
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544977 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3040 on: January 29 2006, 07:00 am »
Thanks, I've missed all of you alot too~!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3041 on: January 29 2006, 07:02 am »
Onee-Chan Welcome Back! I wonder were you were! *hug*


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3042 on: January 29 2006, 07:05 am »
Fisah-chan! I'm so happy you're back! :glomps!: I wondered what happened to you! Aww, that's so sad about the death in your family. But as for your parents fighting, don't blame yourself. You didn't cause the fights. You're far too mature to do something like that. As for lika-chi, she hasn't been on in a while.  :cry: If you want to know what happened, PM me. It's not something to be said publically.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3043 on: January 29 2006, 07:21 am »
Fisah-saaaaannn!!!! Yaaayy! You are back! Arigatou for reviewing one of my fics, it means a lot to me! You always brighten up the forum, so I'm very very glad you are back! :D
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3044 on: January 29 2006, 07:54 am »
Hey girls... I'm sorry to have to whine, but I have this problem. I have this friend who copies me no matter what the heck I do! She drives me crazy! She NEVER cuts her hair until I cut mine (and then she cuts it the same way), she buys the same clothes I do, she buys the same shoes I buy, she copies my manner of speech (I have an accent and she imitates it), she copies EVERYTHING about me! She even pierced her EARS the same way mine are and wore the same earrings!

It's not just limited to appearance, though. She also copies my hobbies. For instance, I play violin. So she picked up violin! She gets into ALL of my favorite anime and manga and even video games. (I bought a DS less than a month ago and just the other day, she bought one! She also bought all the games I did!)

I'm not kidding, I don't even know WHAT she was like before she met me because since we've been friends she's just become my freakin' clone! She drives me crazy because after she does all of these annoying things to imitate me, she sits around complaining about people copying HER and that everyone is imitating HER style! She also takes credit for things I do in class and everything! She's SO annoying!!! Has anyone else had a friend like this? What should I DO?!  :cry:

((Also, welcome back to all the girls who haven't been here in a while! XD Sorry the first thing you have to see upon returning is me whining!))
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3045 on: January 29 2006, 08:08 am »
Hmm... That is a difficult problem. It kinda sounds almost like it's a 'little sister' issue: you know how little sisters sometimes copy their older sister, because they think their sister is the coolest person on earth... Is your friend younger than you? I have a friend who's almost five years younger than me, and she sometimes does stuff like that. You don't want to be too harsh... But you do want to get her to stop. And much of the response would depend somewhat on whether she is younger or the same age, since you can't treat a fourteen-year old like an eighteen year old.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3046 on: January 29 2006, 08:11 am »
I think ... She idolizes you..

you just need to tell her gently to stop.. and that you dont like it...

Say that you value your individualality ...

or something like that... ^_^

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3047 on: January 29 2006, 08:24 am »
She's actually a few weeks older than me! XD But I definitely dominate her by personality.. I actually didn't give a description of her personality, which I probably should have! She's very timid and quiet and I often have to stand up for her when she gets screwed over (like by teachers on grades and things like that). To put it bluntly, she's definitely an "uke". But ever since our friends starting joking about me being so boyish and so "seme", she's started saying that (when her and I talk about relationships) she'd definitely be seme (trust me, though, that'd NEVER happen).

She's really competitive for someone with her personality and I think she realizes I am, too, and maybe she's hoping I'll act even MORE dominating towards her if SHE tries to act dominating. However, when she claims to be "seme", she does it in a way where she's almost trying to get me to say I'd dominate her despite that because she randomly says things to imply that I'm stronger and smarter than her and things like that. Wow that was confusing, I hope you guys can understand that! XD

But anyway, instead of a big sister/little sister thing, a lot of my friends think she has a crush on me... Well, actually it used to be "a lot" of my friends but now it's more like "all" of them... *sweat drop*

I know that probably doesn't seem right considering she always imitates me, but trust me, if you knew her strange personality, it'd make sense. So basically, what I'm really worried about is hurting her feelings by telling her how much it annoys me that she imitates me.. -_- It's a weird situation, I know...

EDIT: LOL, I just saw Hori's post. Actually, I've kind of tried that already... Although I didn't let her know directly that I meant her, one time I started talking about how I hate it when people get so close to me that they start trying to become my clone and she simply said "I know! I hate that! It happens to me all the time!" (Which it doesn't..) So usually, I just drop it.

But maybe you're right and I should tell her directly that I mean her?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3048 on: January 29 2006, 08:39 am »
Maybe she does have a crush on you. Funny way of expressing your feelings, but they do say that imitation is the highest form of flattery and everyone is different... She sounds like a rather mixed-up person. I'd say that your best bet is just to talk to her about it.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3049 on: January 29 2006, 11:15 am »
Fisah: WELCOME BACK! *glomps*

AkaiYuki: She idolizes you...reminds me of an episode in Lizzie McGuire where the new freshman imitates Lizzie until she drove her nuts. Try talking to her, and tell her straight to the point what's on your mind. If you're really friends, she'll understand.

moezy-chan: moezy, try to remember that family is still family. No matter what happens, he is still your brother. It's only natural that there should be negative feelings toward siblings, but you two are family. Nothing will change that. As for your mother.....she is still your mother, she beat you when you're doing laundry because she was probably concerned that you'd overexert yourself in working when you just came from the hospital. It's natural for a mother to be concerned for her children when they are sick.....

