
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544709 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3240 on: February 22 2006, 03:33 pm »
Sheesh Endoh-chan, those guys better shape up soon or goodness knows what'll happen to their education. When that happens to me, I just do the project myself (and maybe one or two who want to help) then I just list down the names of those who helped, and the rest get a pretty 0.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3241 on: February 22 2006, 04:25 pm »
i  like this guy...though i don't think he likes me very much...i liked him since 4th grade..and well when i say hey he ignores me...
(plus,because of that my friend make fun of me-_-+though we kinda play like that)
anyway, i understands that he is very quiet and he is good at gymnastics(my type: loves guy who's good at that)
i tried one time to ask him out but he was surrounded by his friends
also my friend is in his class she say weird things about him(but i don't get that mad...i know her playing like this)
and he is also always surrounded by girls...arrghhh..so complicated ..maybe i shouldn't like him???
well...for one thing, all of my friends don't like him..and im confused....
wow this is long sry guys but i have another problem...please help me!
im not doing good with school..like im getting missing or incomplete...im forgetting stuffs (like project or something)
and i almost got detention...and i have a bad grade in everything..can you guys tell me how to get organize and keeping things tight...or how to do good in school??
« Last Edit: February 22 2006, 04:48 pm by tsubasa_4ever »
by me.

Offline aishiteru

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3242 on: February 22 2006, 07:41 pm »
hello all girls on captured wings forums `=) how are you all? it's been awhile since i've been here.

i've been quite the busy girl lately and i'm just so stressed out and well, i have neglected you guys here for awhile so i came back to release some stress.

does anyone have any good tips as to what i should do to release some stress?
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3243 on: February 22 2006, 11:49 pm »
hello all girls on captured wings forums `=) how are you all? it's been awhile since i've been here.

i've been quite the busy girl lately and i'm just so stressed out and well, i have neglected you guys here for awhile so i came back to release some stress.

does anyone have any good tips as to what i should do to release some stress?

Aishiteru-chan! :glomps: Okaidi nasai! (Welcome back!) Good ideas to release stress; first off don't take on too much of a workload. If you find you can't do it, then don't. That's advice I should also do.  :sweatdrop: Also, don't be afraid to put the homework down for at least 15 minutes and go on the computer or watch television. It's not good to be busy all the time. And, most importantly, have fun! Go out with your friends. See a movie, or go for a nice long walk in the park, or even go shopping.

i  like this guy...though i don't think he likes me very much...i liked him since 4th grade..and well when i say hey he ignores me...
(plus,because of that my friend make fun of me-_-+though we kinda play like that)
anyway, i understands that he is very quiet and he is good at gymnastics(my type: loves guy who's good at that)
i tried one time to ask him out but he was surrounded by his friends
also my friend is in his class she say weird things about him(but i don't get that mad...i know her playing like this)
and he is also always surrounded by girls...arrghhh..so complicated ..maybe i shouldn't like him???
well...for one thing, all of my friends don't like him..and im confused....
wow this is long sry guys but i have another problem...please help me!
im not doing good with school..like im getting missing or incomplete...im forgetting stuffs (like project or something)
and i almost got detention...and i have a bad grade in everything..can you guys tell me how to get organize and keeping things tight...or how to do good in school??

Kinda rude, but first, don't write your posts in MSN style. Do full sentences, and capitalize the beginning of your sentences. It's in the forum rules.

Now that I said that, about the boy you like. He sounds alot like Syaoran to me. Quiet, athletic, and shy. You don't want to smother him, but show him that you respect him. If he ever wants to talk, let him. He'll probably like that. Secondly, if your friends don't like him, give up on them. They know that you like him, and they like you as a friend. If they don't like him, and they know this, they're not very good friends.

It is hard to like a person, but they can still act civil. It's not like they can't show manners. As for your homework, your stressed. You are focusing so much on this person that you can't concentrate. I also have trouble remembering my homework, and at a college level I can't afford to do that, so I carry a pocket calender with me. I write all my assignments and my meetings and the hours for my job in it. Once you get a calendar, you'll find that your life will be much easier.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3244 on: February 23 2006, 04:43 am »
aww thanks for the advice moezy-chan! it's always nice to be back here. keeping up with the forums when i'm so busy is kind of hard though but i'll do my best to keep up!
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3245 on: February 23 2006, 07:37 am »
Nice to see you again, aishiteru-chan! ^_^ It has been a while, I was being to wonder when you might come back. As moezy-chan said, don't over work yourself. Take brakes when you do your homework, and taking walks is always good. If you can't do that then open a window and let the breeze relax you.

