
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 542707 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3780 on: March 16 2006, 11:29 am »
Pretty please, you strange person you. We won't bite...

Well I know that I always feel better once I start mine.. but I'm not always happy. Most of the time yes.. but other times. Well I'm just like GRRR. It all depends on my mood swings.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3781 on: March 16 2006, 02:29 pm »
That's not fair... ><

Oh, don't worry! It can be prevented!! The reason it is more common in women than in men is for a very preventable reason. Usually, women don't drink milk or any dairy products after they get older because they're afraid it'll make them fat; so as long as you keep dairy in your diet, your chances of getting osteoporosis reduce greatly! ^.~ [/nurse Yuki]
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3782 on: March 16 2006, 08:55 pm »
Holy crap! I missed a bunch. I added another option to the poll. I forgot there were some younglings around here. You people are just too darn mature!
Shaving? Gosh, I can’t even remember when I started. It’s been quite a long time, though. I have to shave almost every 2 days, if not sooner. I shaved this morning and now I’m already horribly stubbly. Blah. I found around the ankles is the hardest, after that is the knees. Stupid, stupid legs.
My mom is shrinking. She used to be 5'5'' I believe, now she's my height, 5'3''. Poor mother.
I was looking over my calendar and I realised I’m going to be on my period during History Maker, a Youth Convention in Kamloops I’m going to in late May. Blah, just what I need, a 2-hour ferry ride and 6-hour car ride worrying about stains. That means more crap to pack. Joy. Oh well, I’ll deal with it when the time comes.

Whew. I have had the most eventful few days! And by eventful I mean lots of Josh moments, haha! Oh gosh, I’m such a loser. If you’re annoyed by my obsessing, you can just ignore this entire post, because I blab A LOT :tongue3:
On Saturday we had a Farewell party for our Youth Pastor at our church and I wasn’t feeling well because McDonalds, KD, and pie don’t mix.  But I was lying on the couch and shivering like crazy and Josh gave me his sweatshirt and sat with me until I felt better (which was pretty fast since I was going all hanyaan, hehe). Such a sweetie :tongue3: .

On Sunday, after church, about seven of us kids had to go to Piers Island to help a lady clear out a neighbour’s backyard (Part of our Rent-A-Teen fundraiser to make money for the Youth Convention). On the boat ride there Josh let me hold on to him to keep me from falling out of the boat, haha. Not that I would have, I was just nervous about being on the end.
We had to walk a pretty long trail to get to the house, about a half an hour walk, and Josh and I talked the whole way there. Random stuff you wouldn’t be interested in, haha! The house was pretty cool, on the outside mostly. There was a huge tire swing, and random jungle gym stuff that any immature 16-year-old, like myself, would go crazy over.
After we got served lunch (this lady was like my grandma the way she feeds people. There was one course after another, and another, and another. I’m still stuffed.) We went straight to work. We had to lug a whole bunch of firewood up a very steep hill while some of the guys had to split more wood. When I would take on a pile of wood that was way too large for me (although I wouldn’t admit it), Josh would grab some off the top of my pile and help me uphill, as he’d crack a lame joke about the “damsel in distress.” If he weren’t so cute, I would have kicked him in the shins.

Wow, I feel like a novelist right now. Oh well, I’m in a writing mood (if only I felt this way about the stories I’m writing right now, haha.).

Anyways, as we were walking back to the house, we had to walk up ANOTHER hill and I sighed in annoyance and mumbled something about a walking stick being useful at the time. All of a sudden Josh runs off into the bush and comes out with a huge walking stick! I’m thinking, “Okay, it’s official. This guy is my hero!” and gladly accept the stick, haha.
Blah-blah-blah, more food, more work, more flirting, ya-da-ya-da, he gave me a ride home, blah-blah. Nothing significant there :tongue3:
What? I had to shorten this post a tad. I’m far from finished :D

