
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544772 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3200 on: February 18 2006, 05:00 am »
Yay Endoh-chan!!!!  :okay:

I am glad that things are ok, now.  :keke:

Luckily, with time, you guys will finally end up together!  :rotfl:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3201 on: February 18 2006, 05:51 am »
Yatta Endoh-chan! I'm rooting for you! As for my crush, I think it's time that I let him go. It's kinda hard to cling to something that isn't there, and I've been getting the feeling that the only thing in our relationship was that we both want to be teachers.

I'm almost positive that he doesn't like me in the way that I like him (what ever way that is) and it's time to toss it to the curb. I've come to accept the fact that I will never go on an actual date, and I'll never know what it's like to be kissed by someone other than your family. I'm only hurting myself in the long run. I have to learn to quit obsessing.

It's my fate to be forever alone, and if that's what God has planned for me, so be it. Who am I to fight fate?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3202 on: February 18 2006, 07:15 am »
Yatta Endoh-chan! I'm rooting for you! As for my crush, I think it's time that I let him go. It's kinda hard to cling to something that isn't there, and I've been getting the feeling that the only thing in our relationship was that we both want to be teachers.

I'm almost positive that he doesn't like me in the way that I like him (what ever way that is) and it's time to toss it to the curb. I've come to accept the fact that I will never go on an actual date, and I'll never know what it's like to be kissed by someone other than your family. I'm only hurting myself in the long run. I have to learn to quit obsessing.

It's my fate to be forever alone, and if that's what God has planned for me, so be it. Who am I to fight fate?

Moou! Moezy-chan! Don't you think like that! Just, don't do it! If you keep thinking that you'll be alone.. then you'll most likely be. Don't get discouraged because it didn't go the way you wanted to.

I'm sorry that he doesn't like you the way you wanted him to, but thats how life is. We don't always get what we want, but sometimes we do unexpectedly. (If that makes any sence).. You'll probably tell me that I shouldn't be saying this.

I may be younger then you but I have got though something similar. I liked a guy for a long time, but we were only friends and nothing more. I had to let him go. Doesn't mean it's the end of the world and you'll never have a boyfriend! Sure, it looks that way now, but don't give up! I'm rooting for you. ^__^
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3203 on: February 18 2006, 09:10 am »
Yatta Endoh-chan! I'm rooting for you! As for my crush, I think it's time that I let him go. It's kinda hard to cling to something that isn't there, and I've been getting the feeling that the only thing in our relationship was that we both want to be teachers.

I'm almost positive that he doesn't like me in the way that I like him (what ever way that is) and it's time to toss it to the curb. I've come to accept the fact that I will never go on an actual date, and I'll never know what it's like to be kissed by someone other than your family. I'm only hurting myself in the long run. I have to learn to quit obsessing.

It's my fate to be forever alone, and if that's what God has planned for me, so be it. Who am I to fight fate?

Mattaku... *vein* MO-E-ZY-CHA-N!!!! *smacks moezy's back* You need to cheer up!!! Just because this ONE guy doesn't happen to like you doesn't mean you will NEVER go on a date EVER. I know TONS of people your age who have NEVER been on a date, and they're totally fine.

Besides, you're always so busy with class that maybe you don't even have TIME to even ENJOY a relationship! Surely you wouldn't want to be in a relationship that is too quick or under-developed? I mean you're SO busy that if you get a boyfriend you may be with him for a month or so and only have had time for two dates! You'd barely know the guy!!

You need to wait until you have a break from all your work, school, and when your anemia gets a lot better so that you can have time to think about YOU and who you would even want to be with. Take it slow!!!!

Heh heh, sorry if Yuki was harsh on you! It's tough love! XD
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3204 on: February 18 2006, 09:27 am »
Mattaku... *vein* MO-E-ZY-CHA-N!!!! *smacks moezy's back* You need to cheer up!!! Just because this ONE guy doesn't happen to like you doesn't mean you will NEVER go on a date EVER. I know TONS of people your age who have NEVER been on a date, and they're totally fine.

Besides, you're always so busy with class that maybe you don't even have TIME to even ENJOY a relationship! Surely you wouldn't want to be in a relationship that is too quick or under-developed? I mean you're SO busy that if you get a boyfriend you may be with him for a month or so and only have had time for two dates! You'd barely know the guy!!

