I'm actually feeling pretty good right now.
Besides loosing my voice, and my head is aching and feels like it's a million pounds, and I can feel my side is twitching (the same feeling I had before my kidneys decided to crap out on me last time haha).
Well, I didn't go to dinner with Josh [sigh], but I did hang out with him later!
We were at a friends house playing Halo, and I was getting kind of tired, and he noticed me yawning and he laughed and was like, "You need a pillow?" and let me lean on him, hehe!
He's comfy!

I would have fallen asleep, too, if it weren't for our friends mother coming downstairs and introducing the "6-inch seperation rule".
But oh well, life is good for now.
I must go and enjoy my headache, hehe.