Yay for allergic reactions!

Ahh, it started with bumps all over my arms and legs and now it's gone across my back, my stomach and my face!
I'm puffy, swollen, red, BAH! It's horrible. And it doesn't help that my period started 2 and a half weeks late and it's PAINFULL and super heavy [gag]. And I can't take anything for it because I'm on this weird medication for this stupid skin thing (and it says I can't take anything else with it . . . and a whole bunch of other restrictions: "Do not lie down after taking medication for 30 minutes." Mmmkay?)
So add antibiotics, headaches, stomach cramps, muscle aches and major mood swings. Plus the fact that I have to go to school tomorrow like this, I can tell that this week is going to blow majorly.
I've also got a friend of mine picking old fights with me. She's calling me a liar and saying I'm imature. Although she's starting this fight on MSN, so I can't say she's being any more mature about this.
I am certainly not looking forward to tomorrow. And of course the work that I wasn't there for today that's waiting at school for me. Joy.
Whew. I'm done my rant.
As for things to do in a hospital, I can't really suggest anything. Mostly because all the times I've been in the hospital I've been too drugged to even know where I was. Yay for crappy kidneys.