
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 545583 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2560 on: December 08 2005, 07:45 am »
don't know, maybe because she could kill me, and she doesn't even post in this thread

Why would she do that?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2561 on: December 08 2005, 08:00 am »
because ... ¨sigh* .. she is embarased of me i think.  i don't could anybody ask her why she is embarased of me? :(
well anyway... she is my little sis ... have to deal with her whims.

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2562 on: December 08 2005, 08:08 am »
because ... ¨sigh* .. she is embarased of me i think.  i don't could anybody ask her why she is embarased of me? :(
well anyway... she is my little sis ... have to deal with her whims.

I can understand where she's coming from. I'm the youngest in my family, and I really wouldn't like it if my sisters posted on here as well. It's a privacy thing and it's never meant to be personal. It's hard for me to explain.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2563 on: December 08 2005, 08:16 am »
Sorry moezy chan, i'm the oldest of my family cute_me is the second.  Maybe thats why she didn't want, as in the other forums she is i try to check and the register, in some cases just to check if the sites are propers for her age. like arrianfantasy or whatever is the name, she is there and OMG to much YAOI fot my eyes, and i check what she is posting and if she is doing bad things.
Anyway is hard that we post in the same threads, if anyone have notice that.. now u know.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2564 on: December 08 2005, 09:58 am »
I need, HELP.. >.<<"

For all my life, which has only been 13 years..i guess i liked 3 major guys..one was a long time ago..when i was a kid (I'll refer to him as CAKE ) -_- that's just little littttlee baby love, in grade 3, then i moved..in grade 4 to a different school..and in grade 7 i liked this guy..(TIMBITT) ..but it felt different.. and in grade 7/8 i liked this other guy (BBQ, yes its strange i like guys names who have stuff to do with food -_-) and this time it felt real, felt like we really were gonna be..but then..stuff went wrong and i guess...i never got over him really..timbit..i dont know..he's been hanging around  - which he usually doesnt do..so i think i like him ..again..=\ and and..CAKE, lately, ive gotten back into contact with him and..-_-:: hai..

love is complicated..and weird.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2565 on: December 08 2005, 10:02 am »
I am the only girl in my family, besides my mother. And I highly doubt my brothers would ever join this forum. Or my friends, for that matter. 
So privacy is no problem for me!

It's very difficult typing with your head nearly turned upside down, haha. My mom just put ear drops in and I have to keep my head tilted for a bit, haha.
Stupid unhealthy me!
Rest in peace my furry friend.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2566 on: December 08 2005, 10:10 am »
My cutest little sis pretty I could never be embarased of you *givin' a very big hug*

I dunno why your sister can be like that but I want you to remember you are a great girl, no matter what, being a cute person like you, I'll be proud (and I'm proud to have you as my foren little sister but I adopt you as my really lil sis, agree?? :D)

kisses for you!! :hello2: :wink:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2567 on: December 08 2005, 10:23 am »
I need, HELP.. >.<<"

For all my life, which has only been 13 years..i guess i liked 3 major guys..one was a long time ago..when i was a kid (I'll refer to him as CAKE ) -_- that's just little littttlee baby love, in grade 3, then i moved..in grade 4 to a different school..and in grade 7 i liked this guy..(TIMBITT) ..but it felt different.. and in grade 7/8 i liked this other guy (BBQ, yes its strange i like guys names who have stuff to do with food -_-) and this time it felt real, felt like we really were gonna be..but then..stuff went wrong and i guess...i never got over him really..timbit..i dont know..he's been hanging around - which he usually doesnt do..so i think i like him ..again..=\ and and..CAKE, lately, ive gotten back into contact with him and..-_-:: hai..

love is complicated..and weird.

Yes, it's very complicated. I'm going to have to read yours over a few times to understand, haha.
So basically, BBQ is sorta out of the picture, and you're confused over TIMBITT and CAKE.
CAKE could have changed over the years, so you might think differently of him. And I don't know about TIMBITT, he sounds like he might be interested in you, if he's all of a sudden hanging out with you. I don't know, I'm not the best with this advice thing, haha.

I found out myself that my crush has an unofficial fan club. I was talking to a friend in Math and I mentioned him and she was like, "AHH! Another one?!"
Apparently ALOT of girls like him. AHH! No fair!
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2568 on: December 08 2005, 10:55 am »
LOL! haha then, you have good taste in guys ^_^ haha
fan club LMAO too little people in my school for that!

eh, i get jealous around BBQ for some..werid reason =\
*eeekk* taht must make me bad!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2569 on: December 08 2005, 11:04 am »
I'm the youngest in my family, and I really wouldn't like it if my sisters posted on here as well. It's a privacy thing and it's never meant to be personal. It's hard for me to explain.
Well my sister is here and I don't really mind anyway :confused:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2570 on: December 08 2005, 12:47 pm »
My cutest little sis pretty I could never be embarased of you *givin' a very big hug*

I dunno why your sister can be like that but I want you to remember you are a great girl, no matter what, being a cute person like you, I'll be proud (and I'm proud to have you as my foren little sister but I adopt you as my really lil sis, agree?? :D)

kisses for you!! :hello2: :wink:

Arigato big sis! you made my day .. mean night!!! anyway u make me feel better! *kisses and hugs to my lovely big sis*

I need, HELP.. >.<<"

For all my life, which has only been 13 years..i guess i liked 3 major guys..one was a long time ago..when i was a kid (I'll refer to him as CAKE ) -_- that's just little littttlee baby love, in grade 3, then i moved..in grade 4 to a different school..and in grade 7 i liked this guy..(TIMBITT) ..but it felt different.. and in grade 7/8 i liked this other guy (BBQ, yes its strange i like guys names who have stuff to do with food -_-) and this time it felt real, felt like we really were gonna be..but then..stuff went wrong and i guess...i never got over him really..timbit..i dont know..he's been hanging around - which he usually doesnt do..so i think i like him ..again..=\ and and..CAKE, lately, ive gotten back into contact with him and..-_-:: hai..

love is complicated..and weird.

