
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544694 times)

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Offline Strawberry

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3300 on: February 27 2006, 05:13 am »
@ Pretty
come on I'm sure your not ugly and I believe that most girls look pretty without make up

Anyway girls, I'm having a prob so is there anyone who can help me out?

me and my friends are going to an Anime convention called the Expo in May and I am the main organiser booking the hotel, arranging meet up area, plans, attendee list etc... I'm working hard to make this meet up well organised, but the thing I don't like is one of my good and closest friend is always inviting people he doesn't know well and people he never meet before from other forums. I'm particulary not happy with this because of the following reasons......

1) The more of us there are the more noise there will be, I got told off in past meetings due to the noise level just because the hotel was booked under my name and people seem to ignore me when I tell them to keep the noise level down. In the last meet up there was 6 of us and I was the one who have to face the neighbours, security and flatmates.

2) There were some people who confirmed their stay and never turned up without telling me. This has caused an unfair price plan for me and the members because in the last Expo I had to pay with my OWN money for people who never turned up and yep those people were an invite from another forum who we never meet before.

3) Realise there were people who join the meet up so they don’t have to make their own hotel arrangements because they know that will definitely get a room since I was working my *** off to organise this stuff, then they never again kept in contact with us after the Expo. I feel like I was being used.

4) Also realise there were people who never donated a penny for food and I notice those people are ones which joined us in the hotel for the same reason in 3)

I don't mind meeting these unknown people at the Expo, but its just inviting them into the hotel which I am concerned about and I believe they should make their own arrangements. I did try to talk to my friend, but he disagrees with me and believes that everyone should be invited regardless of where they are and how well we know them. What should I do?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3301 on: February 27 2006, 05:51 am »
I hate to say this Strawberry-chan, but you'll have to give an ultimatum. Make it clear that you are the one in charge, because you technically are, and if he insists that these people should come and is absolutely adament about it, then he should make his own group.

If he insists on usurping your authority, then he should be in charge of a group himself and see how difficult it is. It sounds harsh I know, but it's the best solution in this case. Either he gets rid of his friends, or he can't come in your group.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3302 on: February 27 2006, 05:53 am »
That sounds good to me, or you could have him do all the hotel accomodations so that its his butt on the line and not yours.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3303 on: February 27 2006, 08:04 am »
if any of those things works...you have no choice to kick him out of the group... (as the last option)
show him who is in charge!

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Offline aishiteru

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3304 on: February 27 2006, 10:51 am »
make-up? what is that? haha.

usually, i wear chapstick on a day to day basis and put on some eyeliner in the morning so i don't look so tired, but it usually goes away by mid-day. other than special occasions such as sweet sixteens, formal parties, my dance rehearsal, dance pictures, and dance recital, i don't wear make-up. but i do know how to put it on.

i have a question about make-up also.

do you think there is a difference between buying the really expensive make-up or buying make-up from your local drugstore. i honestly don't see the difference unless you get foundation or something but other than that, i don't think there is.

so if there isn't a difference, why do people spend so much money buying like, a tube of lipstick?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3305 on: February 27 2006, 11:09 am »
when i buy makeup.. i check the mark...cuz  there are some kinna makeups (usually the cheap ones) that gives me allergies -_- sorry im weird
so i prefer spending money rather than my face all red

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3306 on: February 27 2006, 11:18 am »
when i buy makeup.. i check the mark...cuz  there are some kinna makeups (usually the cheap ones) that gives me allergies -_- sorry im weird
so i prefer spending money rather than my face all red

Same with me. I'm also allergic to cheap make-up, and there's no way I can afford the good stuff, so I do without. And I'm still a believer in natural beauty, so it doesn't bother me either or.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3307 on: February 27 2006, 11:19 am »
ohh true. there's always that. but what if someone doesn't get allergies from make-up? couldn't they just buy .. not cheap make-up but not REALLY expensive make-up?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3308 on: February 27 2006, 11:39 am »
i buy expensive make up.. and it left me without money.. not even for anime -_-
why people that doesnt have allergies do that.. cuz expensive make up is better cuz it laste longer time than normal ones.. and no secondaries effects..and they are prettier.
allergier or not.. i will always buy expensive ones..

