
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544400 times)

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Offline aishiteru

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3420 on: March 05 2006, 12:17 am »
What a lovely schedule aishiteru! Here's mine:

7:00 am - Classes start
6:30 pm - Classes dismissed.

Oh yes, I have a LOT of time. *sarcasm intended* Oh and if I'm lucky, we either have play rehearsal/speech choir rehearsal/project making to do after classes that takes 3 hours, so I go home 9:00 in the evening. Then I do my homework. For 2 hours. That's now 11 in the evening. I sleep, and wake up at 4 in the morning since my school is far away from home. *sigh*

oh man, ralea. that's like a 12 hour school day. i don't think i'd be able to last that long in school. haha.

random question though, are you filipino? haha. just checking, i wanted to know if you went to school in the philippines and what not.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3421 on: March 05 2006, 04:00 am »
i guess i have the..um less time??
but 2:30~12:00(AY NIGHT)i have to study
by me.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3422 on: March 05 2006, 05:10 am »
I have to be at school at 7:30 am and leave school at 2:30 pm

It is not that bad. I guess....
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3423 on: March 05 2006, 05:33 am »
I have to catch the bus to Pre-Algebra by 7:05 so I wake up at like 6 and go home at 2:30. I'm okay with it sometimes...

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3424 on: March 05 2006, 06:35 am »
OMG! a 12 hour school day? I think I can't servive that >.<" the maximum hours I ever had at school/college/uni is 8 *ouch*
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3425 on: March 05 2006, 06:42 am »
You all such have hectic schedules! You're all so strong, I don't think I'd ever be able to keep up with that...

My schedule is pretty hectic for me, but I suppose looking at all of yours, mine is wimpy.
I wake up at about 5:30AM every morning, partly because I have band on Monday and Wednesday, then I have Girl's Choir Thursdays. Monday, I have basketball practise right after school, then I catch the last bus home, do homework, eat, shower and head off to dance until 9:00PM. Then I come back and do more homework -_-
Tuesdays is pretty much the same thing, except we have basketball games. Then after the basketball game I rush off to dance class until 8:00PM. Then I shower and do homework. Every other day is filled with homework, Wednesday I stay at dance until about 9:00PM then I do homework. Saturdays, I get up and do chores then I have to go to church.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3426 on: March 05 2006, 06:43 am »
my schedule is insane as well: MW I have class from 8:20 all the way till 5, TuTh I have class from 10 - 5:15 and F i have class from 10-12 but its whats after that stresses me out. I usually have rehearsal for the play that i'm in from 6:30-10:30 every night. So its a bit hectic and tiring.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3427 on: March 05 2006, 07:44 am »
What a lovely schedule aishiteru! Here's mine:

7:00 am - Classes start
6:30 pm - Classes dismissed.

Oh yes, I have a LOT of time. *sarcasm intended* Oh and if I'm lucky, we either have play rehearsal/speech choir rehearsal/project making to do after classes that takes 3 hours, so I go home 9:00 in the evening. Then I do my homework. For 2 hours. That's now 11 in the evening. I sleep, and wake up at 4 in the morning since my school is far away from home. *sigh*

OMG why is your school day so long? Our's is only like 8 hrs. I don't get what your all's are sooo long.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3428 on: March 05 2006, 07:48 am »
OMG why is your school day so long? Our's is only like 8 hrs. I don't get what your all's are sooo long.

well you have to understand, shiunu-sama, that in different countries, a different school schedule is in order due to type of school and what country they are from. some schools and be 7 hours long while others could be nearly 12.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3429 on: March 05 2006, 07:57 am »
What a lovely schedule aishiteru! Here's mine:

7:00 am - Classes start
6:30 pm - Classes dismissed.