You need to wait until you have a break from all your work, school, and when your anemia gets a lot better so that you can have time to think about YOU and who you would even want to be with. Take it slow!!!!

Heh heh, sorry if Yuki was harsh on you! It's tough love! XD

Here here!!! Girl, you just have to wait for the right guy to come around and realize what an amazing person you are!! And girl I am in the same boat you are. But darlin don't think that a guy will complete you because you have friends and family who all care about you so much!! And you'll probably find the guy when your not lookin for it. Just like a watched pot never boils (sorry bad analogy but it was the only one I can come up with) Have faith! I have faith in you !
You are never alone!! So snap out of it :P

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3205 on: February 18 2006, 10:38 am »
Yatta Endoh-chan! I'm rooting for you! As for my crush, I think it's time that I let him go. It's kinda hard to cling to something that isn't there, and I've been getting the feeling that the only thing in our relationship was that we both want to be teachers.

I'm almost positive that he doesn't like me in the way that I like him (what ever way that is) and it's time to toss it to the curb. I've come to accept the fact that I will never go on an actual date, and I'll never know what it's like to be kissed by someone other than your family. I'm only hurting myself in the long run. I have to learn to quit obsessing.

It's my fate to be forever alone, and if that's what God has planned for me, so be it. Who am I to fight fate?

Moezy-chan.... :sweatdrop: You shouldn't think like that! I don't think you should be giving up on Ryan-kun, not unless that is what your heart really wants. (My opinion of course) Remeber what your signature says moezy-chan! Zettai Daijobu Daioh! ^___^ If you're both interested in being teachers, then why not get together and hang out talking about it? Also, maybe if you ever need help, maybe you should ask him for some help.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3206 on: February 18 2006, 11:42 am »
Moezy-chan! NO! You can't give up! Keep trying! Everything will be alright in the end!

Amazing set by Eurydice! :keke:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3207 on: February 18 2006, 01:18 pm »
Moezy-chan! How could you say such a thing! What if this guy likes you too and you didn't realize it and you gave up on him? Then we'll never hear the end of it! I know a story where a girl and a boy loved each other but they were too shy to tell each other how they felt! It ended that the guy only found out that the girl loved him during her burial when the priest read her diary! Don't give up like that!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3208 on: February 18 2006, 01:31 pm »
Sugoi da te ne! Never knew so many people cared about me! Arigatou minna-san. Anata wa-tachi sugoi ne! And after thinking it over and analyzing the situation, I figured out why I got so depressed. I had only seen Ryan once before this semester, on the first day of school, and it is apparent that I missed him. Remember, I don't have any classes with him this semester which seriously don't help.

Well, seeing him made me very happy, and to top it off, it was Valentine's Day. When I saw him, I was thrilled! It seemed too good to be true that I hadn't seen my crush in a whole month, and then I see him on the holiday that celebrates love! It was like fate for me. At first I was nervous and I started to blush. Just think of Syaoran. We're seriously too much alike; except that I'm a girl.  :sweatdrop:

Well, as nervous as I was, I remembered that Endoh-chan too the inititive to tell Josh, and that gave me the courage to approach him. I called his name, but he didn't hear me. I called again and he saw me, smiled, and then went back to talking to his friends; a group of girls.  -_- Apparently I was pretty jealous and frustrated. Deciding that I didn't want to make a fool of myself, I left. That pretty much leads up to now.

But even though I was pretty depressed, you all cheered me up tremendously! I really appreciate it minna! Minna-san sugoi ne!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3209 on: February 18 2006, 02:07 pm »
There's absolutely no way I'm going to allow anyone go down like that. Have confidence in yourself!

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99% of the female population all think that Syaoran is the hottest bishie ever in both TRC & CCS. 1% is me! XD If you're one of the 1% who isn't so possesive over Syaoran, and wants him to be with Sakura only, copy and paste this into your sig.


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3210 on: February 18 2006, 03:54 pm »
There's absolutely no way I'm going to allow anyone go down like that. Have confidence in yourself!

