
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544790 times)

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Offline Ralea

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3180 on: February 14 2006, 07:45 pm »
Aw, Endoh-chan! *huggles Endoh-chan* The guy's freakin confused right now, believe me....well in my opinion anyway. But that was really brave of you to tell him your feelings! *gives Endoh cookie*

Valentines was....tiring, but well worth it. The first gift I gave was to my neighbor. Now he has absolutely no reason to skip on White Day, haha!

But I was annoyed (and somehow felt good) when he gave me a rose all the same. Who would've thought he was like that, when we were always fighting before? :XD:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3181 on: February 15 2006, 01:31 am »
Aww, poor Endoh-chan. Hang in there. I'm sure something good will come out of this. Just remember my sig. There's a reason he's in your life, and though it may not make any sense now, it will later. Ganbatte.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3182 on: February 15 2006, 08:25 am »
Aww...poor Endoh-chan...I hope everything will work out for you. Sometimes guys just don't know how to respond to girls when they say stuff like that, so maybe he just got embarassed and shook it off...well, I don't know that for sure...but what I do know is that everything will definately be alright in the end!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3183 on: February 15 2006, 08:43 am »
I feel upset now. I saw my crush today, and he acted like he didn't even see me. He waved hi, and then went back to talking to his friends.  :cry: Didn't help that they were all girls!

Offline babypigggy

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3184 on: February 15 2006, 08:45 am »
I feel upset now. I saw my crush today, and he acted like he didn't even see me. He waved hi, and then went back to talking to his friends. :cry: Didn't help that they were all girls!
It's okay! guys are always like that ^^;; it's nice that he waved a hello. You should really get to talk to him..in a natrual sort of way

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3185 on: February 15 2006, 08:46 am »
Mmhm.  Guys really don't think before they act...erm most guys that is.  Take Seto for example.  He's really sweet...................but he can be so clueless on how I feel sometimes.  Thats just the way guys act.  And that's also how we girls act to.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3186 on: February 15 2006, 08:48 am »
Don't worry Endoh-chan!!  :)

I gave you a cookie for being brave enough to tell him your feelings just like that. He is probably shocked, and doesn´t knows how to react.  :dodge:

Maybe things might be a bit weird between you two for a while, but if the guy really likes you he will have to react and seize the moment. Ganbatte!!  :okay:

As for me, I recived a red rose!!!!!!!!!!!  :XD:!

Problem is, we couldn't find out WHO it was. I kinda said it was probably a joke or something, but it made my day a little better.  :)

I received lots of chocolates from my friends and classmates, so I am kinda hyper right now. It makes me a little sad, though that I am so unsure if the rose is actually from someone who admires me. I am sure that tomorrow my friends will laugh and say *It was just a JOKE!!*

Meh, at least I know that I have REAL friends here. And maybe the rose IS really from someone who admires me...

Oh well, enough of my Valentines Day.  :heh:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3187 on: February 15 2006, 08:50 am »
Worst part of it all, I actually approached him! I stood there blushing, and then decided to approach him. I said his name, and he waved, and that's basically what happened. I feel sorta hanyaan  :inlove: but more down than anything!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3188 on: February 15 2006, 09:00 am »
Do you guys talk, at all like..msn kind of thing?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3189 on: February 15 2006, 09:03 am »
I have no way of contacting him. No phone number, no email, no messenger. All I know is that he lives on campus. Really s**ks that I'm so close to him, and yet so far!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3190 on: February 15 2006, 09:06 am »
A good excuse is School projects..but i dont think you get any of those..especially in groups

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twinKITTY;; Zeldi
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3191 on: February 15 2006, 09:09 am »
A good excuse is School projects..but i dont think you get any of those..especially in groups

We don't have any classes together this semester. That really doesn't help.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3192 on: February 15 2006, 09:13 am »
We don't have any classes together this semester. That really doesn't help.
Well...I guess you should talk, you're the one with the crush ^^;;

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3193 on: February 16 2006, 10:40 am »
Maybe you could ask for some help on a piece of homework? Kind of like tutoring!
Then you could set up a place to meet and talk and such ^__^

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3194 on: February 17 2006, 08:07 am »
Maybe you could ask for some help on a piece of homework? Kind of like tutoring!
Then you could set up a place to meet and talk and such ^__^

yes .. do that >< ... take all your courage and go to talk with him!!! and/or ask  for his number or email or anything!!!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3195 on: February 17 2006, 03:55 pm »
yes .. do that >< ... take all your courage and go to talk with him!!! and/or ask for his number or email or anything!!!

Yeah, Moezy! If I can do it, you can!

Speaking of which, Josh finally talked to me tonight about the "incident".
We were outside walking and he apologized for just leaving me hanging all week. He basically said, "I really like you, too, and you're like my best friend. . ." and then he paused (obviously feeling awkward), and I just laughed and said, "It's fine, I know what's coming. Buuuuuuuut?" And he said that he made a promise to himself that through highschool he would stay focused on his studies. I said that that was fine and I respect his decision, ya-da-ya-da. :tongue3: And he commented on the side, "I don't want to say 'let's just be friends' because that's the lamest thing you can say at a time like this but . . . yeah, I certainly don't want to be ditching you now and vice versa."

So yeah, it's a resolved. I'm happy again, and we're closer than ever now! :D
Who knows? Maybe he'll change his mind. I'm willing to wait now that I know how he feels.
Then again, I've known that since January, haha. But at least now he's told it to my face. Silly kid. :tongue3:

EDIT: Woah, where'd this extra cookie come from? :tongue3:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3196 on: February 17 2006, 08:57 pm »
good for you :okay:

Offline Ralea

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3197 on: February 17 2006, 09:55 pm »
I told you the guy was freakin' confused Endoh-chan! Good for you!

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99% of the female population all think that Syaoran is the hottest bishie ever in both TRC & CCS. 1% is me! XD If you're one of the 1% who isn't so possesive over Syaoran, and wants him to be with Sakura only, copy and paste this into your sig.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3198 on: February 18 2006, 03:12 am »
Hmm, well it seems like everything still turned out good ne, Endoh? Even if it wasn't *exactly* what you wanted, maybe he'll come through. At least he definitely seems like a nice guy to be mature enough to say what he said. Most guys would probably just make fun of you for weeks.. Guys can be such jerks...

This one time, in 9th grade, my friend decided she wanted to go sit (during lunch) at the table the guy she had a crush on sat at instead of with us, (we weren't mad, we were rooting for her) but when we found her after school (three hours after lunch), she was crying! We asked her what happened, and she told us, and NO girls I am NOT lying, that he dumped his entire salad into the hood of her jacket when she wasn't looking, and she was walking around with it like that the whole day!! Can you THINK of anything more immature than that?! We were ninth graders, but he was either a sophomore or junior (I hated him, so I didn't pay much attention to him, so I don't know what he was...) so he must have been at LEAST 16, and yet STILL that immature!! Can you girls believe it?!?!

So Endoh, be glad your guy is nice enough to still wanna be friends! And since now you're even closer, it leaves the possibility that you guys can get even closer STILL, and then maybe, he'll realize how cute you are (we've been to the lovely faces thread, we know!) and decide he likes you! XD

(((Random and off topic: OMG OMG, Endoh!! Where did you get the pics in your icon!!! I've been looking for those pics for AGES!!! O.O)))
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3199 on: February 18 2006, 04:04 am »
Wow! That's great Endoh-chan! :keke:

Amazing set by Eurydice! :keke:

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