Anyway, on myspace I got a message from the very person I've been trying to get over since forever. It really hasn't been that long, once I sit and think about it. I like him back in 2004. It's only been two years. For some reason my feelings are coming out as they did when I saw him. Bleh.. now I'm just rambling. -_-; I'm a hopeless case, I suppose.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3246 on: February 23 2006, 10:41 am »
ohh, that happens all the time. back when i was in middle school, i liked this guy that just so happened to be in my classes and i told him at the end of the school year. i ended up not seeing him the whole summer until the end and i found out he liked me, but i got over him over the summer. 2 years later, i started liking him again because i got to talk to him more often.

ahh, to have a crush. it's contagious.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3247 on: February 23 2006, 11:06 am »
Thanks fot the advice Guys!!! Well....theres good news and bad news...Good news...He doesn't hate me and we are still friends...bad news is we don't hang out anymore like we use to...he still ignores me....and i guess we are not best friends anymore....just normal you know?...i guess i'm happy at least he doesn't hate me...And i'm getting over him...I mean whats the point in likeing someone when they don't like you back right? SO yeah I'm good...once again thanks for helping me out guys hope i didn't bother you guys ^_^
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3248 on: February 23 2006, 11:11 am »
Glad you realized this Wolf-chan. It helps in the long run. Best thing to do now is to occupy yourself. Gladly, this forum helps! I always find little obsessions when I like a guy and I know they don't like me back. Anime always works for me. But in all honesty, do what works for you. Find something that you like, and focus on that for a while.

The pain will eventually lessen, but there will always be a small part that hurts. It's a good thing and a bad thing. You'll find out why later. That's something you have do realize on your own.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3249 on: February 23 2006, 11:56 am »
Erm sorry to change the subject, but honestly, I missed you guys so much. I know I keep saying that I've had so much work, but it's true. Plus, really major things happened recently:

1) 2 of my friends were caught cutting themselves. At school. The principal suspended them "in order to get help". The guidance counsellor had a talk with them, and now one of the two are being sent to a treatment center somewhere out west because their parents believe they need professional help.
I was shocked. About them cutting themselves. They thought it was actually fun, better than the "hell" they were living everyday. I've had someone I know hurt themselves deliberately before, and it's hard watching them make that decision (I don't actually watch them cut themself). I try to support them because ultimately it is their decision, but it's really hard to understand. Anyway, that day I went home and cried and my parents keep bugging me and asking me what's wrong but I didn't want to tell them.

Actually, school's been really hard for me lately. I hate procrastinating, yet I do it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like such a loser with my homeroom class. I'm always the "outgoing one" in class, so everyone is always shocked if I do something wrong by accident. Actually, they laugh at me and shake their head. I hate what caring about what other people think of me. But even though I don't want to, It's like I'm always trying to live up to other people's expectations. Hmph.

2) Crushes are hard. I logged onto the computer and realized I could never be with my crush. I got kinda depressed and slunk off to my room where I kind of yelled into my pillow and cried. My parents didn't hear, and my sisters were too preoccupied with their University review stuff to notice anything. If they did, I would have to face endless repeated questions and interrogations until I squeaked out an answer. What's even worse is that today I went home from school alone again because my best friend (since grade 2) ditched me for her boyfriend. She didn't even tell me. I go to her locker, and everyone tells me she left with her boyfriend. She could've went to my locker and told me something! I was so angry and sad, I didn't even take out my walkman and listen to it on the way home like I usually do is my best friend has tutoring after school or whatever. I just kind of wallowed in my misery on the way home and laughed at these weirdo people trying to jump over the fence of a school. Anyway I forced my little sister to watch tv with me when I got home, which is very very unusual. I try to avoid her as much as possible. But hey, I guess misery loves company.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3250 on: February 23 2006, 04:04 pm »
know what... just talk with your friends.. sometimes[with me as an exception talking works... never leave them alone so they wont do that anymore.. why they did that??? cuz they are thinking that life sucks!!! world sucks!!! humanity sucks!! and for what the hell we are living.. do die later Oo?... sorry im going to stop now

