
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544816 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3160 on: February 13 2006, 01:54 pm »
good luck with tanma.. tanma's girl!!  :hello2:

I may love vegetables, but I hate those vegetables! Not sure why.

*shocks head* typical signals of crazyness .. jeje jk

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3161 on: February 13 2006, 01:56 pm »
*shocks head* typical signals of crazyness .. jeje jk

Yeah, I'm crazy. I'll admit it. Besides, being normal is boring! I love being crazy!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3162 on: February 13 2006, 03:05 pm »
valentine's..  hmm.

me want all the normal stuff that girls get on valentine's!

me want flowers! me want chocolates!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3163 on: February 13 2006, 03:14 pm »
I find Valentine's Day a bit...material =S
I don't find a point in it. This isn't just because I don't have anyone to celebrate with either  :sweatdrop:

Even if you have a boyfriend, what if he forgets to get you something? You'd be pretty upset wouldn't you?
This is coming from a girl who is only 12 lol!  :tongue3:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3164 on: February 13 2006, 04:44 pm »
Last year, I had a boyfriend for Valentine's Day, even if he wasn't a very decent guy (i.e. Perverted stoner!). It was okay, he got me one of those cheap Hershey kisses in a heart-shaped box. It was sweet. And then he got me a teddy bear five days after cause . .. well it WAS my birthday, haha! I still have that bear . . . . somewhere, haha!

But blah, this year, like all the other ones before it, I'm alone. [sigh] And the guy I know does like me is Captain Oblivious.
My lord, I could be sitting in his lap half naked and he still wouldn't get a clue!
Tonight, we were at his place watching a movie and I was cuddled right up to him, my head and arm on his chest and he didn't even respond at all! Didn't push me away like I've seen him do with other people, he didn't get any closer either, NOTHING! I would have appreciated some response, even "Get the hell off me, *****!" I would have appreciated. Not being ignored entirely.
Haha, and even as Alyssa and Jon (the two others who were there, who, I might add, we getting quite close on the couch, hehehe) and I were complaining about it out loud and Josh was right in the room, he still didn't get it.
And even when I walked right up to him, pulled his toque down in front of his eyes and said, "Why do I even bother!?" and walked out, he didn't get a clue!
Captain Oblivious strikes again!
Apparently Alyssa and Joshs' best friend Werner are ready to freak out at him for not asking me out, haha. Which I find odd since Werner was the one that made an unoffical pact with him to never date during highschool since they considered it a waste of time. Oh well. I'm not complaining, haha.
Errr...about that part, anyways. Haha.

[sigh] Valentine's Day = Single's Awareness Day.
I'm done ranting . .. for now, muahaha!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3165 on: February 13 2006, 04:59 pm »
But blah, this year, like all the other ones before it, I'm alone. [sigh] And the guy I know does like me is Captain Oblivious.
My lord, I could be sitting in his lap half naked and he still wouldn't get a clue!
Tonight, we were at his place watching a movie and I was cuddled right up to him, my head and arm on his chest and he didn't even respond at all! Didn't push me away like I've seen him do with other people, he didn't get any closer either, NOTHING! I would have appreciated some response, even "Get the hell off me, *****!" I would have appreciated. Not being ignored entirely.
Haha, and even as Alyssa and Jon (the two others who were there, who, I might add, we getting quite close on the couch, hehehe) and I were complaining about it out loud and Josh was right in the room, he still didn't get it.
And even when I walked right up to him, pulled his toque down in front of his eyes and said, "Why do I even bother!?" and walked out, he didn't get a clue!
Captain Oblivious strikes again!

hehe captain obvlivious alright!

he probably liked where you were, all cuddled up to him, and he didn't want to move for fear of making you move away or something. ^_^

at least he didn't kick you or punch you or shove you away, right? i'd say that's a pretty good sign! :okay:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3166 on: February 13 2006, 05:09 pm »
hehe captain obvlivious alright!
he probably liked where you were, all cuddled up to him, and he didn't want to move for fear of making you move away or something. ^_^
at least he didn't kick you or punch you or shove you away, right? i'd say that's a pretty good sign! :okay:

Hmm  ..  he got up a few times though, although it was to answer the phone mind you, but if he liked where I was, he could have put his arm around me or something when he sat back down.
Blah, I've gotta stop overthinking this. He's just . . ..err, what's the word ..  impatent, haha! There we go!
But you're right, Sugar Fairy, I am glad he didn't shove me away, but I'm also upset that he didn't respond in any way shape or form. Blah.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3167 on: February 13 2006, 05:31 pm »
maybe he's a bit conservative? you know boys.. they can be very obnoxious and playful with each other, but when it comes to the girls they like, they tend to freeze up..

me, i shove people away when i dont like that they're being all cuddly or chummy with me.. . but at the same time, if the guy i like comes near me, i'd freeze up, and not move, because he might realize that he's actually NEAR me. hehe

you never know, he just might be intimidated by you, and probably too shy (scared?) to do anything about it. hehe, kinda cute. but yeah, frustrating.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3168 on: February 13 2006, 09:48 pm »
Bleh, Valentimes tomorrow. And I have 27 gifts to give. Haha! You see, I make it a point to give everybody special to me something. Boys that is. And having 23 1st degree male cousins, so......LOLZ! Anyway, me and my neighbor makes it a tradition. I give him chocolates for Valentines Day, and he gives me a gift on White Day. One of us fails, and the other is dead! Hehe. We both love anime you see, so we try to follow the japanese traditions.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3169 on: February 14 2006, 06:22 am »
Since I have never had a boyfriend I don't know what it would be like to share Valentine's with someone. My brother is engaged so he has this whole romantic day planned with his fiancee. The funny thing is, she doesn't like Valentine's day. Her reason for not liking it: She doesn't like the colors pink and red together...

Of all the reasons to not like this day, she doens't like it because of the colors. I think she is crazy.  My brother is going to spoil her tomorrow, and she doesn't even like Valentine's day! I hate Single Awareness Day. I had better stop or this will turn into a rant.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3170 on: February 14 2006, 07:48 am »
Again, I have a perfect record with Valentine's Day. 22 years dateless.  -_- I really and truly hate it. Doesn't help that I still haven't seen Ryan-kun! I miss him!  :cry:

Oh well, tomorrow will still be fun! For a homework assignment, I get to observe a preschool! I got to observe last week, and the kids were just so kawaii! Daisuki desu!

Also, Crystal-chan, I don't really like Valentines Day either for 2 reasons. 1) I've never had anyone to spend it with, and 2) I don't like the color pink. Don't worry, I'm not upset at you, but I can relate to your brother's fiancee. It's kinda hard to explain why.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3171 on: February 14 2006, 07:58 am »
I don't like the color pink either, but I guess not enough to make me hate an entire day. If I don't like Valentine's day it's because I don't have a date, not because I dislike the color. I just think, if I was getting married and I had a fiancee I would love Valentine's Day.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3172 on: February 14 2006, 09:32 am »
I am not really into Valentine's Day. Waste of chocolate...  :XD:

But, every now and then something fun may happen, like have a friend receiving a secret love letter, and we tracking the boy down and making e a plan to get them together...hehe  :heh:

It has never happened to me, though. I am just too weird for guys to like me, I guess. Even so, I am not interested...my heart belongs to Syaoran and Kohaku... hehe  :inlove:

Yup, I am crazy, but if SOMETHING happens tomorrow, I will be posting it here... you never know, there IS a chance I may receive a couple of chocolates.  :hehe:

Still, I don't think something may happen... but I am happy to see my friends get nervous about opening their lockers, since they almost ALWAYS receive something from someone... never happened to me before, and probably won't for a long, long time....  :sleepy5:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3173 on: February 14 2006, 03:35 pm »
I officially hate myself right now.
Okay, that's an exageration. But I sure ain't happy with myself right now.

Well, it was after school, and everyone was gone except Josh and I and he was about to walk off as well when I stopped him and said that I wouldn't be able to say this unless I said it. I basically said, "I really like you. I'm not expecting anything to happen, I just thought I'd let you know."
So after a few seconds of absolute silence he pats my shoulder and says simply, "That's cool."