Alot easier said than done; confidence is something I can give to others, but when it comes to myself, I have the bare minimum. I've tried to have confidence, I've even pretended that I have confidence in the hopes that I would gain it, but I can't. When I act like I have confidence, people get annoyed with me and tell me to shut up, and I resort to the way I was. It's an endless battle.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3211 on: February 18 2006, 04:28 pm »
Alot easier said than done; confidence is something I can give to others, but when it comes to myself, I have the bare minimum. I've tried to have confidence, I've even pretended that I have confidence in the hopes that I would gain it, but I can't. When I act like I have confidence, people get annoyed with me and tell me to shut up, and I resort to the way I was. It's an endless battle.

Don't listien to them moezy-chan!! Their just big butts! My choir teacher lecutred us one morning, after we finished a song, he told us some of us had our shoulders slumped. He said that when we did that we looked like we were saying, "We're just singing, don't mind us." He also said that we looked like bully victims! After that, the sound of our voices was much better. By putting our shoulder's back, he said that we looked like we were saying, "Listien to us, our else we'll bonk you on the head"  :tongue3:
I guess he means, if you look like you mean what you say, people will listien and be serious about it. They'll take you seriously as well. I try to apply this in class, but for some reason I can't. I get afraid that if I say something, people will make fun of what I say. So moezy-chan, if I can do it, you can too! Try harder to be more confident! ^_^

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3212 on: February 18 2006, 07:50 pm »
you think too much to do the things moezy chan ><.. thinking is bad sometimes cuz it always takes the courage away.
Fai dont think people laugh at you... you are overreacting a little and eveybody says sometimes funny things and they laugh.. like me for example, some people here laugh at me but i know its because i said something funny without even realizing it

*hugs to fai and moezy chan*

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3213 on: February 19 2006, 01:54 am »
But I always tend to be extremely serious. It's a habit that I can't get rid of, and part of me doesn't want to get rid of it. Being serious means people will treat me by my real age. I don't look my age; in fact I look 16, and the only way people know that I'm an adult is if I'm serious. That's my defense. As for thinking, I just always tend to be analytical. It's what makes me me and it's pretty hard to change yourself.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3214 on: February 19 2006, 02:19 am »
But I always tend to be extremely serious. It's a habit that I can't get rid of, and part of me doesn't want to get rid of it. Being serious means people will treat me by my real age. I don't look my age; in fact I look 16, and the only way people know that I'm an adult is if I'm serious. That's my defense. As for thinking, I just always tend to be analytical. It's what makes me me and it's pretty hard to change yourself.

I know what you mean. I'm nineteen, but I look younger than I am. I have to force myself to act serious in real life so that people don't treat me like a kid. I'm naturally actually a rather serious persons as well, so it actually isn't that hard for me, but it's definitely difficult sometimes. Nobody can always be serious and rational. (That's one of the reasons why I love coming on here. It's fun and not at all serious most of the time.) And don't even try to change that part of you at all.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3215 on: February 19 2006, 03:21 am »
Thank you Lady Ultima. And I won't change it. I've learned to love who I am. It's what makes me unique. And I also love to come on here for that reason. This place can be so calming at times.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3216 on: February 19 2006, 07:08 am »
Moezy-chan  :)

Don't forget that you are a wonderful person, and since you are always there for us when we have trouble or need advice, you are really loved here.  :D

We care for you, and are rooting for you. You are a special, unique person... NEVER EVER forget that, because that is what it makes everybody special: The fact that they are unique.  :greengrin:

You are you, and that is VERY important, that is the Moezy-chan we love and care for.  :keke:

You never know... maybe it is not the moment OR person for you, but until that day, just keep being yourself, and remember that you have a lot of people here that care and love you, JUST because you ARE you.  :wink:

Oh.... and it is important to smile too hehe  :heh:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3217 on: February 19 2006, 07:31 am »
Arigatou Monse-chan. That truly means alot to know that I'm cared about, and all of you are so willing to help me!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3218 on: February 20 2006, 04:12 am »
Everyone's a big happy family here!

Umm...changing topic slightly....you know on dates-that-aren't-really-dates-but-are-just-going-out-for-drinks?

How do you behave? Because I am a really shy person and the guy I like just asked me to go for a drink with him....

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3219 on: February 20 2006, 04:41 am »
Gomen ne Ruby Chan. I can't give any advice for that.  :sweatdrop: Does anybody else have an idea?