On Monday, we had to go back to Piers Island at 10 because our work was far from done. We had to wait half an hour to leave on the boat because Josh’s greatest talent is being late. :tongue3:
Again, we get there and there is a huge breakfast waiting for us, and I scold Josh for wearing his hat at the table, only because he did the same to Matt the day before. Silly boy.
Well, there was a lot more work waiting for us than yesterday. We now had to bring about 4 years worth of sticks and grime down hill and down onto the beach for a bonfire. Man, that was disgusting. And being silly, I forgot to bring an elastic for my hair and I was wearing these grimy gloves and I couldn’t brush my hair back.
So of course, Josh has to brush my hair out of my face when I passed by him. My face has never been so red. And of course it caused me to loose my footing and slip on some branches and fall flat on my back. Smooth Jen. Real smooth. He asked if I was okay and I said I was so he starts to laugh at me. Thank-you, Joshua. He finally did help me up after he caught his breath.
I think this kid tortures me on purpose, don’t you think?
Well, after about 4 or 5 hours, we finally finished our part of the job and we got to go sit by the bonfire on the beach. If I can get the pictures from my friend, Adolina, you can see me leaning on Joshua, hehe.
At the other end of the beach, there was a swing that leans over the water and everyone went down to go screw around with that, haha! And after much convincing from Josh and Werner I finally got on (although I needed help jumping onto it because I’m so freaking short!) and almost fell into the water, haha!
And of course, Josh has to make it his reason for living to make sure I fall face first into the water. In fact, while I wasn’t paying attention, he runs up and hugs me from behind and lifts me off the ground. And of course, I’m in too much of the girly blushing mode to realise he’s trying to push me in the water. I finally realise and start screaming at the top of my lungs and push him off, haha!
Finally around 5pm, I finally say, "Okay, Josh, you've got to go in the water!" And of course he refuses. I was like, “Come on! I’ll go in if you go in!”
He laughs and says, “Oh please! You’ll chicken out at the last second!” So I say, “Hey! If that happens you can DRAG me in!”
So yes, we both run into the water, which is FREEZING by the way, haha! And of course, right when we come out of the water, everyone decides, “Let’s go on the boat and go home now!”
So I huddled up to Josh to keep warm on the boat, haha! So cold! [shiver]

And like every Wednesday (nothing happened on Tuesday), I went over to his place with some friends and hung out til about 10. Nothing special, just the random flirting.

That has to be one of the longest posts in my posting history. Bravo for me.
Sorry for boring you, but I was WAY too giddy about that whole thing! I must annoy you all with my Joshua-spazes.
Oki doki, I’m done! That took me WAY too long to write. It’s 3am now!
[yawn] You may all now throw rotten fruit at me now :tongue3:
Rest in peace my furry friend.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3783 on: March 16 2006, 11:45 pm »
For somebody that said she wouldn't have a computer for 2 weeks, I've been spending a lot of time on here! Just gotta love college computers, and your random computer in a food court! XD

That was so great Endoh-chan! I'm totally going hanyaan! I wouldn't be able to stop blushing if Ryan-kun had done that to me! Sugoi sugoi!

If you had my personality, you'd wanna be tall. I have a huge inferiority complex caused by things I'd rather not discuss, and being short ((for a male)) or average height ((for a female)) only makes it worse.

Ah, so da. I understand, relatively. I myself had an inferiority complex when I was short. Growing up I was actually the shortest person in my class. I was like 2 inches shorter than everybody else, and I was also the midget in my extremely tall family. I'm still actually the shortest. My 2 older sisters are taller than me. One's 5'10" and the other is 5'11". But when I was young I was always teased by everybody else for being so short so I developed a tomboy attitude to toughen up and protect myself. What I lacked in height, I made up for in spunk! By age 14 I went through the wonderful stage of puberty  -_- and suddenly went from 5'2" to 5'8" in a little over a year! It was incredible!

By this time I was so much a tomboy that I couldn't tone it down, and so I had that never say die attitude, and with my height I really started to scare people and they wouldn't come near me, which results in my inferiority complex now, and part of the reason I'm so stressed. I'm trying to teach myself to calm down and not be so blunt and unforgiving, but in turn it causes me to become extremely hyper and childish. I'm such an all or nothing girl. If I do something I do it in its entiirety, or I won't even bother. I really need a happy median.  :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3784 on: March 17 2006, 04:31 am »
i bet you all can't beat me. i'm 16 years old, and i'm not hitting 5'0. plus, i drink coffee so i don't think i'll ever be growing again. haha.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3785 on: March 17 2006, 04:34 am »
Ah, you're right... Gomen, aishiteru..

I mean, I know I'm not *short*, but I wanna be tall, ya know?

((Ohh, hey, you just made your 1,000th post, aishiteru!!)) O.O
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3786 on: March 17 2006, 04:36 am »
i bet you all can't beat me. i'm 16 years old, and i'm not hitting 5'0. plus, i drink coffee so i don't think i'll ever be growing again. haha.

That is such a common misconception. Coffee doesn't stunt your growth. I'm proof of that. I drink coffee nonstop but not once has it made me shorter. Although using myself as an example isn't very affective, because I've only been drinking it since I was 19, so to better prove my argument, my dad has drank coffee since he was 9 years old, and he was the shortest person in his family and now he's the tallest at 6'2".

