I always make a fool of myself infront of Josh, haha. But I just laugh it off, and it doesn't seem so bad anymore. I usually just throw the, "I guess I'm turning into you!" line. That always shuts him up

Speaking of that boy. It seems Josh has caught on to my "game" haha. Today at youth group, he came up to me errr a tad too close. I was about to say something when he just snatched my toque (actually, it's his but whatever, ahha) right off my head and sped off! Ahh! I was so embarassed!
Later, he came up and handed it back to me, and I was extremely suprised by that, considering it IS his toque. But I grabbed him and hugged him anyways. Much to his embarassment.

But then when his ride came he turned to leave, and then he ran back to me, came close (AGAIN!) and took it back (AGAIN) stuck his tonque out at me, and took off! AHH!
He's evil, I tell ya'. Evil! I've sworn revenge on him

But all in all it was a good time. We were running back and forth, stealing toques and poking eachother in the ribs (haha, don't ask). Fun fun fun.
Damn, I'm rambling about him again. I must be so annoying by now

I'll shut up now.