
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 542683 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3720 on: March 14 2006, 03:38 pm »
I like pretty much any thing on my pizza, except pineapple or anchovies. ^__^ Never had Japanese potato and seafood pizza, though. I should try that sometime. Broccoli and spinach is fantastic on pizza, moezy-chan- you're not weird.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3721 on: March 14 2006, 03:40 pm »
i'm all american styled ^^;;
i like pineapple..that sweet part!
by me.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3722 on: March 14 2006, 03:44 pm »
I've never tried japanese potato pizza and seafood pizza? Are they good?

Where can you even try those anyways? :heh:

japanese pizza is very good, very expensive though. I tried it at a fast food shop at the Tokyo airport  :sweatdrop: It was a long time ago

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3723 on: March 14 2006, 03:45 pm »
Okay, if we keep talking about pizza I'm going to start craving some. So, new topic:

I HATE SHAVING MY LEGS. It's a pain in the rear, especially since I live in a dorm and only have a shower stall. Gah, it drives me nuts. I put it off as long as I possibly can I hate it so much.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3724 on: March 14 2006, 03:47 pm »
Lolz!!! Yeah Jeannette, I just shaved mine tonight. LOL. Mine are all smooth now.  :haha:

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3725 on: March 14 2006, 03:49 pm »
A strange topic, hehe  :sweatdrop: but since this is the Girl's thread...

I don't shave my legs, they're not very hairy. And I always wear jeans or cargo pants, so nobody really will notice them except during gym. Demo, hardly anybody notices me at all in gym anyways  :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3726 on: March 14 2006, 03:49 pm »
Okay, if we keep talking about pizza I'm going to start craving some. So, new topic:

I HATE SHAVING MY LEGS. It's a pain in the rear, especially since I live in a dorm and only have a shower stall. Gah, it drives me nuts. I put it off as long as I possibly can I hate it so much.

ahh.. shaving my legs. haha. good thing it's winter `=P so no one sees my legs so hah. haha.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3727 on: March 14 2006, 03:54 pm »
A strange topic, hehe  :sweatdrop: but since this is the Girl's thread...

I don't shave my legs, they're not very hairy. And I always wear jeans or cargo pants, so nobody really will notice them except during gym. Demo, hardly anybody notices me at all in gym anyways  :sweatdrop:

ahh.. shaving my legs. haha. good thing it's winter `=P so no one sees my legs so hah. haha.
Lucky. I'm a pretty hairy person, and my hair is fairly dark, so it shows. During the winter I usually wear pants too, so I get a few months of relief. But it's getting warm now, so I have to.
Lolz!!! Yeah Jeannette, I just shaved mine tonight. LOL. Mine are all smooth now.  :haha:
It does feel good when they're all smooth, doesn't it?
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3728 on: March 14 2006, 07:23 pm »
Wanna know what stinks?

Shaving your legs only to find:
a) You've missed way too many spots to be unnoticble
b) They're stubby when you wake up in the morning. T_T Boo hoo.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3729 on: March 14 2006, 10:06 pm »
Look at the poll! Hehe, the last one is winning. ^^;

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3730 on: March 15 2006, 01:33 am »
Good news minna-san! I'm finally getting the USB port fixed! I'll finally have my webcam again! Yatta! Demo ne, I won't be on for quite a while. I'll try to go on at the library, but we're only allowed so much time.

Getting back on the main subject, I tend to shave my legs at least once a week. My hair grows way too fast. I hate it! >.<

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3731 on: March 15 2006, 02:22 am »
^ At least.  Once a week, but more if I have PE.  I just don't have the time or will to do it all the time, especially since I wear pants most of the time.

And YAY!  Moezy-chan's getting her webcam back!  And though we'll miss you because we won't see you, I'm really happy for you!

Argh, what all did I miss around here...-goes to search forums-
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3732 on: March 15 2006, 02:34 am »
I don't shave yet...^_^; Just because I find no point, I mean especilly in this part of puberty, the hairs will grow back stronger and I think will become more visable? I don't really care yet...And like bie_liao-chan, I wear pants.
I evny people like my mom, who has hair on her legs and such, but it isn't visable! T_T Grr...Why couldn't I be born with the trait!?

Come back soon moezy-chan kk? ^_^

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3733 on: March 15 2006, 05:05 am »
Bit sooner than I said  :sweatdrop: I'm at my libraries computer now, but I can only afford 30 minutes. Oh well, better than nothing. According to the man who's going to fix the tower, it'll be 2 weeks! But I'll get it back! Until then I'll come on the libraries computer, and when I get back to college next week (I'm on Spring Break now) I'll be on more often!

Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3734 on: March 15 2006, 08:37 am »
Bit sooner than I said :sweatdrop: I'm at my libraries computer now, but I can only afford 30 minutes. Oh well, better than nothing. According to the man who's going to fix the tower, it'll be 2 weeks! But I'll get it back! Until then I'll come on the libraries computer, and when I get back to college next week (I'm on Spring Break now) I'll be on more often!

Okay! I hope you get to come back soon! You have to pay to get on your library computers? We only have to give them our card and let them scan it and then we can stay on for like an hour or as long as you need. (Well not like 3 hours or something) But they are pretty leniant on that stuff. But we never have to pay.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3735 on: March 15 2006, 09:54 am »
Okay! I hope you get to come back soon! You have to pay to get on your library computers? We only have to give them our card and let them scan it and then we can stay on for like an hour or as long as you need. (Well not like 3 hours or something) But they are pretty leniant on that stuff. But we never have to pay.

Guess I didn't clarify. No, I don't have to pay. What I meant was I'm only allowed 30 minutes if somebody is waiting, and 2 hours if there is nobody waiting.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3736 on: March 15 2006, 10:16 am »
Guess I didn't clarify. No, I don't have to pay. What I meant was I'm only allowed 30 minutes if somebody is waiting, and 2 hours if there is nobody waiting.

that's not a lot of time. when i'm at the library, i have the tendency to spend like.. my whole time on the computer doing research rather than going to a book. and if i need to go to a book, a friend takes my spot on the computer. haha.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3737 on: March 15 2006, 10:29 am »
Maybe, you should add an option that says.
I didn't get mine O_O

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3738 on: March 15 2006, 10:37 am »
Guess I didn't clarify. No, I don't have to pay. What I meant was I'm only allowed 30 minutes if somebody is waiting, and 2 hours if there is nobody waiting.

Oh I see. I was a little confused.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3739 on: March 15 2006, 12:03 pm »
Maybe, you should add an option that says.
I didn't get mine O_O

jaja dont worry you will get yours..

and seems that endoh-chan forgot this little part that there is still kids (with no offence to anybody ><!) in this forum..

and i wonder who the hell is the only one that has happy periods @_@.. luckky...

i chose the last one -_-

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))