
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 545571 times)

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Offline Tessaiga

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2500 on: December 03 2005, 04:51 am »
And you know what? It's EXPENSIVE to have periods! :angry: Tampons and... what the other thing is called is expensive!
Why can't women get such things for free?... :cry: Or at least the guys can pay for it(because they don't have to go through the pain of having it :hehe:)
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2501 on: December 03 2005, 04:53 am »
Indeed Periods is Expensive!! I'm using pads.. I can't stand Tampons >___<"
Well that's me  :tongue:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2502 on: December 03 2005, 05:01 am »
I couldn't use them before when I was younger, but then I bought the smallest size of it... and it worked. :tard:
But eeeew, it feels uncomfy to put them in. >.< But when it's there, it doesn't feel much at all... Prefer pads anyway. :tongue3:
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2503 on: December 03 2005, 06:08 am »
I can't stand tampons! I prefer pads anyday, as long as they're ultra-thins. I hate the bulky kind. I mean, what are we, babies?! And I'm the same way Tessaiga-chan. Let's say I get into a fight with my dad. When I'm off my period I'll say, "Dad, just let it go."

When I'm off my period, I'll say, "How can you say that you insensitive jerk! I can't stand men! And I will never marry!" I yell at the top of my throat. I'm brutal when I'm pms. And the one thing I hate more than anything, is that I crave sugar the entire time, and I hate sugar! I can't stand chocolate, candy bars, ice cream, any of that. And then when I start my period, I crave that stuff by the gallon!  :angry:

Offline quimmy

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2504 on: December 03 2005, 07:26 am »
I always get really spotty in the week before my period. Grr. And my hair gets greasy really quickly. I get really bad cramps the first day of it but I'm all right after that!

Thanks babypiggy for the set!! <3

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2505 on: December 03 2005, 08:10 am »
Ugh... tampons *shudders*. Don't like usin 'em. Pads are much more preferable, but sometimes I leak when I lie down... and gets me SUPER mad when I have to clean out the blood from my underwear... it annoys me >_<.

When I'm off my period, I'll say, "How can you say that you insensitive jerk! I can't stand men! And I will never marry!" I yell at the top of my throat. I'm brutal when I'm pms. And the one thing I hate more than anything, is that I crave sugar the entire time, and I hate sugar! I can't stand chocolate, candy bars, ice cream, any of that. And then when I start my period, I crave that stuff by the gallon! :angry:

Yeah, I that's what happens to two of my friends. I can tell they're on their period if they snatch the chocolate I'm eating, which is totally out of character any other time :sweat:

PMS makes me mad. I always end up hurting someone (emotionally) because I'm so irritated.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2506 on: December 03 2005, 08:19 am »
Right now my hormones are working up a storm - they're making me so emo. I did something wrong at work today - I've only worked there two weeks so of course I'm going to make mistakes where I've not been shown how to do something. But I just thought 'wah, I'm so lame, everyone'll hate me because of this' and I got home and saw I had no e-mail/comments and thought 'wah, I'm lame, everyone hates me'.... Ugh. Periods make me pathetic and weepy >.>

I'm emo enough without help from hormones, thank you very much :P

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2507 on: December 03 2005, 09:07 am »
When my hormones are raging, it's not a good thing. I can't really say what it makes me feel.. so you'll all just have to do without knowing. I'm on my period right now and I don't feel hungry at all. It's like, when I think I'd like to eat, I think about it and then.. I decided not to. It's werid. But there have been times that I've eatten more then I should be when I've made periods in the past.

