
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 543006 times)

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Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3620 on: March 12 2006, 02:32 pm »
^ Lol! Even though I eat chocolate alot, I never really break out. Lucky for me. Lol.

Err I'm on mine too. :/

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3621 on: March 12 2006, 02:32 pm »
Me, too! Every day I probably eat at least four pieces!! But not today.. My throat is killing me and I can never eat chocolate when I have a sore throat... XD

And sorry to all the girls having period problems.. Remember not to consume too much caffeine, ne? ((It'll make your breasts hurt even worse...))
I eat a lot of chocolate too. Probably too much.

And... caffeine does that? O_O
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3622 on: March 12 2006, 02:34 pm »
What?! No caffine?! But I love my coffee! I need it! It gets me through all-nighters!

And... caffeine does that? O_O

Yes, it actually does. I'm aware of it, but it doesn't matter to me. I need coffee!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3623 on: March 12 2006, 02:36 pm »
I hate coffee. I will never like it. My mother loves it though. She has a cup every now and then in the morning. Something when we go to Starbucks. She gets coffee, I get cider or something else thats more my taste. I'm having my period right now (just started on thrusday) and I'm having no issues with my breasts (since I drink soda,pop, whatever you want to refer to it as.). But I'm sorry to hear about those that are. Hope you feel better. ^.^
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3624 on: March 12 2006, 02:38 pm »
I hate coffee. I will never like it. My mother loves it though. She has a cup every now and then in the morning. Something when we go to Starbucks. She gets coffee, I get cider or something else thats more my taste.

You sound like me when I was your age. I didn't start to drink coffee until my first year of college, and I was 19 at the time. I said that I would never like coffee, and then I started college. Trust me, you'll like it once you start the all-nighters.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3625 on: March 12 2006, 02:38 pm »
^ Same here Moon Hime! I mean I don't know if I won't ever like it. But I certainly don't now.

Icky!! I usually drink caffenine-free pepsi. Mmm.. sooo good! Eww.. but doesn't coffee stain your teeth?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3626 on: March 12 2006, 02:40 pm »
And... caffeine does that? O_O

Yep.. the reason has something to do with the water retention in breasts but right now I can't think of the exact reason.. ((In fact I feel so crappy I can hardly think at all! XD Which explains why I forgot!))

And moezy-chan, be careful! You just said you were hurting and now you're doing something that'll help cause it to hurt more! *wags finger* Shame on you! *snatches coffee away* Shoot... it doesn't work if I do it through the computer, ne? At least make it decaf.. Psychologically it may still have the same effects! XD
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3627 on: March 12 2006, 02:42 pm »
Yeah, it does and moezy-chan just because when I start college doesn't mean I'm going to start drinking coffee. I'll find other ways to keep myself awake. One of my friends, who is in college right now, doesn't like coffee either. She gets along just fine without it.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3628 on: March 12 2006, 02:44 pm »
I try to watch what I eat and drink because I'm sooo afraid of staining my pearly whites. Lolz. Okay well they're not super white but I've been using Arm and Hammer Whitening toothpaste and it seems to be working well.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3629 on: March 12 2006, 02:46 pm »
Yeah, it does. And moezy-chan just because when I start college doesn't mean I'm going to start drinking coffee. Soda has caffeine just like coffee.

Yep, that's true. I'm in college and I just drink soda! XD It didn't make me start liking coffee. I don't mind it every once in a while, but it has to be LOADED with milk and sugar before I'll go anywhere NEAR it! XD

And to Shiunu, yes coffee does stain your teeth. But so does soda. I know this from personal experience.. ((I drink SO much soda it's ridiculous..)) But if you just use a teeth-whitening gel ((From your dentist, not over-the-counter)) it comes off in a snap.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3630 on: March 12 2006, 02:46 pm »
Yep.. the reason has something to do with the water retention in breasts but right now I can't think of the exact reason.. ((In fact I feel so crappy I can hardly think at all! XD Which explains why I forgot!))

