
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 542636 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3800 on: March 17 2006, 06:55 am »
My mother never fails to express her emotion and anger. Sometimes she's nice and will listen, other times she yells and is so snappy and expects you to know everything if you ask her something. My mom has an awful lot of mood swings, so when I know she's in a bad mood, I try to avoid her as much as possible. But usually when she is in a bad mood she notices me and makes me do all the chores and makes me feel guilty for not helping out.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3801 on: March 17 2006, 07:00 am »
My mom really intimidates me. I love her, and I know she loves me, but when she's around I just kind of freeze up. I always feel much more productive when she's not home. I'm scared to do stuff when she's around because she can be really critical, and sometimes she just plain doesn't approve of the things I spend my time on.

I'm putting a documentary together right now, and it's really hard to find time to it when I don't have to be afraid of her walking in and dissing on it. >.<

Oh, my mother does that all the time. She is completely convinced that I want to become a teacher just so I can get back at her for homeschooling me so she puts me down. For instance, she'll talk to me like I'm 5 years old, and I'll say in a calm, but angry tone, "Mom, I told you; quit talking to me like I'm a child. I don't appreciate it." and then she'll either ignore me, which I hate  :angry: or she'll say something to get me to yell. She will do anything to get me to yell, and when I do yell she'll say, "How can you expect to become a teacher if you can't control your temper. If you yell at me, you'll yell at your students."

That's when I'll say, "Oh, don't worry; I won't yell at my students because they won't be 65 year old women that act like they're 10!" or something along those lines. That's when dad butts in, and says that I'm such a child and I don't deserve to be a teacher. He only butts in when mom is losing the fight.  -_- I can't stand either one of them.

My mother never fails to express her emotion and anger. Sometimes she's nice and will listen, other times she yells and is so snappy and expects you to know everything if you ask her something. My mom has an awful lot of mood swings, so when I know she's in a bad mood, I try to avoid her as much as possible. But usually when she is in a bad mood she notices me and makes me do all the chores and makes me feel guilty for not helping out.

Oh, mother does that to me ALL the time! I'm the only one to do the laundry in the house. If I go a week without doing it, then we wouldn't have any clothes! And then my mom says I'm lazy and I don't do anything to help. Although she doesn't do anything either. I can't wait until I graduate, or win the lottery, and move out. I can't stand living at home.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3802 on: March 17 2006, 07:26 am »
My mom really intimidates me. I love her, and I know she loves me, but when she's around I just kind of freeze up. I always feel much more productive when she's not home. I'm scared to do stuff when she's around because she can be really critical, and sometimes she just plain doesn't approve of the things I spend my time on.

I'm putting a documentary together right now, and it's really hard to find time to it when I don't have to be afraid of her walking in and dissing on it. >.<

Thats the way my mother is.  She's very critical and expects the best out of me because I'm the oldest child in the family and therefore set examples for my younger sisters.  I've been held up to higher standards and before, a B on my report card was met with frowns and 'You can do better than that'.  My younger sister, who admittedly isn't as smart as me (because I have excellent memory skills, and so I'm a really good test taker), brings home a C and they say 'Keep up the good work, we know you'll get there.' My mother more than my father wants me to be the very epitome of perfection, because she thinks that just because I'm smart that I want to spend my entire life studying and becoming a perfect little student.  I do want good grades and I want to be something when I'm older, but along the way I want to have a bit of spontaneous fun too.

With her it seems like everything just has to be by the book perfect, like our chores and the house and our grades and my life...
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3803 on: March 19 2006, 12:58 pm »
I know exactly how you feel! I'm so pressured because all of my older sisters are on the honor roll and have SUPER high marks... so I feel that I have to do the same as well. Meh. Stupid me. I need more self-disipline because I said that I'd finish my homework early in the March Break and March break is almost over and I have only done about 33.3% of all my homework... *sobs* I'm horrible. I should start hurting myself every time I procrastinate! P.S. My fanfics have been doing so well, I'm so distracted by them.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3804 on: March 19 2006, 01:27 pm »
Ah, don't worry, Cherry-chan... Yuki procrastinates, too... -_- I'm in a medical class and I need to do about 20 virtual autopsies by Tuesday, and I've only done one! XD

I also have a KILLER math test on Monday which I haven't even started studying for, yet... *sweat drop* I'm doomed..
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3805 on: March 19 2006, 04:25 pm »
I know exactly how you feel! I'm so pressured because all of my older sisters are on the honor roll and have SUPER high marks... so I feel that I have to do the same as well. Meh. Stupid me. I need more self-disipline because I said that I'd finish my homework early in the March Break and March break is almost over and I have only done about 33.3% of all my homework... *sobs* I'm horrible. I should start hurting myself every time I procrastinate! P.S. My fanfics have been doing so well, I'm so distracted by them.

