General Discussions > Anything goes...

The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)

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Miss Jenni-Maie:
Ahh yeah. My dad finally came home and got his spare key for him. Safe and sound he is :tongue3:

i need some help... :(

we are supposed to be doing a project for class and there are four of us in the group.. but now one person A my new best friend wants to ditch the other two people B and C and work only with me. but i don't like that idea that much since B is my best friend for a long time and C is another person i really value...
i don't want to hurt anyone or anything but i'm totally confused about what to do... since if i work with A only the results will be better than working with everyone but the deadline is near and i don't want to just suddenly abandon the other without any time to make anything else since they are kinda air heads
 what should i do?     :sad5:

Hmm, honestly, Rusty, the mature thing to do would be stay with the original group. Although you and A will probably end up doing most of the work, you four had an agreement from the start that you were doing it together.. It wouldn't be fair to just leave B and C in the dust since they would have to think of a whole new project idea and start a new one on their own before the deadline.

Since you said they're kind of air heads, sadly, you and A should probably do most of the work to ensure that YOU get the best grade you can. I know it bites having to do someone else's work, but I did it for YEARS. O.O In group projects, you're almost always stuck doing that because you're almost always put with people with a few less... capabilities than yourself..

So what I think you should stick with the group and do the best job you can even if it seems unfair.

In the future, though, if you get to pick your partners, only pick who you REALLY want to work with so this doesn't happen again. I know those situations are always ackward, especially amongst friends. Good luck!


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