and its a pain on the *** when my sister are playing with them when i'm not looking... grrrr...why they just fo to play with their barbie make up :annoyed:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3309 on: February 27 2006, 07:06 pm »
That sounds good to me, or you could have him do all the hotel accomodations so that its his butt on the line and not yours.

i think this would be the best learning experience for him too. let him feel how difficult it is to organize stuff..

on a different note, how awful do you get when you're PMSing?

i've been growling at strangers the whole day :heh:

Offline Strawberry

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3310 on: February 27 2006, 07:49 pm »
Arigatou Mozey-Chan, Pretty and itsafactiact
I will tell him that, its hard because he is a good friend which I don't want to lose, but I guess he should understand my feelings too, so if he doesn't listen, I will tell him to make his own arrangements, so he can invite those unknown strangers and see how it feels.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3311 on: February 28 2006, 02:05 am »
Arigatou Mozey-Chan, Pretty and itsafactiact
I will tell him that, its hard because he is a good friend which I don't want to lose, but I guess he should understand my feelings too, so if he doesn't listen, I will tell him to make his own arrangements, so he can invite those unknown strangers and see how it feels.

That's good Strawberry-chan. It is hard, I know, but he has to learn responsibility. Try to stay dilligent about it, even if you don't want to.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3312 on: February 28 2006, 04:33 am »
i'm trying to be a good student right now, but school is so boring. haha. yeah, i'm in school on the forums because i'm just so bored and i don't feel like interacting with the rest of my class. they're talking about weight, and i feel fat enough as it is. the skinniest girl in my class says she's fat and she's only 98 pounds. eeerrr.. i feel so big.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3313 on: February 28 2006, 04:41 am »
i'm trying to be a good student right now, but school is so boring. haha. yeah, i'm in school on the forums because i'm just so bored and i don't feel like interacting with the rest of my class. they're talking about weight, and i feel fat enough as it is. the skinniest girl in my class says she's fat and she's only 98 pounds. eeerrr.. i feel so big.

Aishiteru-chan, I've seen your pictures, and you definitely are NOT fat! You are just at the size you need to be, and you're very beautiful! Don't put yourself down like that!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3314 on: February 28 2006, 04:43 am »
but like.. i feel weird because i'm 4'10 1/2 at 115 pounds. i'm a size 5 in jeans and i'm filipino.. i'm supposed to normally be skinny. rawwwrrrr. it just makes me mad that i let myself go all these years.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3315 on: February 28 2006, 04:50 am »
but like.. i feel weird because i'm 4'10 1/2 at 115 pounds. i'm a size 5 in jeans and i'm filipino.. i'm supposed to normally be skinny. rawwwrrrr. it just makes me mad that i let myself go all these years.

Don't worry about it. This may be hard to believe, especially when you look at my pictures, but I'm 10 pounds overweight. Weight doesn't matter. If you worry about weight it will cause you to be obsessed with it and when that happens you'll do unhealthy things to your body. I did, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I have so many health problems now because I worried about losing weight. Trust me, you're fine just the way you are. And if you do want to lose weight, don't think about trying to lose it. When you don't worry about it, you actually lose me. It happens to me all the time.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3316 on: February 28 2006, 07:48 am »
thanks for the advice moezy-chan. i really needed it.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3317 on: February 28 2006, 08:23 am »
thanks for the advice moezy-chan. i really needed it.

Alway happy to help. ^_^ Glad that you're feeling better aishiteru-chan!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3318 on: February 28 2006, 11:22 am »
ok so can anybody tell me what i can do in the hospital other then go on my labtop..i am so bored i can DIE!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3319 on: February 28 2006, 11:25 am »
ok so can anybody tell me what i can do in the hospital other then go on my labtop..i am so bored i can DIE!
What happen? It sounds bad. I read your other post, and you have to stayed for weeks! What happen
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