
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544809 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3120 on: February 08 2006, 12:37 pm »
purple.. its not a big deal
a  "friend" wanted to try with a different color, but trust be, green was not the corrent choice

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3121 on: February 08 2006, 03:31 pm »
Purple is pretty cool color! I have a friend who had her whole head dyed black, then she added lighter purple streaks ^___^

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3122 on: February 08 2006, 04:19 pm »
purple.. its not a big deal
a "friend" wanted to try with a different color, but trust be, green was not the corrent choice

LOL! Very few people can pull off green hair!! I think out of all the crazy colors, purple is the easiest to pull off, then bright red, then blue, then green!

Pink and orange hair are kinda in the middle, too... XD
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3123 on: February 08 2006, 04:25 pm »
LOL! Very few people can pull off green hair!! I think out of all the crazy colors, purple is the easiest to pull off, then bright red, then blue, then green!

Pink and orange hair are kinda in the middle, too... XD

I never dye my hair anything "out there"
My natural colour is a medium brown with natural blonde highlights . . . it darkens during the winter, though.
I've been blonde (biggest mistake. Doesn't suit me and I had the most hideous roots for the longest time, haha), a redhead (Not bright red, but more of an auburn), a Dark brown, a light brown, and now black with blue tint.
I'd say right now my blue is the most "out there" I've done. I've gotta redo it though. I'm noticing more and more patches of brown where the dye missed. It looks really bad, haha. And hopefully the blue with show up a bit more stronger this time.
Yeah, I don't take many chances with my hair, haha!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3124 on: February 09 2006, 06:34 am »
I got pink highlights once. I loved it. It was very cool. I think pink is one of the easiest colours to pull off, not only because it looks good on more people, but because when it fades it just turns lighter pink or strawberry blonde, whereas green or blue can end up turning kind of moldy colours, which never looks good.

I love purple, though. It's so cool. And pink. One day I want to dye my whole head of hair pink. Pink is rockin'.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3125 on: February 09 2006, 10:41 am »
I got pink highlights once. I loved it. It was very cool. I think pink is one of the easiest colours to pull off, not only because it looks good on more people, but because when it fades it just turns lighter pink or strawberry blonde, whereas green or blue can end up turning kind of moldy colours, which never looks good.
I love purple, though. It's so cool. And pink. One day I want to dye my whole head of hair pink. Pink is rockin'.

I would love to do that, too.

I hate my school right now, though. It seems if you dye your hair you're considered a poser. Lame. When I came into my Socials class with my blue(ish) hair, these two preppy girls that sit infront of me kept turning around in their seats and giving me that "Yeah right" look.
I took that time to point out that their thongs were hanging out of their jeans. Skanks.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3126 on: February 09 2006, 10:45 am »
I took that time to point out that their thongs were hanging out of their jeans. Skanks.

i hate that kind of girls.. the type "look! i'm wearing thongs to feel sexy" type T_T
and geez dont mind they, they are the "i dont have a life and i dont have anything else to do so im teasing you cuz i want your life" type

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3127 on: February 09 2006, 10:49 am »
i hate that kind of girls.. the type "look! i'm wearing thongs to feel sexy" type T_T
and geez dont mind they, they are the "i dont have a life and i dont have anything else to do so im teasing you cuz i want your life" type

haha, I'm well aware. They used to torture me in the 7th grade. I would actually have panic attacks and skip school just to avoid them. It was pretty bad.
Now I just look at them and laugh at their existance. And gag because their skirts could not be any shorter and boots could not be any higher.
It's the middle of freaking WINTER! How can they wear that crap!?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3128 on: February 09 2006, 11:22 am »
Lol...I agree Minharu Endoh i don't like them there rude....i was walking home from skewl with a friend and they threw pizza at her....i'm not that kind of person that lets that happen i mean who is...so i went up to the girl and punched her in the face...she got a bloody nose...maybe that was mean...but i don't like when people treat my friends like that....They keep on telling me to join there "group" Pft i am not gunna go sluty....i don't like them -_-
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3129 on: February 09 2006, 12:43 pm »
haha, I'm well aware. They used to torture me in the 7th grade. I would actually have panic attacks and skip school just to avoid them. It was pretty bad.
Now I just look at them and laugh at their existance. And gag because their skirts could not be any shorter and boots could not be any higher.
It's the middle of freaking WINTER! How can they wear that crap!?

