
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544953 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2220 on: November 08 2005, 03:02 am »
Even though my mom might be overprotective, when I say that I want to be alone, she always respected that. Even when I was a teenager. If I was really mad, I would grab my bike and ride it for 2 hours. When I finally came back home she'd ask me where I was and I would say around the neighborhood, and she wouldn't question further. I need my alone time.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2221 on: November 08 2005, 04:28 am »
It's so easy just to shut myself in my room......I don't really interact that much with my parents anymore! She does worry if I'm not home on time though, and once even went out to find me when I was a bit late.......so although she's kinda overprottective, it's nice to know she cares that much.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2222 on: November 08 2005, 11:56 am »
I hardly spend time with my parents and when I go my mom never ask any questions about what I do in my room all the time or how school is. I know she cares about me and I'm glad she lets me be to myself.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2223 on: November 08 2005, 12:02 pm »
I get my share of privacy in my house..Although sometimes my parents come and bug me when I just want to be alone  :sweatdrop: Once in a while I don't mind because it lets me know that they care, so I'm okay with it.
I seem to interact with my mom more than my dad though for some reason. I would think probably because my dad goes out a lot and I spend more time with my mom. TToTT

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2224 on: November 09 2005, 11:26 pm »
well hi  u guys!! this seems like a real popular post place thing 112 pages. but don't worry I am  a girl!!!  i get along quite well with my mum and my parents always encourage me 2 be myself and will u believe it never gone out with  a guy heehee. well never actually found someone i really like. Oh, i wis h sasuke or syaoran were real. u guys BEWARE sasuke is mine!!!

I don't know where to start [flustered] :shifty:

Uhh....cramps sure **** don't they? :sweatdrop:
yeah about what miharo-chan was saying...urm..weird..but anyway i never get them, me and my friend that is. we are the envy of everyone else =)
Oh...what would life be without anime?
oh...i'm craving chocalate as i always do
oh, what if syaoran, Sasuke and ichigo were real?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2225 on: November 10 2005, 08:07 am »
My parents have been divorced since I was three. My Dad never bothers me, even when I'm at his house. My Mother is a different story. I can't even leave the room without her asking what I'm doing and why don't  I want to spend time with her. I love her, but it does get annoying.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2226 on: November 10 2005, 08:08 am »
My parents have been divorced since I was three. My Dad never bothers me, even when I'm at his house. My Mother is a different story. I can't even leave the room without her asking what I'm doing and why don't I want to spend time with her. I love her, but it does get annoying.
my parents almost divorced...
it doesnt feel good! leaves scars...

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2227 on: November 10 2005, 11:59 am »
i wish my parets gets divorce, they are always fighting

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2228 on: November 10 2005, 12:08 pm »
i wish my parets gets divorce, they are always fighting

Do you know why they are fighting?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2229 on: November 10 2005, 12:55 pm »
They fight almost for everything ^_^U, well im kind of used to it.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2230 on: November 10 2005, 01:24 pm »
I kinda wish my parents would get a divorce. My dad just makes my mom miserable.
He's always so freaking depressed and he's not satisfied until he brings everyone down with him.  I mean just today he came home from work and he was like, "We live in a smaller house now, you think you'd keep the damn place cleaner!"
And she had spent the entire day cleaning. Smooth, father.
Pssh, I haven't even considered him a father these days. He does nothing for us besides doing what he absolutely has to do, work. I can't even remember that last time he actually sat down and talked to me without it being something like, "Do this or get out."
AhH! My mom keeps coming in every 10 minutes going, "Done your homework yet?"
I kinda screamed at her the last time she came in, haha. I was just like, "Ask me about my homework again and I'll throw myself out the window!" Of course she knew I was kidding, but I don't think she's coming back in, haha.
I'm so moody these days.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2231 on: November 10 2005, 02:16 pm »
They fight almost for everything ^_^U, well im kind of used to it.

It must be hard. For once, I have no advice to give for the simple reason that my parents have always gotten along with each other. I wish I could help. I feel bad now.

My dad just makes my mom miserable.
He's always so freaking depressed and he's not satisfied until he brings everyone down with him. I mean just today he came home from work and he was like, "We live in a smaller house now, you think you'd keep the damn place cleaner!"