Cherry-chan is currently: Distraught.

don't worry cherry-chan, i feel the same. i have an older brother who was your perfect academic student. all honor rolls, 3.7/3.8 GPA every report card, all honors classes, full scholarship to any school in new jersey as long as he's in college. dean's list.. stuff like that. me? i'm your procrastinator, your slacker. one honors class during my 3 years of high school, GPA 3.6/3.7 as long as i push myself, and honor roll except for freshman year. it's crazy to live up to standards like that and i hate the fact that my parents expect so much from me. it's crazy.

i too, am a procrastinator. i have 3 essays, 5 worksheets, and i have to study for 3 tests in a day. yes... procrastination to the max.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3806 on: March 19 2006, 05:13 pm »
ha, i procrastinate ALL the time =P...hw hw hw hw...it's always in my head.
but i never do it =P

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3807 on: March 19 2006, 05:14 pm »
ughh. procrastination is a crazy *****. mind my language on the forums. haha.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3808 on: March 19 2006, 06:14 pm »
I know exactly how you feel! I'm so pressured because all of my older sisters are on the honor roll and have SUPER high marks... so I feel that I have to do the same as well. Meh. Stupid me. I need more self-disipline because I said that I'd finish my homework early in the March Break and March break is almost over and I have only done about 33.3% of all my homework... *sobs* I'm horrible. I should start hurting myself every time I procrastinate! P.S. My fanfics have been doing so well, I'm so distracted by them.

Cherry-chan is currently: Distraught.

*hugs*.. its the same story with cute_me ad me..
she is the intelligent on the familly.. always A's-- always studying .. making homeworks and.. and me.. bla.. im the crap one that her mother is specting lots of her..at least you do 33%.. i do like .. nothing!!!.. i wasnt like this :(.. i was responsable with my studies.... my friends are right.. im not what i used to be.... im such a worlthless crap!!!!
i dont want to keep studying.. but i dont have the courage to go with my mom.. and tell what i feel
"mommy.. sorry but your money is being wasted on me.. please keep it and spend it with cute_me cuz i really dont deserve it"

Ah, don't worry, Cherry-chan... Yuki procrastinates, too... -_- I'm in a medical class and I need to do about 20 virtual autopsies by Tuesday, and I've only done one! XD

I also have a KILLER math test on Monday which I haven't even started studying for, yet... *sweat drop* I'm doomed..

virtual.. some people are lucky... i have to make real ones ><!! .. the last time the proffesor was yelling at me..
 "i cant.. there are stick!!!..eww ~. something yellow is comming out"
" i cant do that!!! i cant !!! the bone is too hard for me ><!.. but i swear his eyes are stick.. i cant ;__;" why me..
-- after lots of yelling
"anyway whats that yellow thing coming out"
"err..yellow water o_O?."
"and why is that caused
*.. err.. something in the liver"
"and why is that for"
"err.. a desease.."
" no why i comes water from the eyes"
"he was crying @_@.. i really dont know!!!."
*sigh*.. *minus 5 points"

that profesor.. just hate me.. i really ended crying :(

and me + math = error

sorry for writing this much.. many times.. my hand just move by theirselves..

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3809 on: March 19 2006, 06:56 pm »
I'm absolutely awful whe it comes to school. I'm a horrible procrastinator. I think I'm just not motivated in most the classes I take, because most the time I'm just getting basic requitred credits out of the way, and those classes are really dull to me. I wish I could move on to more specialized studying sooer. -.-"

virtual.. some people are lucky... i have to make real ones ><!! .. the last time the proffesor was yelling at me..
 "i cant.. there are stick!!!..eww ~. something yellow is comming out"
" i cant do that!!! i cant !!! the bone is too hard for me ><!.. but i swear his eyes are stick.. i cant ;__;" why me..
-- after lots of yelling
"anyway whats that yellow thing coming out"
"err..yellow water o_O?."
"and why is that caused
*.. err.. something in the liver"
"and why is that for"
"err.. a desease.."
" no why i comes water from the eyes"
"he was crying @_@.. i really dont know!!!."
*sigh*.. *minus 5 points"

There's a reason I'm not going into medicine. My dad's a doctor and one day he asked me if I would be the kind of kid to follow in his footsteps and become a doctor, too, and I was like "Heck no."

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3810 on: March 20 2006, 05:37 am »
virtual.. some people are lucky... i have to make real ones ><!! .. the last time the proffesor was yelling at me..
 "i cant.. there are stick!!!..eww ~. something yellow is comming out"
" i cant do that!!! i cant !!! the bone is too hard for me ><!.. but i swear his eyes are stick.. i cant ;__;" why me..
-- after lots of yelling
"anyway whats that yellow thing coming out"
"err..yellow water o_O?."
"and why is that caused
*.. err.. something in the liver"
"and why is that for"
"err.. a desease.."
" no why i comes water from the eyes"
"he was crying @_@.. i really dont know!!!."
*sigh*.. *minus 5 points"

that profesor.. just hate me.. i really ended crying :(

and me + math = error

sorry for writing this much.. many times.. my hand just move by theirselves..

