You're still talking about periods?

Then excuse me for interrupting. But...
Tessaiga has returned. But she's still kind of unhappy.
If you care, you can continue reading.
Oh, you're still reading...

Good. This might take a while...
I just noticed something... and need to write it all out.
The ones around me, whether it's online or IRL, seems to grow tired of me after a while,
and move on to someone else. And it's mostly guys for some reason.
So I really don't know who I can trust, if people just keep ignoring me after a while,
or has found a new friend to talk to instead. That must mean I don't mean much to anyone.
I don't see any other explaination.
Right now, there's one person that I totally trust.
And I trust my family too, but I don't tell them everything. But I can say anything to her,
and she won't judge me. She doesn't give me a strange look when I once again squeak
"Subaru~" in happiness. Instead she is happy to see me happy. And she doesn't ruin my
happiness of that by saying something I've heard too many times before
(like "You'll get over it when you get a boyfriend"). And she doesn't even think it's weird.
And one friend online that I really love and care about... even if I've never met her, and even
if she's five years younger than me.
It's easy to lie online. So you can easier get convinced that the ones that write to you are your true
and only friends. And it's also easier to be more open(at least I think so) and tell the truth,
so when they say good things about you, it could be true... or a lie.
But I got a hard time seeing if it's true or not. Especially when they stop writing to you, because
they have found someone else. I don't mind them having more friends, but that's no reason to
ignore me because of that, is it?...
And they seem to love making lists of their
favorite friends. Isn't it annoying?
"Ah! You're really cute, you're now on my number three of the list!... But ey, she's even cuter!"
And with that, you're no longer their friend. At least according to the wonderful Friend List.
Or when I'm in school. I realized how many of them there is that doesn't know much about me.
Or care about me.
And I guess you're all thinking that I'm being selfish because I keep repeating
"they don't care about
me". And you're right of course. But I wouldn't give a damn about them
caring about me or not if I didn't care about them. Once you've grown fond of someone it's hard to
let them go. But perhaps there isn't much left to do when they have taken steps away from you.
There. Sorry for ruining the happiness of Captured Wings. And for interrupting the discussion about periods.