You all such have hectic schedules! You're all so strong, I don't think I'd ever be able to keep up with that...
My schedule is pretty hectic for me, but I suppose looking at all of yours, mine is wimpy.
I wake up at about 5:30AM every morning, partly because I have band on Monday and Wednesday, then I have Girl's Choir Thursdays. Monday, I have basketball practise right after school, then I catch the last bus home, do homework, eat, shower and head off to dance until 9:00PM. Then I come back and do more homework

Tuesdays is pretty much the same thing, except we have basketball games. Then after the basketball game I rush off to dance class until 8:00PM. Then I shower and do homework. Every other day is filled with homework, Wednesday I stay at dance until about 9:00PM then I do homework. Saturdays, I get up and do chores then I have to go to church.