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AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544707 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3280 on: February 26 2006, 06:48 am »
I don't wear make-up. The only time I ever did was when I was 10 years old. I had a tap dancing recital, and make-up was required; also when I was in the Drama Club in my 2nd year of college. Again, required.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3281 on: February 26 2006, 06:49 am »
Odd kinda question: how many of us wear make-up? And how much make-up do you wear? How old were you when you started wearing make-up? Personally, I'm fascinated by the idea that women are supposed to spend so much money and time and effort on make-up when men can generally just shower, comb their hair, and put on clean clothes for a day at work or school. I didn't start wearing make-up until I was about sixteen, myself.
Err.. I never wear make-up too. When I child (about 8-10 years old) I goed to disco have some fun, then I make-up so much...huhhuh, kind of embarrasing to remember how much I have mascarated my face then XD
And when I make-up it's normally when I cosply. I don't know...it's habit that I don't make-up but when I "started" to cosplay then I maybe little but something to my face otherwise no..
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3282 on: February 26 2006, 06:50 am »
I never realized I spent 200 posts on the Last Song Syndrome Thread. Whoa.

I don't really wear make-up on a regular, day-to-day basis. I think it's ridiculous! For everyday, I just put on regular lipgloss and I'm out the door. For special, special occasions (very rarely) I wear eye liner and eye shadow (modest amount, only a little so that it's not too heavy) and mascara. And the lipgloss. And it's only because my sisters get angry if I don't wear any make-up on those special occasions. I don't really like make-up that much.

As well as answering Jeanette's question, I have a question myself:

While some people think that wearing make-up is really covering up women's natural beauty, other people say it's just excentuating women's natural beauty and bringing it out even more.

Which do you agree with?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3283 on: February 26 2006, 06:53 am »
I say that it covers up a woman's beauty. All women are beautiful, and we don't need make-up for it. I'm a believer in natural beauty. This is the face that I'm stuck with, so I might as well get used to it.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3284 on: February 26 2006, 07:01 am »
I agree. I just thought up the question when I was thinking about this Dove commercial, and the Campaign for Real Beauty. I thought that Dove was doing a very good thing. I think as soon as I move out of my house, I'm going to stop wearing make-up. When I move out (it seems like my sisters never will) of my house, the sisters will stop pushing me to wear make-up. Hmm. I'm that ugly, right? They're acting as if make-up was made for me. Haha. Grrr...
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3285 on: February 26 2006, 07:19 am »
Great way of thinking Cherry-chan! And I also love that commercial. Every woman is beautiful. I don't care what anybody else says contrary to that.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3286 on: February 26 2006, 07:20 am »
I do wear make-up, but not alot of it...usually just eyeliner and lip gloss is what I use.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3287 on: February 26 2006, 07:30 am »
I wear make-up when I go out, and see friends. I like the way make-up makes me look and feel, although I am one for natural beauty. But I like to wear make-up and I do when I want to. I don't see what's so wrong with it. I've watched TCL's what not to wear, and the when the make-up artists puts on make-up on the women on the show, they look so pretty and it really lights-up their face. It's not even that they're wearing alot, it's actually every little. A little make-up goes a long way, in my opinon. Sure, natural beauty is wonderful.. but I think it's good to at least wear it when you're around others, in a large crowd of people.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3288 on: February 26 2006, 07:31 am »
Yeah i do the same moonflower121
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3289 on: February 26 2006, 07:34 am »
*sniff* Everyone seems to hate make-up ladies here... Yuki luffs make-up.. and wears it every day... *hides in corner*

Actually, I kind of hate make-up... XD Putting it on is a pain and taking it off is three times more annoying.. But I love it because I really hate the way my face looks without it...

Also, has anyone noticed that sometimes a woman is treated completely differently based on how much make up she has on?

I swear if I leave the house without make up on ((which is only if I'm just going to the convenience store or something..)) people treat me like crap! It's terrible! They treat me as if I'm not even there or as if I just did something really rude to them!

And then, if I ever wear too much make up ((which doesn't ever happen unless I was in a hurry and screwed up bad and don't have time to fix it)) then people treat me like a freak! XD Girls stare at me with that "What was she THINKING?" look usually followed by an annoying scoff and guys just kind of look at me like "Ooook..."

