I loved it! Cookie for you!
My god, this has been the FUNNEST week of my life!
Except Tuesday, I have been hanging out with Josh everyday! It's crazy!
We played Twister yesterday, haha. Gosh that was embarassing! I'll show the pictures in the Picture Thread when I get them

I hung out with him twice today! Shannon and I ran into him in town and we just ran around jumping throuh puddles, haha! We also went through Capital Iron freaking out whenever we saw something green (haha, don't ask.)
Then we were at a Christmas party tonight! We kept stealing eachothers hats and coats. He then "decorated" me in garland. I'm still wearing it, haha!
Gosh, I have so much fun with him and I'm never sad around him. He always just perks me right up, it's amazing!
But, whenever he's gone, I get so low, it's unbelieveable. I can't stop thinking about him, and all these negative thoughts push through like, "He doesn't like you." and , "Oh, you're just wasting your time." And it's driving me nuts!
What the hell is going on!? I'm so confused, hurt, and happy all at once and it makes no sense!
Am I going crazy?
Sorry for the long post. I just had to get that off my chest.