
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 545662 times)

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Offline ~Bloody_Rose~

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2720 on: December 20 2005, 01:59 pm »
Today is my little brother birthday but i still don't know why life is so unfair and tries to take me away all the people i love, sometimes i think that if people becomes to close to me something bad could happen to them, and i'm not paranoic its real it already happened to more than 5 times. I have been in differents cementeries all day and i still have to visit 2 friends.
please don't say that pretty-san.. If you're going to think that way, that will realy happen! Think positive juz like fai! CHEER UP

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2721 on: December 20 2005, 02:00 pm »
Pretty-chan, your contribution are your kind words. You may have a bad day, but it doesn't stop you from worrying about others. You've worried about members, and that can be very important. It let's us all know that we have someone who cares!

Also, my condolences for your brother.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2722 on: December 21 2005, 02:20 am »
Anyways back to the topic at hand:


And don't you ever doubt that!! ^_^
*gasp* Hanyaan~ TvT *huggles Miharu Endoh* A~ri~ga~to~!

Are you still hugging tessiaga?? can i join?? i wanna hug her too!
Hug me? =3 Waii~

I love this place. *sets up camp in The Girl thread*
I realized... that pulled me out of my depression! Thanks to everyone (of course, even the ones I didn't quote... I'm just lazy today!... Me happy for your words as well!!!). :happy4:
And I really mean that(...I can't lie)
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2723 on: December 21 2005, 08:14 am »
We're very happy to hear that Tessaiga-chan! If you're happy, I'm happy!

Going a little off-topic, I feel so exhausted. Today I helped decorate my church and it wiped me out! I took a 3 hour nap afterwards. I wish this da** anemia would leave already. It's annoying.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2724 on: December 21 2005, 08:25 am »
Oh, moezy-chan...  :sad5:

My mom had anemia too... I remember she tired easily, and her head hurted a lot. I suppose you are taking medicine, or something to give you energy?

Rest a lot  :snore: And take a LOT of care, ok?  :)
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2725 on: December 21 2005, 08:36 am »
Oh, moezy-chan...  :sad5:

My mom had anemia too... I remember she tired easily, and her head hurted a lot. I suppose you are taking medicine, or something to give you energy?

Rest a lot  :snore: And take a LOT of care, ok?  :)

Arigatou. Medicine yes; energy no! I have to take iron pills, but they don't make me feel any better. I'm always so tired, and I always feel like I'm going to pass out just from walking a short distance. It doesn't help that I feel the need to take on so many activities. I need to stay busy, and I used to have so much energy to do it! I'm always so busy. I don't know how not to be.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2726 on: December 21 2005, 08:59 am »
We're very happy to hear that Tessaiga-chan! If you're happy, I'm happy!
me too! :)
Going a little off-topic, I feel so exhausted. Today I helped decorate my church and it wiped me out! I took a 3 hour nap afterwards. I wish this da** anemia would leave already. It's annoying.

Moezy chan we are never off topic, we can think about anything here right! and talking about how you feel is great, but sad that you are felling bad, i'm always tired too ... well maybe because i love sleep!! .. jeje..

And iron pills don't give you any energy , try to eat candies once a while, maybe it can give you a little more energy or al least you will feel a little less tired. And being always busy is sometimes good, at least you won't be lazy as me.

to everybody :)

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2727 on: December 21 2005, 09:03 am »
Moezy chan we are never off topic, we can think about anything here right! and talking about how you feel is great, but sad that you are felling bad, i'm always tired too ... well maybe because i love sleep!! .. jeje..

And iron pills don't give you any energy , try to eat candies once a while, maybe it can give you a little more energy or al least you will feel a little less tired. And being always busy is sometimes good, at least you won't be lazy as me.

to everybody :)

Should rephrase what I said. I meant that I was changing the subject from Tessaiga-chan.  :sweatdrop: And I have tried to force myself to increase my sugar intake. I just can't stand sugar, and when I do eat it, my ulcer acts up. It's a lose lose situation. -_- And as far as sleeping is concerned, I never have time for sleep! I need to stay busy! It keeps me from being depressed.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2728 on: December 21 2005, 09:25 am »
I'm actually feeling pretty good right now.
Besides loosing my voice, and my head is aching and feels like it's a million pounds, and I can feel my side is twitching (the same feeling I had before my kidneys decided to crap out on me last time haha).