And moezy-chan, be careful! You just said you were hurting and now you're doing something that'll help cause it to hurt more! *wags finger* Shame on you! *snatches coffee away* Shoot... it doesn't work if I do it through the computer, ne? At least make it decaf.. Psychologically it may still have the same effects! XD

I also can't remember, but I do know what it does. I over did it today. I'm only allowed 1 cup of coffee a day because of my ulcer, and I had 3 1/2  :sweatdrop:

Yeah, I'm hopeless. As for decaf, you can give me a cup without telling me that it's decaf, and I'll still be able to tell the difference. Aftertaste XD

And yes, you can't take the coffee away from me! Yatta! XD It's mine, all mine! :bwahahaha!:

Ok, moezy-chan has officially lost it.  :hiding:

I try to watch what I eat and drink because I'm sooo afraid of staining my pearly whites. Lolz. Okay well they're not super white but I've been using Arm and Hammer Whitening toothpaste and it seems to be working well.

I use a toothpaste that can make my teeth really white. I keep them fairly clean.

Offline Shiunu

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3631 on: March 12 2006, 02:49 pm »
What toothpaste do you use moezy-chan?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3632 on: March 12 2006, 02:51 pm »
What toothpaste do you use moezy-chan?

Colgate sparkling white. I can go about a week without brushing my teeth  :sweatdrop: and they'll be completely white after I use this toothpaste.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3633 on: March 12 2006, 02:53 pm »
Heh heh moezy, I just read your post about the coffee and all I can say is: O.O You really are quite the coffee addict/expert! O.O

But LOL I hope you don't use that "go one week without brushing your teeth" method very often!! XD
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3634 on: March 12 2006, 02:54 pm »
You don't brush your teeth everyday moezy-chan?  :confused: I've heard of that toothpaste. I use Arm and Hammer Whitening. It works pretty well.  :D

So.. what face stuff do you guys use?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3635 on: March 12 2006, 02:56 pm »
Face stuff? LOL I use Clean&Clear. I don't know which products in particular ((I just look at the bottles! XD How sad, I know..)) but they're all definitely Clean&Clear.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3636 on: March 12 2006, 02:59 pm »
Coolness! I use Clean and Clear face oil absorbing sheets. I have oily skin and I carry them in my purse and I use them at school. Lol. I usually use Proactiv but I gotta get some more. I really don't have a bad complexion at all really. I will usually only have like 1-2 breakouts a month. I just use it cause I like it and it keeps my face totally clear.

But anywayz, my other favorite stuff is Neutrogena products! OH yeah gotta love that stuff!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3637 on: March 12 2006, 03:04 pm »
LOL I tried Proactive when I was younger and I didn't like it very much. And actually Neutrogena was my favorite, too, until I tried Clean&Clear a couple months ago. ((Wow, I sound like a commercial...))
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3638 on: March 12 2006, 03:07 pm »
Heh heh moezy, I just read your post about the coffee and all I can say is: O.O You really are quite the coffee addict/expert! O.O

But LOL I hope you don't use that "go one week without brushing your teeth" method very often!! XD

Honto des ka! And I try not too, but I get so caught up in studies that I tend to let myself go  :sweatdrop: I forget about my own needs and only worry about getting A's. That's where the coffee comes in handy.

Face stuff? LOL I use Clean&Clear. I don't know which products in particular ((I just look at the bottles! XD How sad, I know..)) but they're all definitely Clean&Clear.

I actually don't use face products. My face that you all saw, and commented on my skin is how it always looks. I never get pimples for some reason, and I used to be a horrible junkfood addict as a teenager. I don't get it.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #3639 on: March 12 2006, 03:08 pm »
Lol. I've never tired Clean and Clear cleansing products. Just the little oil blotter sheet thingies. Lol. Neutrogena works pretty well for me. ^^

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