I'm back on! At least for now... ^^;.
I can't thank everyone enough for giving me supporting replies to me leaving for my studies. I've given every single one of you cookies (or at least I soon will ^^)
Endoh: I'm glad your crush isn't mad you hit him! I have bad luck with sports, too. I was serving a volleyball (we had to practice) and I hit the back (or side) or my friend's head! I felt horrible, she was practically crying even though she was smiling, saying she was alright! It was horrible! But she seemed her cheerful self the next period, and I apologized about 100 times (or so she says), so I think everything's alright.
Oh yeah! Maybe something good will come out of hitting him, Endoh! I dunno. I just reffered to Legally Blonde, when the lady hits her crush in the nose with her own head, and she ends up marrying (but going out before, of course) the guy!

moezy-chan: I promise I'll study hard! I'm so sorry that you had to quit your 2nd job, but everything will be alright! I'm sure of it! I'm worried that your anemia is getting worse! I hope you'll feel better! It worries me an awful lot! But on the other hand, yay! You'll be on here more! Sadly I won't be on while you'll be online more! I hope I'll be online more soon! (Well maybe I'll be on this weekend... it IS the weekend...