Heh heh, I've already done real ones, pretty. XD All the liquids that come out don't bother me! XD I had to crack the skull open at the joint of the maxilla and mandible bones with bone crackers, and after it was done this weird stuff started bubbling at the bottom of his throat! XD Didn't bother me, though, so no minus points there! XD

And I hate to break it to you guys, but I had a 4.4 GPA in high school! I had two advanced classes which gave me an extra .2 on my GPA and I got As in all classes, including those, so I got a 4.4.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3811 on: March 20 2006, 05:41 am »
Honors classes rock!  I have 4 our of 6 classes as honors, and I failed one of them and my GPA didn't go down much at all.  Course, the only reason I failed was cause I forgot some notecards that counted as a test, but that's a whole other rant.  Even if you aren't good at something, most honors classes are good to take.  They look good and grades count higher since you're in a higher level class!
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3812 on: March 20 2006, 05:54 am »
Honors classes rock!

wait till you've gone to my high school. then you would be pulling your hair out in all honors classes.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3813 on: March 20 2006, 06:14 am »
Grrrrrr..I'm not in any honors classes! :(
I wish I was though

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3814 on: March 20 2006, 06:17 am »
They help.  Hehe.  But I'm a little special.  If I didn't have good memory skills, I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am.  I'm lucky, I guess...:D
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

[ -  F o r u m  F a m i l y  - ]
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3815 on: March 20 2006, 06:20 am »
They help. Hehe. But I'm a little special. If I didn't have good memory skills, I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am. I'm lucky, I guess...:D

rawwrr. honors classes screw people over because it's a waited course. meaning your grade is actually doubled. rawr.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3816 on: March 20 2006, 06:23 am »
Heh heh, I've already done real ones, pretty. XD All the liquids that come out don't bother me! XD I had to crack the skull open at the joint of the maxilla and mandible bones with bone crackers, and after it was done this weird stuff started bubbling at the bottom of his throat! XD Didn't bother me, though, so no minus points there! XD

And I hate to break it to you guys, but I had a 4.4 GPA in high school! I had two advanced classes which gave me an extra .2 on my GPA and I got As in all classes, including those, so I got a 4.4.

i dont mind either.. pretty loves blood remember.... but his eyes were stick that was my problem!! and that yellow thing.. O_o.. it was everywhere.. i really no woder why he had that.. when we saw the liver.. omg.. i wonde why he didnt die ealier.. it was all granulated and hard as a rock.. and yellow... i think he has cirrhosis.. in the ultimate stage.. or i dont know.. and i still dont know why that was comming out from his eyes... *sigh*
and he hates me thats why he is always finding a way of taking me points

and i really cant open the skull, it dont the neccesary strong for doing it,, *sigh*... the last time i tried...i accidentally tear up his brain -_-;;;

and i am too stupid for talking advanged classes...
my brain is really tiny.. so my capacity of understand the things is pretty small..

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3817 on: March 20 2006, 07:06 am »
i have one honors class. just one. haha. but my GPA is 3.75. ooohhh yeah. i'm pretty content with my GPA also. haha.
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3818 on: March 20 2006, 07:46 am »
i dont mind either.. pretty loves blood remember.... but his eyes were stick that was my problem!! and that yellow thing.. O_o.. it was everywhere.. i really no woder why he had that.. when we saw the liver.. omg.. i wonde why he didnt die ealier.. it was all granulated and hard as a rock.. and yellow... i think he has cirrhosis.. in the ultimate stage.. or i dont know.. and i still dont know why that was comming out from his eyes... *sigh*
and he hates me thats why he is always finding a way of taking me points

and i really cant open the skull, it dont the neccesary strong for doing it,, *sigh*... the last time i tried...i accidentally tear up his brain -_-;;;

and i am too stupid for talking advanged classes...
my brain is really tiny.. so my capacity of understand the things is pretty small..

Yeah, it sounds like he had cirrhosis. You said the eyes were yellow? Well that's pretty typical when the liver can't absorb enough bilirubin... ((Yellowish bile stuff...)) Since it can't go through the liver it goes to the eyes and skin instead.

And his liver was hard as a rock?! O.O Did he drink a lot or have a certain type of hepatitis? Those usually contribute to cirrhosis.

Heh heh, sorry you tore up your guy's brain, too.. That probably sucked... And don't worry, I didn't crack it on my own, it took several of us students to do it! XD

And pretty-chan, you are NOT stupid!! Besides, the size of one's brain is not directly related to their intelligence, anyway, so even if you had a physically small brain it wouldn't make you stupid!!

And about the honors classes: My school would only let kids take two.. No more.. *sniff* ((Of course, after I left they started allowing three... No fair...))
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3819 on: March 20 2006, 09:05 am »
So, it's come to the conclusion that I will probably get myself a job (possibly at the mall, it's close by and if I work part-time then my mom is  willing to take me there) before I actually start college because I really have no clue what classes I should take. It's really the suggestion my mom had and I think personally it's a good idea. Hopefully I can figure out something from there.
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