moezy-chan! I'm glad you don't think I've turned into ....[pause for dramatic effect]....THEM!
Anemic? Hey! My cat Cinnaman is anemic! She can't keep anything down, so she never gets the nutrients.
Haha, that's hillarious Moezy-chan! I wish I could have been there to see the look on the guy's face! My mom is giving me a weird look because I keep laughing out loud over it.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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