And she had spent the entire day cleaning. Smooth, father.
Pssh, I haven't even considered him a father these days. He does nothing for us besides doing what he absolutely has to do, work. I can't even remember that last time he actually sat down and talked to me without it being something like, "Do this or get out."

I get mad at my father too. I can't stand him. He always complains that it's my sister's and my fault that he's always so grumpy. He complains at everything. He says that he's always so tired and he does so much work, and the only work he does is drive! I don't have a licence yet, and my sisters' only have their permit, so we rely on our father to drive us to work, and me to work and college.

Now this is going to sound stupid. He will say that we always make him tired and we expect him to drive us everywhere. He is constantly yelling at my sisters that he has to drive them to work, and they're going to kill him one of these days with all the driving he does. Now this is the stupid part. My sisters' both have their permit, and can drive, but with a licenced driver. They will ask if my dad will take them out to practice, but he says no because they are terrible drivers and will never learn to drive.

Now if he goes out and helps them to drive so they can get their licence, won't he no longer be driving them everywhere?! He complains that he has to drive them everywhere, and yet he won't help them get their licence, because if they get their licence, he won't have to drive them anymore! I can't stand him!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2232 on: November 10 2005, 03:28 pm »
I kinda wish my parents would get a divorce. My dad just makes my mom miserable.
He's always so freaking depressed and he's not satisfied until he brings everyone down with him. I mean just today he came home from work and he was like, "We live in a smaller house now, you think you'd keep the damn place cleaner!"
And she had spent the entire day cleaning. Smooth, father.

Lol, u don't know how much i understand u. I hate the way my dad makes cry my mom, and that makes me feel so much anger, my mother suffered a lot when my brother died, i feel so bad because i think it was kind of my fault too, she cried every night for 6 moths, i couldn't sleep! And then my dad just make her more deppresed and that makes me really angry!!! and i don't know what to think really.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2233 on: November 11 2005, 08:23 am »
I feel like crying right now. Everything is going wrong since I got out of the hospital. I'm constantly tired, I get more stomachaches than I ever had in my life, my studies are falling behind, and I think that my crush doesn't like me anymore. I saw him and he passed by me like I wasn't even there.  :cry:

I can't stand the fact that I'm anemic. People are constantly telling me what to do, they treat me like I'm an invalid, and my mom is constantly yelling at me. And to top it off, I have college, my club, and my 2 jobs. My life is so busy, and hectic that it's unbelievable. I don't know if I can continue like this.  :cry:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2234 on: November 11 2005, 08:26 am »
Maybe  you need a vacation?

*just a thought*
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2235 on: November 11 2005, 08:29 am »
Maybe  you need a vacation?

*just a thought*

Do you mean leaving here?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2236 on: November 11 2005, 08:30 am »
Well yes, but no just here

A vacation from everything that is going on in your life.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2237 on: November 11 2005, 08:32 am »
Well yes, but no just here

A vacation from everything that is going on in your life.

What do you mean? I'm confused.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2238 on: November 11 2005, 08:34 am »
ok, I mean take a holiday away from everything

Enjoy your self away from your normal everyday life.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2239 on: November 11 2005, 08:43 am »
ok, I mean take a holiday away from everything

Enjoy your self away from your normal everyday life.

I won't get my vacation until I finish college, and that's not for another 5 weeks. I can't just stop going. It's hard, but I really want to become a teacher. I've never wanted something more in my entire life. And I tend to be a creature of habit. If I were to suddenly change my schedule, it would completely throw me off.

Just think, I spent 2 days being confined to bed rest in the hospital, and the entire time I was worrying about how I was supposed to do my homework, and I couldn't do it in the hospital because the majority of my work has to be done on the computer. What I'm upset about is how my life has been thrown upside-down because I was in the hospital. I didn't even want to go. They said I wasn't allowed to leave.

And I really like this place because of all the wonderful people here. I'm not the only one to give advice. Everybody here helps me as well. It's like a big wonderful family stretched all across the globe and I couldn't imagine not coming here. I tried to leave, but I couldn't. I love everybody here too much.