Wow, I didn't know I was missed that much!
I'm back now, sorta.
Like Moezy-chan said, I have the flu and l had Laryngitis (so I lost my voice not my ...err..throat, haha.)
I first got sick right in front of you-know-who. That was embarassing.
It was near the end of church and we were all standing up at the front praying for the youth pastor that was resigning. When all of a sudden I lost all hearing and I got tunnel-vision, and I was thinking, "Holy crap. I'm going to faint!" But that changed when my stomach started lurching, haha. I'm hunched over with my hand over my mouth and Josh looks at me and asks what's wrong and I turn to him and say simply, "I'm gonna be sick." and I book it to the bathroom at the back of the church. He stayed with me after that until my mom came to pick me up. Such a sweetheart.
The worst part is over now I just have a really bad cold, haha. I'm as pale as ever now. Blah.
Hmm...Josh stuff. WELL! The other week there was a small fire at our school (someone had put popcorn in the microwave for 40 minutes. Smartasses.) so we all had to evacuate. Well, it was pouring real bad outside and I didn't have my jacket. Anyways, I ran into Josh and he starts taunting me with his sweatshirt so I just grabbed his arm and used him as my rainshield, haha. He was very warm

Well, there is an upside to being sick. Your crush brings you flowers and a card!
Well, he didn't. My friends Shannon and Jessica came over and gave them to me. But his signature was the biggest! (It took up the whole back of the card, actually, haha!)
I'd mention a bunch of other stuff that's been going on . .. but my eyes can't even focus with the screen anymore, haha. That's what happens when you take a week break from the computer, haha.
But I'm glad to be back, people!