
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 543798 times)

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Offline bie liao

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3520 on: March 07 2006, 12:17 pm »
Never really had that kinda problem.  Just really oily hair.  -_- But, hey.  For me, thats enough of a problem.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3521 on: March 07 2006, 12:19 pm »
Well the only thing I've ever had trouble with in my hair is a wave in it. Sometimes its bad but other times it looks pretty good.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3522 on: March 07 2006, 12:50 pm »
My hair is imposible!!! I can't find a way to make it look good..... sad story, I know.

I will post my picture soon, and then I might ask for help, hehe
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3523 on: March 07 2006, 12:53 pm »
Monse-chan, do you have curly hair?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3524 on: March 07 2006, 12:56 pm »
Yup, and really bushy, curly hair, hehe (not to mention long)
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3525 on: March 07 2006, 12:57 pm »
Mine seems bushy when I first wake up.  Then I brush it out and sometimes it lies flat and sometimes it poofs.  I dislike it when it poofs. -_-
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3526 on: March 07 2006, 01:17 pm »
Aww guys! Don't be ashamed of your hair! LOVE IT! I mean I know sometimes it can get frustrating but just get some products for it. I think curls are really pretty! Especially soft curls. So just like buy something to smooth your curls. Getting it cut always helps too! :wink: I mean have you ever seen Shakira? The singer from South America? She's got SUPER curly hair and her's is really pretty! Get some um.. what's it called.. Matrix's conturing milk. I use that in my hair, mine's actually quite thin when I wake up. I use that conturing milk in my hair sometimes when its wet and it does wonders! It makes it soooo soft!

Woahh I sound like a hair genius..

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3527 on: March 07 2006, 01:22 pm »
I do like my hair, especially now that its shoulder length and curls nicely.  Its just frustrating some days when I can't do anything to stop the poof.  I'm just glad it no longer waves like it used to; it looked back with my mid-back length hair.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3528 on: March 07 2006, 01:26 pm »
Lol. Well I'm glad you like it! well sometimes I have this really bad wave that almost looks like a ponytail dent. :/ But sometimes its not like even noticable so sometimes I can be like "YEAHHH" and I'm like "It looks sooo good!" But other days.. erm.. I'm growing mine out so the wave will probably get less noticable as it grows. Because I've always heard that when your hair is longer, its heavier so it doesn't bounce as much and tends to be thinner. I dunno.. :heh:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3529 on: March 07 2006, 01:28 pm »
Woah, I missed 5 freakin' pages!
Hair, eh?
My hair hasn't been a problem lately. It's kinda fried, though, from when I dyed it. But besides that, it's been pretty manageable since I cut it and thinned it out and layered. I have the thickest hair, so I'm glad to have that huge weight, literaly, off my shoulders. :tongue3:
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Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3530 on: March 07 2006, 01:34 pm »
^ Yeah my hair used to be REALLY bad dry over the summer and then well I finally decided to do something about it and bought Paul Mitchell shampoo. BEST shampoo and conditioner I have EVER used. Fixed my hair in about a month or two and now I'm lovin it! So I've pretty much fixed my hair problems.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3531 on: March 07 2006, 01:45 pm »
Changing to subject a little,  :sweatdrop: If I was depressed before, I'm really depressed now. My sister bought a machine that coverts VHS tapes to DVD's. You have to connect it to your computer for it to work. I wanted to install it, but you need a USB port. Here's where the depression sinks in. My new webcam uses the USB port, so I removed the wire to my webcam so I could install the dvd converter. I was only going to see how it worked, and then plug my webcam back in.

We couldn't install the DVD converter because our tower doesn't have a DVD burner. I plugged my webcam back in, but it didn't turn on, so I decided to uninstall the programming and reprogram it. I went through the setup and then the instructions came to plug the webcam in.

I plugged it in but the computer said to plug it in. I continued to do this, but it wouldn't work. I checked the problem, and it turns out one of the metal wires in the USB port is bent. I'm now without my webcam, and I have a very happy mother. She didn't want me to have it in the first place.  :cry:

I don't even know if I'll be able to use it now or ever.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3532 on: March 07 2006, 01:53 pm »
Changing to subject a little, :sweatdrop: If I was depressed before, I'm really depressed now. My sister bought a machine that coverts VHS tapes to DVD's. You have to connect it to your computer for it to work. I wanted to install it, but you need a USB port. Here's where the depression sinks in. My new webcam uses the USB port, so I removed the wire to my webcam so I could install the dvd converter. I was only going to see how it worked, and then plug my webcam back in.

We couldn't install the DVD converter because our tower doesn't have a DVD burner. I plugged my webcam back in, but it didn't turn on, so I decided to uninstall the programming and reprogram it. I went through the setup and then the instructions came to plug the webcam in.

I plugged it in but the computer said to plug it in. I continued to do this, but it wouldn't work. I checked the problem, and it turns out one of the metal wires in the USB port is bent. I'm now without my webcam, and I have a very happy mother. She didn't want me to have it in the first place. :cry:

I don't even know if I'll be able to use it now or ever.

so wait.. is the prong in the USB port bent? or is it just the wire on the webcam? i'm confused. but if it's a lack of having multiple USB ports..

get an external USB port where you can have multiple ports to plug in. it's basically you connect a cord to your original USB port, and that cord connects to the external USB ports. problem is is that the multiple ports will most likely not have as much power as it would as one main port.
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Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3533 on: March 07 2006, 01:55 pm »
Aww poor moezy-chan! -hugz- I'm sorry! Can you possibly get another USB port? Wouldn't the webcam work then?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3534 on: March 07 2006, 01:56 pm »
so wait.. is the prong in the USB port bent? or is it just the wire on the webcam? i'm confused. but if it's a lack of having multiple USB ports..

get an external USB port where you can have multiple ports to plug in. it's basically you connect a cord to your original USB port, and that cord connects to the external USB ports. problem is is that the multiple ports will most likely not have as much power as it would as one main port.

That's the word I was looking for. The prong bent. Mom says that we'll get it fixed, whenever that'll be.

Aww poor moezy-chan! -hugz- I'm sorry! Can you possibly get another USB port? Wouldn't the webcam work then?

I hope so. We'll see.

Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3535 on: March 07 2006, 01:58 pm »
Well I hope so too! My scanner doesn't work either.. Bleh! Like everytime it tries to scan it gets like all messed up in the middle. I think I set too much stuff on the top because now when I "try" to use it I have to set like a book or something under it to be able to get it to work. *rolls eyes* That scanner never actually worked that good. I need a new one!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3536 on: March 07 2006, 02:11 pm »
Aaaw moezy-chan *hugs* don't be sad, thing like that can fix :wink: I'm sure somebody can help, I will ask to a friend to what to do...

 I wanted to change the subject too... but I dunno hehe.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3537 on: March 07 2006, 02:14 pm »
*blush* Minna-san, you are all too kind. Hopefully we'll get it fixed soon, and I'll have my webcam back. Until then, and even with all your help, I can't help but still feel depressed, and it's not just the webcam. It's too difficult to explain, and a bit too embarrassing, so I won't state what it is. Let's just hope that I'll get out of it soon. Until then I'll be crying for a while.  :cry:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3538 on: March 07 2006, 02:21 pm »
don't worry, moezy-chan^^*
i don't even have a webcam anyway
by me.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3539 on: March 07 2006, 02:52 pm »
moezy-chan, my friend says if is the USB's computer, you have to buy a PCI card tu put it in the mother board... and that PCI card could have two USB ports... follow what aishiteru says hehe.

 What I told you, looks like this:


 I hope this can help hehe.

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