She's actually a few weeks older than me! XD But I definitely dominate her by personality.. I actually didn't give a description of her personality, which I probably should have! She's very timid and quiet and I often have to stand up for her when she gets screwed over (like by teachers on grades and things like that). To put it bluntly, she's definitely an "uke". But ever since our friends starting joking about me being so boyish and so "seme", she's started saying that (when her and I talk about relationships) she'd definitely be seme (trust me, though, that'd NEVER happen).
She's really competitive for someone with her personality and I think she realizes I am, too, and maybe she's hoping I'll act even MORE dominating towards her if SHE tries to act dominating. However, when she claims to be "seme", she does it in a way where she's almost trying to get me to say I'd dominate her despite that because she randomly says things to imply that I'm stronger and smarter than her and things like that. Wow that was confusing, I hope you guys can understand that! XD
But anyway, instead of a big sister/little sister thing, a lot of my friends think she has a crush on me... Well, actually it used to be "a lot" of my friends but now it's more like "all" of them... *sweat drop*
I know that probably doesn't seem right considering she always imitates me, but trust me, if you knew her strange personality, it'd make sense. So basically, what I'm really worried about is hurting her feelings by telling her how much it annoys me that she imitates me..

It's a weird situation, I know...
EDIT: LOL, I just saw Hori's post. Actually, I've kind of tried that already... Although I didn't let her know directly that I meant her, one time I started talking about how I hate it when people get so close to me that they start trying to become my clone and she simply said "I know! I hate that! It happens to me all the time!" (Which it doesn't..) So usually, I just drop it.
But maybe you're right and I should tell her directly that I mean her?