And OMG my little sis is growing up :surprised: ¨feeling proud*
I know this sounds strange but its really kawaii that u like a boy :inlove: ... now we can talk about boyz!!!!.. errr .. better not.. they are ... kinna boring.. and i don't know how to give good advices.
And u can't sure about nothing with boys, when u think u catch them they scape when u turn arounf of the net!
And talk with Cake! frienship is the most important step of any relationship... don't know maybe there is something more.. if not.. at least u have another friend! .. i'm not good giving advices  :dodge:

It does make sense though... cute_me and pretty! What a lovely family! :happy4:

never though that... we didnt mean it.... and i'm really glad my sis doesn't even check this tread.. because i already admited that i smoke!!! .. err .... and other many things that i said here that she doesn't know..OMG i never thought that.  Well anyway, i feel confortable talking here about anything!
« Last Edit: December 08 2005, 12:57 pm by pretty »

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2571 on: December 08 2005, 12:56 pm »
I need, HELP.. >.<<"

For all my life, which has only been 13 years..i guess i liked 3 major guys..one was a long time ago..when i was a kid (I'll refer to him as CAKE ) -_- that's just little littttlee baby love, in grade 3, then i moved..in grade 4 to a different school..and in grade 7 i liked this guy..(TIMBITT) ..but it felt different.. and in grade 7/8 i liked this other guy (BBQ, yes its strange i like guys names who have stuff to do with food -_-) and this time it felt real, felt like we really were gonna be..but then..stuff went wrong and i guess...i never got over him really..timbit..i dont know..he's been hanging around  - which he usually doesnt do..so i think i like him ..again..=\ and and..CAKE, lately, ive gotten back into contact with him and..-_-:: hai..

love is complicated..and weird.

Unfortunately, this is one thing that I can't give good advice in because I don't have your heart. The only thing I can tell you is, follow your heart. Think about how you feel and see who you care more for and want to spend time with. Don't pick a guy just because he likes you. If you don't like him it'll make you feel confused and you'll be using him.

If you're meant to be with somebody, give it up to fate and everything will work out. Just remember, don't look for the right guy because you'll never find him. If anything he'll be the last person you'll expect. And as always, remember my sig: Zettai daijoubu daioh! (Everything will definately be alright!)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2572 on: December 08 2005, 01:00 pm »
Moezy chan is right! don't follow my advice!
i'm a bad big sis :cry:
picking a guy just because he likes you is bad, you better like him too. and know him better before anything else.
« Last Edit: December 08 2005, 01:03 pm by SLi »

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2573 on: December 08 2005, 01:15 pm »
i'm a bad big sis :cry:

What do you mean by that?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2574 on: December 08 2005, 01:44 pm »
well the big sis is supposed to give advice to the little one right? and take her to the right path.
and babypigggie is my forum little sister. and i sock giving advices. thats what i mean. ^_^U

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2575 on: December 08 2005, 02:01 pm »
well the big sis is supposed to give advice to the little one right? and take her to the right path.
and babypigggie is my forum little sister. and i sock giving advices. thats what i mean. ^_^U

Not necessarily true. I'm the youngest in my family, and I've always been the advice giver. Even on here I give advice to everybody who wants it. Even if somebody isn't in my forum family, I still like to think that they are part of my family and I try to help them in whatever way possible.

As for giving advice, it's not something you can make yourself do, it's just a part of who you are. My advice giving is just a natural part of me. It makes me unique, and I'm sure there's a unique trait about yourself that seperates you from everybody else!


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2576 on: December 08 2005, 04:59 pm »
*sneaks in* U-u-m i haven't post here before i'm feeling a bit strange for not have ^^;
I feel so ashamed of talking of this. >-<  In my class everyone else has bigger breasts
than me.. it feels like they are looking down at me because of that. I know that i only can the person i am. But it's kind of annoying to see that they are acting on that way. Only because of that reason. T_T

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2577 on: December 08 2005, 05:04 pm »
*sneaks in* U-u-m i haven't post here before i'm feeling a bit strange for not have ^^;
I feel so ashamed of talking of this. >-<  In my class everyone else has bigger breasts
than me.. it feels like they are looking down at me because of that. I know that i only can the person i am. But it's kind of annoying to see that they are acting on that way. Only because of that reason. T_T
Think of it this way. I know IRL so i know how you act. You are more mature in the way you are being you. And the way you talk. If they haven't seen it than they need glasses.
Just don't care about those people. Be with those who are treating you for you. Cheer up! *hug*


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2578 on: December 08 2005, 05:30 pm »
Think of it this way. I know IRL so i know how you act. You are more mature in the way you are being you. And the way you talk. If they haven't seen it than they need glasses.
Just don't care about those people. Be with those who are treating you for you. Cheer up! *hug*
You think that? Thanks Issa-Chan ^-^.
Maybe i should, but they are staring soo much >_<. What's their problem?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2579 on: December 08 2005, 09:00 pm »
Let them stare! Throw back your hair and stare right back! :D

NO! Don't follow that! LOLZ, I suck at advice giving.

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