I need, HELP.. >.<<"
For all my life, which has only been 13 years..i guess i liked 3 major guys..one was a long time ago..when i was a kid (I'll refer to him as CAKE )
that's just little littttlee baby love, in grade 3, then i moved..in grade 4 to a different school..and in grade 7 i liked this guy..(TIMBITT) ..but it felt different.. and in grade 7/8 i liked this other guy (BBQ, yes its strange i like guys names who have stuff to do with food
) and this time it felt real, felt like we really were gonna be..but then..stuff went wrong and i guess...i never got over him really..timbit..i dont know..he's been hanging around - which he usually doesnt do..so i think i like him ..again..=\ and and..CAKE, lately, ive gotten back into contact with him and..
:: hai..
love is complicated..and weird.
Yes, it's very complicated. I'm going to have to read yours over a few times to understand, haha.
So basically, BBQ is sorta out of the picture, and you're confused over TIMBITT and CAKE.
CAKE could have changed over the years, so you might think differently of him. And I don't know about TIMBITT, he sounds like he might be interested in you, if he's all of a sudden hanging out with you. I don't know, I'm not the best with this advice thing, haha.
I found out myself that my crush has an unofficial fan club. I was talking to a friend in Math and I mentioned him and she was like, "AHH! Another one?!"
Apparently ALOT of girls like him. AHH! No fair!