Heh heh, Yuki's single, too, and has no plans for Valentine's day. She doesn't care, though, she's used to it!
TimeMachine, you have an awesome idea, though! One of my friends has a similar problem so maybe I'll try what you're doing! XD
Or, I'll just do what pretty-chan is doing and get myself some chocolate! XD
And then like hoshi-chan, I'll just do my homework.... With my chocolate... alone... *sweatdrop* Wow, actually, maybe being alone on Valentine's day DOES bother me.... This is the first time being alone on Valentine's day has EVER bothered me... And it wasn't even bothering me until I typed this post.... *s-sniff*

Waaaaaaaaaaah!!! *runs away crying*
Wait! What am I talking about?! The first DVD to one of my many favorite anime comes out on Valentine's day!!! THAT'S what I'll do! XD I'll watch that!!! *runs to the store and sits outside until Valentine's day*