I just need to vent, so here I go... I don't like how sometimes I'm teached as though I'm 10 or younger by my parents. They don't seem to understand that I'm 18 years old.
For example, when they left to spent the weekend at our cabin ( we own a cabin in the mountains ).. I was able to stay home so long as I had a friend over. She spent the night and it all good but still.. I mean, c'mon. I suppose they just want to protect me.. but it's kinda irrating sometimes.
Then, they don't truth me much about what I do online. Especially when it comes to chatting with people on AIM or MSN. They think that people I'm talking to are 50ish old ( or whatever age ) pervents out to get me. Grrr. Only my friends do they trust me talking to. Oh well.
..If I had the ability, maybe I'd move out but I'm not ready. Moving out at 18 is a bad idea unless you know how to drive and have a decent job, for christs sakes. I have neither.. and I don't care about living with my parents. I'll move out when I'm ready.. but still, sometimes I'd too because they don't trust me when it comes to the internet. >_>;;;