Oh yes, I have a LOT of time. *sarcasm intended* Oh and if I'm lucky, we either have play rehearsal/speech choir rehearsal/project making to do after classes that takes 3 hours, so I go home 9:00 in the evening. Then I do my homework. For 2 hours. That's now 11 in the evening. I sleep, and wake up at 4 in the morning since my school is far away from home. *sigh*
oh god o-O"
Mine starts at 8:40 and ends at 3:30

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3430 on: March 05 2006, 08:03 am »
well you have to understand, shiunu-sama, that in different countries, a different school schedule is in order due to type of school and what country they are from. some schools and be 7 hours long while others could be nearly 12.
Yeah thats true, when I use to do French back in school, my teacher told me that schools in France starts at around 9am and finishes about 6pm. That surprises everyone in my class because schools in the UK starts at around 8:50am and finishes approximately 3:30pm which on average 6-7 hours excluding extra classes/clubs/detentionh etc..., but life gets easier for us in College and university because it ranges from 1-8 hours depending on the day and couse.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3431 on: March 05 2006, 08:06 am »
OMG why is your school day so long? Our's is only like 8 hrs. I don't get what your all's are sooo long.

Also, don't forget, I, and other members on here, go to college. I don't have a formal schedule. I plan my own schedule. I choose to be busy. I love stress. I always get A's when I'm stressed out. I don't know how.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3432 on: March 05 2006, 08:09 am »
Also, don't forget, I, and other members on here, go to college. I don't have a formal schedule. I plan my own schedule. I choose to be busy. I love stress. I always get A's when I'm stressed out. I don't know how.

i work best under pressure. haha. that's how it works with me. i guess we work the same then, moezy-chan? haha.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3433 on: March 05 2006, 08:09 am »
Thats the joy about college, you can choose when you want to go. What classes you perfer to take and what time. You can either have a long schedule or short one. Like, when I go, I'm going to take only three classes and probably in the morning.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3434 on: March 05 2006, 08:10 am »
Also, don't forget, I, and other members on here, go to college. I don't have a formal schedule. I plan my own schedule. I choose to be busy. I love stress. I always get A's when I'm stressed out. I don't know how.
I work bad under presssure. and good sometimes ><" It's just if someone was right there screaming at me and hurrying me, i would screw up O_O;;

It feels..odd to feeel like everyone's passing you by and having a future and you're still standing right there..

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3435 on: March 05 2006, 08:13 am »
It feels..odd to feeel like everyone's passing you by and having a future and you're still standing right there..

don't worry babypigggy. i feel the same way sometimes. like everyone around me as grown up into mature teenagers ready to accept their future while i wonder to myself "why can't i just let go of the past?"

it sucks. but i guess i could help you if you like. if you want, you can just PM me about it!
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3436 on: March 05 2006, 08:15 am »
i work best under pressure. haha. that's how it works with me. i guess we work the same then, moezy-chan? haha.

Yeah, must be. Although I make sure to save room for fun! That's important as well.

I work bad under presssure. and good sometimes ><" It's just if someone was right there screaming at me and hurrying me, i would screw up O_O;;

It feels..odd to feeel like everyone's passing you by and having a future and you're still standing right there..

Daijoubu. Nobody's expecting you to handle stress. We're all different and that's a good thing. Just so you know, I can't work when people are screaming down my face either. I end up shaking.

Also, aishiteru-chan knows what happens when people scream at me. I'm sure you haven't forgotten, have you aishiteru-chan?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3437 on: March 05 2006, 08:19 am »
Daijoubu. Nobody's expecting you to handle stress. We're all different and that's a good thing. Just so you know, I can't work when people are screaming down my face either. I end up shaking.

Also, aishiteru-chan knows what happens when people scream at me. I'm sure you haven't forgotten, have you aishiteru-chan?

ummm.. haha. i'm trying to remember. uhh. are we talking about the kidnapping thing? haha. i don't remember! i'm sooo sorry moezy-chan! i have the worst memory in the world. haha.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3438 on: March 05 2006, 08:20 am »
ummm.. haha. i'm trying to remember. uhh. are we talking about the kidnapping thing? haha. i don't remember! i'm sooo sorry moezy-chan! i have the worst memory in the world. haha.

Yes, the kidnapping thing. You, and charme-chan, though we haven't seen her in a while.  :cry: I miss charme-chan!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3439 on: March 05 2006, 08:26 am »
Yes, the kidnapping thing. You, and charme-chan, though we haven't seen her in a while. :cry: I miss charme-chan!

i miss charme-chan alsoo! where'd she go!? did she take a break like me? oooohh no. it might be awhile until we see her again.

so yes, babypigggy. if you need help with any of your problems, feel free to PM me anytime about it. i'm always willing to help out anyone in need!
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]