jeje i enjoy when someone is doing me that,, really, and there is a girl that hate me that much, and she really has no life, and keep lying that the girl with her is her little sister, but i know the true, is her daughter!!! .. mini skirts shorter and boots?  well they must be horns. ^^
well bad you had pannic attack in 7th grade but great now you get over yay! dont let anyone makes you feel bad, this is to all you girls, those people are crap, they dont have anything else to do.. geez just ignore them, or enjoy looking how they find a way to hurt you and all turned agaist of them ^^

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3130 on: February 09 2006, 12:46 pm »
Lol...I agree Minharu Endoh i don't like them there rude....i was walking home from skewl with a friend and they threw pizza at her....i'm not that kind of person that lets that happen i mean who is...so i went up to the girl and punched her in the face...she got a bloody nose...maybe that was mean...but i don't like when people treat my friends like that....They keep on telling me to join there "group" Pft i am not gunna go sluty....i don't like them -_-

I remember one girl bit me in PE during our wrestling unit. I freaked out and smashed her face into the mat, haha. She ran out of the room with a bloody nose.
I'm so mean, but she deserved it.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3131 on: February 10 2006, 11:45 am »
I remember one girl bit me in PE during our wrestling unit. I freaked out and smashed her face into the mat, haha. She ran out of the room with a bloody nose.
I'm so mean, but she deserved it.

She surely did!! That kind of people make me sick. But I am more of a *backfire the comment* type of person. They

tell me something stupid about me, I answer back and they get stunned. Yeah, they have no brain, and it takes

them 5 hours to understand what I said.  :dodge:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3132 on: February 10 2006, 11:52 am »
Good news minna, for those who don't bother to read the arrival/departure thread  -_-, I'm back full time when I'm not studying for tests! So what's been going on in here? I didn't bother reading many of the posts.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3133 on: February 10 2006, 11:56 am »
We are talking about the always annoying and stupid girls that seem have no life and prefer to lose their time trying to

make your life miserable... although mostly they fail, since they don't have enough brains as to make a coherent sentence...  :tongue3:

Hmm... maybe I **** at making summeries  :confused:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3134 on: February 10 2006, 12:06 pm »
Welcome back moezy-chan!! And you aren't bad at making summaries Monse-chan! That pretty much summed up what the posts were about  :tongue3:

Those kinds of girls just annoy me so much! Some of them just don't give people "below" them the time of day.
My guy friend really liked this really pretty girl, but she was one of those popluar bimbo type girl who only goes out with "cool" guys and all that. So we were at the dance, and he asks her but she totally rejects him and laughs. God...I wanted to smack her right then and there!  :angry:

We don't have many in my school though besides a small cluster. The rest of the girls are nice =)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3135 on: February 10 2006, 12:22 pm »
smack her face...
but those kind of girls ... well i think even they lost the counts of how many boys have kissed... ewww.... to many differents bacterias XP

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3136 on: February 10 2006, 05:39 pm »
Oh man seriously those type of girls just bug me. I am seriously confounded on how they can live like that. It just blows my mind. Luckily I didn't run into many of those type cuz they didn't hang around me and I didn't hang around them. Pays to have all your time taken up by theater ;) but grr on those girls and way to go to all of you who stuck up for yourself!!!!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3137 on: February 10 2006, 07:42 pm »
Sheesh, whenever I meet girls like that I'm like:

"Get a  life!"

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3138 on: February 11 2006, 07:37 pm »
I'm surrounded by girls like that.
The downside to living in a small town.
I've learned to deal with them, and they know now not to screw with me.

Argh! A few people have been really peeving me off lately.
I've got one friend who is constantly complaining about every little thing and expects nothing but a huge load of sympathy from you (and if you don't give it to her she makes a big scene by running out of the room crying. Gag.)
I've got another friend who . . .well, I don't know what it is about her, but she's just annoying me greatly. Hard to explain but she's extremely demanding in a way. Blah.
And ANOTHER friend who is hurting me deeply, and she's too single-minded to realise it. This girl was the one who told me that you-know-who likes me. NOW she keeps going on and on about how we're never going to get together, and then she goes off and starts flirting with him. Then she turns to me and starts freaking out at me, "Oh please, I don't like him. And it'll never happen with you anyway!"
I find it odd though that all three of them all have a huge thing for Josh. Even if the "third one" won't admit it. So I tend to get a little jealous (and extremely annoyed) when they start throwing themselves at him. Gag.
I'm not going to start doing that to him . .. since I'm not borderline obsessive . .. I think.
I don't get why I put up with it.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3139 on: February 11 2006, 07:53 pm »
thats too bad... 
in my case hes a huge flirt and hes got the most amazing smile.
so basically my little group of friends are all in rows over him and if i try to break it up i turn into the main target!!!
that sucks, i mean come on its just a boy

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