Sorry...not much comfort am I?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3050 on: January 29 2006, 11:23 am »
Your brother and your mom sound like they need serious help, moezy-chan. It might be natural for her to get angry with you for overexerting yourself after getting back from the hospital, but the fact that she beat you instead of just getting angry makes it seem more like she was just using you as an excuse to take out her frustration with something else. And, of course, nothing excuses your brother trying to kill you. And, Ralea, family may be family, but sometimes you -have- to break off from your family for your own sanity and safety. It's sad, but when your family, who is supposed to love you more than anybody else, is purposely and vindictively hurting you, you have to break away. I have a close friend who is destroying her life because her entire family are pieces of garbage and she refuses to break away because 'family is family.'
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3051 on: January 29 2006, 11:40 am »
awww yuki.. know how you feel.. i had this friend who was trying to steal my identidy T_T she copied my hair style, my clother. my lotion. even my shampoo!
and tried to steal my friends too. Everything stopped until i "tried" to talk to her but everything ended in a fight and she leave me alone ^^o.. she doesnt talk to me since then but its not that i care.. its reliable.

Moezy chan... dont feel upset... maybe its just in your mind that he's the fav one, maybe she's with him all the time because after all he is sick, and its not his fault he tried to hurt you... keep living your life and keep being happy with all the people who loves you (including us)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3052 on: January 29 2006, 12:35 pm »
*hugs all* Thanks you guys, I love being back here, I feel better already!

Moezy-chan: That's awful with the family! Honestly, I know they are family, who are suppose to love you, but they have some anger management issues. Its doesn't help much that you *just* came back from the hospital either. I hope you get better though.

AkaiYuki: 0__0! When I read that, I got a little scared, lol. In my opinion I think if it makes you feel uncomfortable you should tell her to kind of stop it a little. If she does have a crush on you, I guess you can say something like, "I think its very sweet of you to *like* me so much, but please, lay off a little". Lol, reading that, still makes it sound a teensy bit rude >_>

I'm not good with words, but I think you should tell her gently why, and she'll probably understand :)
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3053 on: January 29 2006, 08:02 pm »
AkaiYuki: it's kinda scary that she's doing everything you're doing, and wearing what you're wearing.. pretty much being a clone. if you have a boyfriend, you think she might steal him?

if you guys are really friends, then you should be able to talk to her about this. i mean, you SHOULD be able to tell your friends anything right? buut, if that approach sounds uncomfortable, then be sneaky and drop hints.. 'that looks like the shirt i bought the other day..., ey, when did you get the same haircut that i did?' :wink:

but you know what.. be proud of yourself. you know that you are YOU, you're not pretending to be anybody, nor trying to be anybody but yourself.  she can't say that for herself (or she cn delude herself into believing that), but what the heck. you're YOU. you're living YOUR life. she can't copy that feeling of satisfaction of being happy with one's self.  :okay:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3054 on: January 29 2006, 08:10 pm »
Hey all

I know I've been gone for a long time, but my life has been really hectic. There's been a recent death in the family, which had me down fo a month or so. Then my parents have been fighting, and I'm starting to think its because of me.

I missed you guys ALOT, and I think isolatign myself from the world has just gotten me in trouble. I'm just really depressed I guess.

So, enough about my babble, what's up with you guys? Likachi has told me awhile ago there's been some drama of sorts, lol.


So sorry for your loss..

As for your feeling that you're causing your parents to fight.. please try not to feel that way.. people act a bit differently when confronted with death, especially if it's as close as family. Guess coz its something thats too final, like you cant fight it or anything. shows your limitations as a human.

maybe your parents are feeling that way. they dont know how to handle their fear, so they're fighting. so, unless you deliberately tweaked their tempers, its not your fault..

and welcome back! and nice to meetcha.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3055 on: January 29 2006, 11:05 pm »
AkaiYuki: I have a friend like that too. Y'see, I act like anime in school, HE's my friend... but he started acting like me. Just the other day, when I brought my TRC collections at school, he said he has too but the truth is he doesn't have one :heh: It's kind of annoying. And the effect is reverse! He said to me that IM immitating him! It would be much better AkaiYuki-san, if you're goint to tell it to her directly. But in a gentle way. We don't want her to think that you're getting big-headed coz she's immitating you which is not

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3056 on: January 30 2006, 12:58 am »
:cry: If you want to know what happened, PM me. It's not something to be said publically.
hope your not still spreading lies about me
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3057 on: January 30 2006, 01:30 am »
VexNet, why are you on the Girl Thread?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3058 on: January 30 2006, 03:03 am »
VexNet, why are you on the Girl Thread?

No rule against it. After all, some girls were chatting it up on the Guy Thread not too long ago :wink:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3059 on: January 30 2006, 03:04 am »
Welcome back Fiash

@ AkaiYuki
My cousin use to be like that, she is always copying my style, dress sense, likes and dislikes and I found it rather annoying. I think you should talk to your friend about this because I always have a very good friend who says to me "Whenever something happens and your friend is involved in it, you should talk to him/her, even though your scared or fear of loss of friendship because if (s)he is a friend, (s)he should listen to you even though (s)he disagrees" and you know what? my friend is right because when I had friendship probs with my best friend, I followed my friends advice and told my best friend everything and he actually huged me~ sweet!

Anyway right now, I'm having a friendship problem too *cries*, I couldn't sleep at night at all  :( :( :( :(
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