As for height, you're as tall as you feel. Don't let being shorter than some people keep you down. I feel the same way with being tall, and best part, you'll save years on chiropractors because you won't break your back by bending over. I have the worst back pains because of my height.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3787 on: March 17 2006, 04:37 am »
oh wow! i just realized that. haha. ohh man. i'm in school right now and i'm soo bored. and my friend here is talking about his disappointment in maxim's 100th anniversary issue.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3788 on: March 17 2006, 04:37 am »
I'm five-three... Lucky to have made it that tall. I've gone a hormonal condition, so I had to take growth hormone shots every day for three years just to get to that. And my older brother is six-ten, and my two younger brothers are getting there. Everyone in my family is almost freakishly tall... except me. XD
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3789 on: March 17 2006, 04:41 am »
I'm five-three... Lucky to have made it that tall. I've gone a hormonal condition, so I had to take growth hormone shots every day for three years just to get to that. And my older brother is six-ten, and my two younger brothers are getting there. Everyone in my family is almost freakishly tall... except me. XD

Freak is the key word. I can't stand being tall! People always stare at me, and I can't wear heels, although I'm wearing them now. XD Tell me is there any place you can find an attractive stylish boot that doesn't have a heel?! I'm wearing boots, and I can never find one that looks attractive without the heel, and I don't want a heel! My normal height of 5'9" is now at 5'11"! People won't stop staring at me when I stand, and how are my students supposed to see my face when I'm this tall?!  :cry: I hate my height.
« Last Edit: March 17 2006, 05:06 am by moezy-chan »

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3790 on: March 17 2006, 05:04 am »
Ah, gomen, Jeannette-chan.. I had a friend with a condition that sounds like your's, and he was only 5'2''. He may have even been shorter, I don't remember... He told me the last time I talked to him that he may have reached 5'3'' or 5'4'', but like you, all the others in his family were tall! ((Except for his mom, but even she was 5'4'' or 5'5''.))
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3791 on: March 17 2006, 05:16 am »
Meh, I don't hate being short, really I don't.  In fact, my shortness comes in handy when you don't want to stand out or want to sneak around.  Believe me, I'm such a trouble-maker that my shortness comes in handy a lot.

But being a little bit taller would be nice; just because I really do like being taller than my mom.  But her favorite saying was that "No matter how tall you get, I'll always be able to take you down."

My mommy dearest, you know....
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3792 on: March 17 2006, 05:25 am »
Heh heh, bie liao, your mom has definitely got the right idea!!

My little brother recently got taller than me and he won't freakin' shut up about it, so I'm gonna start saying that to him! XD
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3793 on: March 17 2006, 05:29 am »
My mom, despite how short she is, still terrifies me. She's 5'3" and she can be quite the holy terror. Doesn't help that she used to abuse me, and even if I am taller than her, she has the power to kick me out of the house, or make me starve, which she has unknowingly been doing. She really has no idea how much she's making me suffer, and when I tell her, she just ignores me. I really should just give up on her.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3794 on: March 17 2006, 06:13 am »
Yes, mom's have that terrifying power.  My mom scares me everytime she sneezes.  But its when your watching TV or just staring blankly ahead and then suddenly BAM they're there and they say 'HEY.' that gets me.

I scream inwardly everytime she walks into the room.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3795 on: March 17 2006, 06:17 am »
Oh my gosh, I'm sorry you guys have such bad relationships with your moms.. My mom is actually very good, and I'm very lucky to have her... However, lately things have been occurring which I don't need to speak of, but I'm sure she'll get back to normal soon! XD
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3796 on: March 17 2006, 06:19 am »
Eh, I do have a nice relationship with her.  When we're by ourselves, (sisters and dad gone, that is), we go out and eat dinner and talk and have fun.  But she will always scare me.

Its part of her motherly charm.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3797 on: March 17 2006, 06:19 am »
Yes, mom's have that terrifying power.  My mom scares me everytime she sneezes.  But its when your watching TV or just staring blankly ahead and then suddenly BAM they're there and they say 'HEY.' that gets me.

I scream inwardly everytime she walks into the room.

Same here! And she never stops looking at me! It unnerves me to no end! Also, she still has a habit to treat me like a child, and when I tell her this, calmly and honestly, she just ignores me, or yells! I'd rather her yell at me though. At least then I can fight back. I don't know how to respond to her when she ignores me.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3798 on: March 17 2006, 06:23 am »
Silence is MUCH worse.  Because you don't know what you've done wrong, or what they want from you!  I'll get all paranoid and start going over a list in my head of what I've done wrong or what I could have done to offend her, and then she'll just keep glare/staring at me and ask for the salt or something.

My mother treats me like a child, but I am a child, still, so I accept that. Its when she treats me like a toddler that I get mad.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3799 on: March 17 2006, 06:47 am »
My mom really intimidates me. I love her, and I know she loves me, but when she's around I just kind of freeze up. I always feel much more productive when she's not home. I'm scared to do stuff when she's around because she can be really critical, and sometimes she just plain doesn't approve of the things I spend my time on.

I'm putting a documentary together right now, and it's really hard to find time to it when I don't have to be afraid of her walking in and dissing on it. >.<

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