And my crush.. lets say "mission failed" he never cared about me -_-
and one thing misery loves me

i'm not in a "give advices mood" but im really sorry you feel bad

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3251 on: February 23 2006, 09:06 pm »
aww cherry-chan! i'm very sorry i haven't been here recently but you know, if there's anything i can do to help, just PM me and i'll be there `=)
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3252 on: February 23 2006, 11:08 pm »
@ Pretty
Thats the same with me... my crush doesn't like me at all, but I am trying to get over it
Well, at least my crush likes me as a close friend, but its hard to get over it when he is soooo close to me ><"

In btw, he could have changed my love life to stop becoming a lesbian
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3253 on: February 23 2006, 11:20 pm »
That's the worst thing about crushes. They can be fun, but at the same time, they're called crushes for a reason. I love to have crushes, and I hate having them at the same time. My crush truly confuses me and I just can't stand it sometimes! It's all so frustrating.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3254 on: February 24 2006, 01:18 am »
i  like this guy...though i don't think he likes me very much...i liked him since 4th grade..and well when i say hey he ignores me...
(plus,because of that my friend make fun of me-_-+though we kinda play like that)
anyway, i understands that he is very quiet and he is good at gymnastics(my type: loves guy who's good at that)
i tried one time to ask him out but he was surrounded by his friends
also my friend is in his class she say weird things about him(but i don't get that mad...i know her playing like this)
and he is also always surrounded by girls...arrghhh..so complicated ..maybe i shouldn't like him???
well...for one thing, all of my friends don't like him..and im confused....
wow this is long sry guys but i have another problem...please help me!
im not doing good with school..like im getting missing or incomplete...im forgetting stuffs (like project or something)
and i almost got detention...and i have a bad grade in everything..can you guys tell me how to get organize and keeping things tight...or how to do good in school??

you know.. i don't think you CAN choose who you can like or not like...  but if you like him, then it must be for a very good reason.

it kinda worries me if your friends don't like him. maybe they know something bad about him that they can't tell you because they know how much you like him? you never know. he just might be a bad person. or it's also possible that they like him, and to get him, they're making you NOT like him. i guess it also depends on how much you trust your friends. try and talk to them about it. first and foremost, FRIENDS are supposed to help you out and cheer you on.. otherwise, they wouldn't be friends now, would they?

as for doing good in school.. i was a decent student, but then, i didn't have the distraction of boys back then. try and focus on school more, instead of the social aspect (dont be TOO anti-social now).. and try to keep notes. post-its are good friends :thumbs up:

hope everything works out for you!  :okay:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3255 on: February 24 2006, 01:29 am »
@ Cherry-chan
i really can't give you any advice.. so.. *hugs*

chip up, it can only get better, right? sometimes, when i feel overwhelmed when bad stuff is happening in my life, i step back and think about the things that ARE going right.. it cheers me a bit.. or it doesn't make me as depressed..

"it'll definitely be alright!"  -- CCS sakura (rough translation and from bad memory) :heh:


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3256 on: February 24 2006, 06:30 am »
:cry: I feel so depressed! I just got back from my Special Needs class, and I got a D! I'll have to work for the rest of the semester to bring it up now! And that's not all. I was walking across campus to get to this building, and Ryan passed me like I wasn't even there. That's it. I've given up. No more crushes for me. They only get in the way. I'm over Ryan. I don't need a man to make me happy. I'll be perfectly happy being single.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3257 on: February 24 2006, 06:39 am »
I understand that it must hurt so much to have him ignore you like that, and you have sympathy. Trust me, I really understand. Been in the same situation myself. moezy-chan, dear, don't give up. I'll agree that you don't -need- a man to make you happy, but don't you think life is so much better with somebody else in it? I think a relationship that you don't feel you -have- to be in is better, because you're not feeling forced into it. But no matter what, you will find somebody. You're only in your early twenties! My mom didn't get married until she was twenty-four, and my cousin just got married at twenty-eight. My aunt didn't get married until she was about thirty.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3258 on: February 24 2006, 06:42 am »
Thank you Jeannette, but sometimes it all feels hopeless. I've had so many crushes, but never one relationship. I'm 22 years old and I've never been on a date, never been asked out, and never went to a dance with anyone. I'm sick and tired of waiting. I might as well learn to accept it. No man will ever love me, and it's pointless to expect it. I'm not even the slightest bit attractive.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3259 on: February 24 2006, 06:50 am »
(shakes head) moezy-chan, moezy-chan. I don't know what else to say, except what I've said before. You're a very worthwhile person.
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