
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 542637 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3760 on: March 16 2006, 07:43 am »
O.O I'm with you, Crystal_Wings!! I wanna switch periods with the happy girl, too!! Who had the happy period?!?!? SHOW YOURSELF!!! *sweatdrop* Unless of course, someone was just makin' a joke...

And LOL, moezy! That must be one awesome mall you were at to have computers with internet access there! That's cool!

Yes, show yourself! And if possible, tell us your secret on how to stay happy!

It is! It surprised me! I thought that you'd have to pay, but it's free! I think they were just giving a demonstration on their new internet service, and want us to see if we like it. I'm not complaining though! Typing while you eat! Although I do that at home anyways  :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3761 on: March 16 2006, 07:45 am »
LOL! So were there regular computers there or was it some fancy thing like attached to the wall or something? I mean, do they monitor what you look at? Because if not, how do they prevent sickos from looking at you-know-what kind of sites with kids around!?
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3762 on: March 16 2006, 08:02 am »
In the middle of the food court, there was a pillar, and on the pillar were 2 computers. They weren't attached to the wall; they were set on a flat surface. They were flat moniter computers. As for security, I didn't see any, but then again, only adults could access the computers. I'm 5'9" and the computers came to my upper chest  :sweatdrop: so I don't think little kids can access it, unless they use one of the chairs.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3763 on: March 16 2006, 08:05 am »
WAAAH!!! Moezy-chan is so tall!!! I wish I was that tall... *sniff* Yuki ish only 5'7'' ish... Ehem, that was random...

So I guess you had to stand to access the computers, then, if they were so high, ne?
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3764 on: March 16 2006, 08:26 am »
bie liao is only a sad 5'3 1/2"...ish.  And I'm so hooked I probably would stand...>_>
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3765 on: March 16 2006, 08:31 am »
WAAAH!!! Moezy-chan is so tall!!! I wish I was that tall... *sniff* Yuki ish only 5'7'' ish... Ehem, that was random...

So I guess you had to stand to access the computers, then, if they were so high, ne?

No, you don't. I hate my height! I'm so freakishly tall, and I always attract attention, which I hate, and I can never find any pants that fit!

And yeah, I did have to stand, but I wasn't complaining. At least I had the computer for a brief 10 minutes  :sweatdrop: Mom said we had to go  -_- Okaa-san wa evil!

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3766 on: March 16 2006, 09:05 am »
i'm only 5" something and I thought i was tall..^^;;
by me.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3767 on: March 16 2006, 09:10 am »
I'm taller then a lot of boys in my class. -_-

Advice: Not all pain relievers such as Midol will work.

The reason I wear pants is because it makes me more comfortable than weariing skirts which'll show my legs. -_-

Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3768 on: March 16 2006, 09:31 am »
Lol. We got off on a weird topic ne? I'm like 5 something... or something. No wait... I don't think that's right. Well I actually haven't even checked recently. Lolz

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3769 on: March 16 2006, 09:50 am »
Here's they way I see it. People who are usually short want to be tall, not all but most, and most people that are tall want to be short. But look at it this way. People who are tall were once short, but people that are short will never be tall, so trust me on this, you DON'T want to be tall! It's torture! Trust me on this!

Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3770 on: March 16 2006, 10:35 am »
I like being in between. I don't think being really short would be fun but I don't think being really tall would be fun either. I think being in between is the best. ^^

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3771 on: March 16 2006, 11:10 am »
Here's they way I see it. People who are usually short want to be tall, not all but most, and most people that are tall want to be short. But look at it this way. People who are tall were once short, but people that are short will never be tall, so trust me on this, you DON'T want to be tall! It's torture! Trust me on this!

If you had my personality, you'd wanna be tall. I have a huge inferiority complex caused by things I'd rather not discuss, and being short ((for a male)) or average height ((for a female)) only makes it worse.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3772 on: March 16 2006, 11:13 am »
I wanna be shorter... >< Life is cruel! XP

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3773 on: March 16 2006, 11:17 am »
I don't want to be TALL tall, just taller.  Its nice to look down on my mom.  Really, she's only like 5'2", and her mother was 5', but is now 4'10"...she's SHRINKING.  Its probably gonna happen to me too, so I wanna be taller so that when I start, I'll shrink to a relatively normal size.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3774 on: March 16 2006, 11:19 am »
I don't want to be TALL tall, just taller. Its nice to look down on my mom. Really, she's only like 5'2", and her mother was 5', but is now 4'10"...she's SHRINKING. Its probably gonna happen to me too, so I wanna be taller so that when I start, I'll shrink to a relatively normal size.

Omg!! People in your family shrink? That is so strange.. I've never heard of that happening before.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3775 on: March 16 2006, 11:24 am »
LOL, Shiunu. It's actually pretty normal for people to shrink about 2-3 inches when they get older. It's usually caused by osteoporosis and it's more common in women than in men..
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3776 on: March 16 2006, 11:25 am »
So have I... I never knew that could happen. O_O Sometimes, I'm as tall as the substitute and I'm as tall as my dad, actually, he's pretty short. XP

(gets a megaphone) Will the girl who had a so-called happy period please reveal herself?

Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3777 on: March 16 2006, 11:25 am »
Well yeah.. I didn't think about it that way.

Little Sisters: bie liao, babypigggy, Fai, and Okamirei
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3778 on: March 16 2006, 11:27 am »
LOL, Shiunu. It's actually pretty normal for people to shrink about 2-3 inches when they get older. It's usually caused by osteoporosis and it's more common in women than in men..

That's not fair... ><

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3779 on: March 16 2006, 11:27 am »
(gets a megaphone) Will the girl who had a so-called happy period please reveal herself?

Pretty please, you strange person you.  We won't bite...
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

[ -  F o r u m  F a m i l y  - ]
Little sis - hikari_blaze ; babypigggy ; Okamirei ; wishingstarx
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