Welcome back, Cherry-chan! I haven't seen you much in the forums recently but it's nice to see you around again! ^__^
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2508 on: December 03 2005, 09:08 am »
Right now my hormones are working up a storm - they're making me so emo. I did something wrong at work today - I've only worked there two weeks so of course I'm going to make mistakes where I've not been shown how to do something. But I just thought 'wah, I'm so lame, everyone'll hate me because of this' and I got home and saw I had no e-mail/comments and thought 'wah, I'm lame, everyone hates me'.... Ugh. Periods make me pathetic and weepy >.>

I'm emo enough without help from hormones, thank you very much :P

Argh, I have days like that too... >.<
"Aw, no new mail... They don't like me anymore :cry:. Aw, and no one answered my comment. They think I'm stupid~ :cry:"
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2509 on: December 03 2005, 09:47 am »
Welcome back, Cherry-chan! I haven't seen you much in the forums recently but it's nice to see you around again! ^__^

Arigatou, Genki Girl! It's nice to see everyone again ^^. I finally got back on... after fighting numerous difficulties... :sweat:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2510 on: December 03 2005, 10:16 am »
Go Cherry-chan! Welcome back. And whee, I'm feeling really pathetic right now. Haha. *falls flat on face*

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2511 on: December 03 2005, 10:52 am »
Welcome back Cherry-chan! *rushes to help Ralea up* xD

Tampons..*shudder* don't even want to think of using those! Pads are the way to go if you ask me, just don't ever use the bulky kind! Those are really uncomfortable, especially if you have gym or something like that. Ewww...

My hormones are an on and off thing...When they're on, I just have these constant mood swings every 10 mintues. One minute I can be laughing my head off, and the next I can be serious and quiet. It's scary really...

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2512 on: December 03 2005, 11:19 am »
Yaaah! Thanks Ralea and Fai!

Yep, mood swings sure are crazzzeehh. Haha one second I can be hyper and jumpy, and cheerful, then another second I can be rude, annoyed, irritated, and biting your head off! But you probably won't see that side of me! I never have mood swings around you guys. Haha.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2513 on: December 03 2005, 11:39 am »
LOLZ, it's okay to also have mood swings online...not just too much of it though. Look at me...haha...I'm a nervous wreck right now....haha...and earlier I was absolutely Genki...count on it, I'm gonna be hyper later...

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2514 on: December 04 2005, 02:44 am »
Welcome back Cherry-chan! As for periods, I'm still on it, and I can't stand it! It's one of those periods where I can't eat anything. Ordinarily I like those, but now that I'm anemic I have to eat or I pass out. And when I do eat, my stomach is killing me! I really hate eating, especially when I'm not hungry.

Oh boy, my stomach is killing me right now. I had to work until 11:30pm last night and then we had to pick up my sister who finished at 12:30am so I didn't get home until 1:00am. I slept in until 11:00am. And I have to go back to work again tonight. If my one manager that I can't stand is working, I swear I'm gonna scream!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2515 on: December 04 2005, 04:18 am »
I really hope you'll get through this somehow, Moezy-chan! Don't worry, everything will be alright in the end! Remember your siggy! :)

Amazing set by Eurydice! :keke:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2516 on: December 04 2005, 04:20 am »
Damn, I got mine yesterday. :angry: Just when I was ready to go to bed... And I woke up too early in the morning, having to change to a new pad. -_- What a pain~ :cry: Speaking of pains, I don't feel anything... yet. I will probably get them tomorrow. :BangHead:
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2517 on: December 04 2005, 04:57 am »
You'll pull through moezy-chan!!! ^^ Go moezy-chan!!

I don't seem to get pains when I have my period. I really only feel sticky and yucky  -_-
Does everybody get cramps when their period is on? =S

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2518 on: December 04 2005, 05:03 am »
YES. I get HORRIBLE cramps...and mood swings! :XD:

Amazing set by Eurydice! :keke:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2519 on: December 04 2005, 07:08 am »
I really hope you'll get through this somehow, Moezy-chan! Don't worry, everything will be alright in the end! Remember your siggy! :)
You'll pull through moezy-chan!!! ^^ Go moezy-chan!!

I don't seem to get pains when I have my period. I really only feel sticky and yucky -_-
Does everybody get cramps when their period is on? =S

Arigatou to both of you! And yes, I'll remember my sig! Zettai daijoubu daioh! Everything will definately be alright! I gave you both cookies for that!

And as for cramps, I get them all the time!