Well, I didn't go to dinner with Josh [sigh], but I did hang out with him later!
We were at a friends house playing Halo, and I was getting kind of tired, and he noticed me yawning and he laughed and was like, "You need a pillow?" and let me lean on him, hehe!
He's comfy! :tongue3:
I would have fallen asleep, too, if it weren't for our friends mother coming downstairs and introducing the "6-inch seperation rule".
But oh well, life is good for now.

I must go and enjoy my headache, hehe.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2729 on: December 21 2005, 09:33 am »
Yatta for Endoh-chan!! ^-^ She got to use her crush as a pillow~  :tongue3:

Moezy-chan, please try and get some sleep! You're always so busy. =(
Relax, it's almost Christmas! Don't become overworked either, take a vacation. ^-^

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2730 on: December 21 2005, 09:35 am »
Moezy-chan, please try and get some sleep! You're always so busy. =(
Relax, it's almost Christmas! Don't become overworked either, take a vacation. ^-^

Already took a nap for 3 hours. I fall asleep in the weirdest places anymore. Hate that!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2731 on: December 21 2005, 09:39 am »
I agree. Take a break. Have some tea and watch a good movie. Something. You're lucky, Endoh-chan, my past crush would've been freaked out if I decided to lean on him and sleep. I wanted to once, at his going-away party (since he going to Japan for a while...) I was itching to, so badly, but never did. I didn't want to get a bad reaction. -_-
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2732 on: December 21 2005, 09:40 am »
once i slept in my english class, all the class until my teacher woke me... that was really embarased *blushes*

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2733 on: December 21 2005, 02:59 pm »
once i slept in my english class, all the class until my teacher woke me... that was really embarased *blushes*
I always sleep in my classes. My teachers are so used to it they just let me sleep.
It's great!
Err...until I miss something important.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2734 on: December 21 2005, 03:04 pm »
I always sleep in my classes. My teachers are so used to it they just let me sleep.
It's great!
Err...until I miss something important.

You very bad girl. Although before I was admitted to the hospital, I fell asleep in classes; not by choice. I just didn't have any energy! I consumed alot of coffee during that time, and it still didn't help.

Offline ~Bloody_Rose~

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2735 on: December 21 2005, 09:25 pm »
I always sleep during our math classes... coz I can't understand a thing. all this logarithms, asymptotes A BIG PAIN IN THE NECK!!!!!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2736 on: December 22 2005, 12:23 am »
I would have fallen asleep, too, if it weren't for our friends mother coming downstairs and introducing the "6-inch seperation rule".

:tard: Uuuuhkay. Now why did she do that?... :shifty: It's not her business anyway...

I always sleep during our math classes... coz I can't understand a thing. all this logarithms, asymptotes A BIG PAIN IN THE NECK!!!!!

I wish I could fall asleep during math! I think it's so boring, and I just get sad when I don't understand it :cry:...
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2737 on: December 22 2005, 01:12 am »
I loved math class. I got an A in it, but that's not the only reason I loved it. For one, I loved the professor. She was always so nice, and she went to great lengths to help me when I was sick. But I have a main reason why I loved math class! Endoh-chan knows! It's because of my crush, Ryan! He sat right in front of me! It made me go hanyaan!  :inlove: I'm blushing now!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2738 on: December 22 2005, 04:32 am »
:tard: Uuuuhkay. Now why did she do that?... :shifty: It's not her business anyway...
Well, I guess she doesn't want any guy/girl stuff going on, haha.
She overreacted, sure, but I understand why she did it.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2739 on: December 22 2005, 07:18 am »
my god is anyone else excited about christmas besides me.
i mean this is the only holiday(besides valentines) where you can kiss (under the mistle toe)a guy you like and give no explanaion but the little leaf.
*sigh* yesss thisss isss a gggrrreeeaat holiday
merry almost X-mas people   Mmmwwaaahhhhh.
maybe we should do a gift exchange?
never mind stupid idea.
"Only god can judge me" 2Pac