.....The hell!?

So after a few minutes of awkward silence he then voices his thoughts, "This is really awkward."

....The HELL!?

Finally I just couldn't take it so I just took off. I now am taking double the amount of time to type this out because I bruised my knuckles badly by punching my locker extremely hard.

[sigh] I don't know what the hell to think right now.
So Valentine's Day is going to be extremely awkward for me. Yay!
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3174 on: February 14 2006, 04:07 pm »
Aw! Miharu! I'm so sorry.

If it makes you feel any better, I know a guy who was hanging out with a girl he liked (also a friend of mine), and as he was walking out to his car, he stopping on her porch and confessed he liked her. She said, "Oh. Cool." and then stood there akwardly. After a couple of moments she was like, "Um...high five." They high fived, and then she ran in the house and closed the door.

He spent the next week trying to figure out what it means when you tell a girl you like her, and she does a really lame high five. I felt really bad for both of them. They were both really weirded out.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3175 on: February 14 2006, 04:12 pm »
Poor Endoh-chan! It's okay! Maybe he was just nervous too! Never give up hope for the furutre!! *Huzzah!*

I have 30 bags of candy to prepare tonight! And it's past my bed time...wahh!! I'm so tired, and my hands ache from tying on ribbons. I can tell Valentine's Day is going to be fun, fun, fun for me! It doesn't help either that I just found out my friend was lying when she said my crush liked me...But she explained that it was to make me feel better. Hah...friends, you gotta love them!

Anyway, have a great V-Day guys! Hopefully yours is better than mine. Off to dreamland I go! ^__^

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3176 on: February 14 2006, 04:14 pm »
Ah, it's not your fault, Miharu. It's entirely his fault. He is hereby awarded this decade's Lame Oblivious Idiot Award. Or should I widen it, and say this century's?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3177 on: February 14 2006, 04:20 pm »
I can understand that, Miharu Endoh... I think he shouldn't said that so is not worth to feel like that for whatever he says or his thoughts. Valentine's day could be better, I'm sure you have friends that can make it  :wink: what really counts is you can be able to express your feelings and that those feelings are cool and special... the results is not your fault if someone doesn't match yours, you have a good life to find out hehe.

 A cookie for you, happy Valentine's  day :heh:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3178 on: February 14 2006, 05:13 pm »
Thank you guys. Good to know I'm loved here! :tongue3:

Blah, this is so confusing. Everyone has been "interrogating" him about the "incident" on MSN (much to my disliking), and they're all coming up with the same thing
1) He's a slow idiot (knew that, haha)
2) He does like me . . . alot, actually. (sorta knew that, too)
3) He wouldn't give an explanation as to why he said what he said earlier. Probably goes with #1.
4) He wants to ask me out, but he feels he'd have no time with me.
and 5) He's a slow idiot. (err...yeah, it had to be said again).

I could complain all day as to how #4 is a load of bull. But to simply put it, we hang out constantly, everyday, all the time. He seems to manage fine as friends. I think he's just using that as an excuse.

But oh well, who am I to tell him what he should or should not do?

I was actually feeling sorta guilty, he was trying to talk to me over MSN and I was pretty much ignoring him (I had my reasons for not blocking him). He even started telling this random story (which would have normally put a smile on my face, but I'm in no mood).
He finally gave up and said he was going to bed and just the way he put "Hope you enjoyed the story" I just burst out crying. I finally typed "I'm sorry" and he said it was alright and said "I'll see you tomorrow?" like he knew I would probably avoid him. [sigh] I'm such a girl, I just started bawling my eyes out. I said I would and he left.

[sigh] I'm confused as hell right now.

Edit: Yum! Cookie! Arigatou, Moon Li!
Rest in peace my furry friend.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3179 on: February 14 2006, 06:02 pm »
am really proud of you endoh-chan for being able to say it out loud!  :okay:

a lot of people go through life not being able to admit their feelings to someone they like, and they end up regretting it for the longest time..  if only, if only, if only, etc etc ad infinitum.

too bad he's a slow idiot who didn't know how to handle the situation better..  now look who's going through his what-ifs and if-onlys.