It's amazing how women are constatnly subjected to such treatment based on how they look... It's really unfair. Sadly, I'll never stop wearing make-up. I just don't have the confidence. But I am considering cutting my hair short to show my liberation without skipping on make-up! XD
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3290 on: February 26 2006, 07:37 am »
I don't hate women who wear make-up. On the contrary, I agree that make-up does make women very attractive, but it just isn't for me. I can't bring myself to like it. I won't rain on any of your parade though.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3291 on: February 26 2006, 07:41 am »
I don't hate women who wear make-up. On the contrary, I agree that make-up does make women very attractive, but it just isn't for me. I can't bring myself to like it. I won't rain on any of your parade though.

LOL, don't worry! I know you don't *hate* them, I was just playin'.

And I totally understand why you wouldn't like it. Especially considering some girls actually look better without it! XD ((I have a friend whose face simply wasn't made for make-up.. But without it, she's gorgeous! Yuki is the opposite... -_-))
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3292 on: February 26 2006, 07:46 am »
LOL, don't worry! I know you don't *hate* them, I was just playin'.

And I totally understand why you wouldn't like it. Especially considering some girls actually look better without it! XD ((I have a friend whose face simply wasn't made for make-up.. But without it, she's gorgeous! Yuki is the opposite... -_-))

You will really understand in one minute because I'm going to post my picture! I finally got a webcam, and this picture I won't say that I'm fat because it's 20 pounds lighter than my last picture!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3293 on: February 26 2006, 07:49 am »
Make-up is fun and makes you look fantastic, if done right. I wear make-up almost everyday. I just find it absolutely fascinating to see how a woman is treated differently when she's wearing make-up as opposed to when she's not, and how make-up is viewed on men as well. A woman wearing make-up will be looked at far more than one not wearing make-up. And the type of make-up a woman wears does mark her place in the hierarchy of her peers. I mean, in high school I could tell exactly what clique a girl belonged to by the make-up she wore, without even bothering to look at her clothes.

And I also find it interesting, as I said before, that women put so much effort and money into make-up. After all, it takes at the absolute least ten minutes for me to put on my make-up. That's ten minutes I could have spent doing something else. And make-up can be darn expensive, too, especially when you go for the good stuff. Every time I buy make-up, I think about the manga I could have bought instead. (LOL) I read a poem one time, written by a woman with two teengage children, a girl and a boy. She wrote about how her daughter would get up at six thirty in the morning to shower, do her hair, and put on her make-up. The brother would get up at seven thirty and just get dressed. Then the daughter would go to sleep at eleven, but the son would be up to one in the morning because he'd been working out all afternoon and needed to get his homework. It was such a good poem, contrasting the female and male experience.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3294 on: February 26 2006, 08:18 am »
A woman wearing make-up will be looked at far more than one not wearing make-up. And the type of make-up a woman wears does mark her place in the hierarchy of her peers. I mean, in high school I could tell exactly what clique a girl belonged to by the make-up she wore, without even bothering to look at her clothes.

In terms of "clique" (which I am totally against) I guess make-up could be used as a form of creative expression, but I don't think women without make-up should be treated any differently than women with make-up. That's really unfair, and quite shallow (not that I think you're shallow, Jeanette!). I don't think anyone should be judged on their apppearance. But I'm not against people wearing make-up, though. If it does good for them and makes them happy, by all means, go ahead.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3295 on: February 26 2006, 08:24 am »
Oh, I never meant that -should- happen, just that it did. Of course women who wear make-up shouldn't be treated differently than women who don't. But it does happen, unfortunately.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3296 on: February 26 2006, 08:26 am »
*nods* Yes, sadly, I agree. We live in such a difficult world >_<
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3297 on: February 26 2006, 03:31 pm »
i cant live out makeup >< i just feel really ugly when im not using it
Oh, I never meant that -should- happen, just that it did. Of course women who wear make-up shouldn't be treated differently than women who don't. But it does happen, unfortunately.

and this is like a sing of feminism (or w/e its sp).. cuz if a girl is using makeup.. at least just a llittle bit that means that she cares about appereance (import thing for a woman)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3298 on: February 26 2006, 03:37 pm »
I don't wear make-up at all...Only wear it for dance and Halloween. It's a pain to put on, espieclly the eyeliner...Evil!
I have friends who live for make-up though...Some put so much mascara on, it kind of makes them look scary >.>
And pretty-chan, you shouldn't say that ^_^ Everyone has natural beauty, take the Dove comercial for example!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3299 on: February 26 2006, 03:45 pm »
maybe i feel like that cuz im too used to it... and im ugly.. so makeup covers all my ugly parts.. (or al least what it cans cuz i know its not magical)

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