
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 542617 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3820 on: March 20 2006, 10:50 am »
Well speaking of honors classes, I only am taking one type of honors class and that is english. I'm pretty good in english and I don't find it that hard. But if I took a math honors *shudder* It wouldn't be pretty. LOL

Go for it Moon Hime! I'm sure you'd love working there. Plus that's probably a pretty good job especially since you are about to start college. ^^

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3821 on: March 20 2006, 11:22 am »
Well speaking of honors classes, I only am taking one type of honors class and that is english. I'm pretty good in english and I don't find it that hard. But if I took a math honors *shudder* It wouldn't be pretty. LOL

-_- It ISN'T.  I just barely get by Geometry Honors.  We're talking scraping by on good luck.

And awesome, Moon Hime!  It'd be a good way to start off your college experience, making sure you had money and all.  I think...-never been to college...yet-
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3822 on: March 20 2006, 11:32 am »
Well speaking of honors classes, I only am taking one type of honors class and that is english. I'm pretty good in english and I don't find it that hard. But if I took a math honors *shudder* It wouldn't be pretty. LOL

honors english. i have honors us history II and i don't even think i should have taken it. it's pointless because the teacher doesn't teach and he just gives us busy work that is so tedious that it makes me want to pull my hair out every weekend. rawwwwrrr! i never have a free weekend anymore.

-_- It ISN'T.  I just barely get by Geometry Honors.  We're talking scraping by on good luck.

.. i failed out of Algebra 2 Honors. haha. i dropped out because i failed. haha. the teacher couldn't teach though so it's not my loss. plus, now that i'm in regular Algebra 2, i feel smarter. aha.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3823 on: March 20 2006, 12:18 pm »
-_- It ISN'T. I just barely get by Geometry Honors. We're talking scraping by on good luck.

I'm not even good in regular geometry. LOL. I have a C in there now. :/

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3824 on: March 20 2006, 12:35 pm »
Had a C in mine last six weeks.  But it counted as a B for my GPA since its Honors.  :D  So thats good, cause my HORRIBLE grade in French brought me down almost to a 3.5.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3825 on: March 20 2006, 12:41 pm »
haha. i don't even want to share my grades with you guys. you'd probably laugh at how low my grades are.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3826 on: March 20 2006, 03:32 pm »
And pretty-chan, you are NOT stupid!! Besides, the size of one's brain is not directly related to their intelligence, anyway, so even if you had a physically small brain it wouldn't make you stupid!!
i know that .. cuz we dont even use to mant parts of our brain for thinking
I really dont know it exact size.. i havent take a TAG or something..
but i am stupid.. i know i am
recent events proved me that
im such a worthless crap

this is it... i dont want to study anymore.. ><!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*gives all the money that my parents save for my college to cute_me*
she deserves it more than me.. i dont deserve anything

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3827 on: March 20 2006, 03:43 pm »
Don't ever say things like that Pretty-chan! *hands more money for collage*
You're not stupid at all, I have to constantly tell myself this all the time because of all the silly mistakes I make!

Hit the books! You're going back to school Pretty-chan.. :tongue3:

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3828 on: March 20 2006, 04:20 pm »
Argh. Dreaded school. I go back tomorrow.
Oh well, I had a good week off.
And I finished it off quite well, by going to a Starfield concert. They were pretty awesome.
AHH! Crap! I have yet to finish my Japanese homework, haha!
Oh well, I can finish it at lunch tomorrow.
Yay for procrastination.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3829 on: March 21 2006, 12:01 am »
Sugoi! Did I ever miss alot! I guess I owe Yuki-chan a reason why I was crying earlier. Although that was 2 days ago.  :sweatdrop: On Saturday, March 18, I had to work; and as some of you know that I work on campus. I had to work on Saturday from 8am-3pm because there was an event. It was hectic. I am frankly getting sick of perverted old men flirting with me.  -_-

Well, I used to work at a different location, and I had this manager that I absolutely couldn't stand! Her name is Gillian and she's a bi**h. Well, after not seeing her for 2 months (best 2 mionths of my life) she came to my current restaurant to help out! She has this way of getting under my skin, and I have a bad temper at times. Well, I was pretty much on edge the entire day.

That's not the worst of it. I work with this one woman, Marchelle, and she can't stand me. I have a hearing problem, and I can't hear people very well unless I'm looking them in the face. And sometimes I have a habit of daydreaming, so I don't always watch where I'm going and I bump into people. I sometimes bump into her, and she'll tell me to watch where I'm going, but when at times she bumps into me while my back is turned, and says that it's my fault!

When I tell her that my back is turned, I can't hear her, and she'll just ignore me and walk off. Well, she bumped into me on Saturday, and I told her that was rude and she should apologise. She said she did in a rude tone, and I said I didn't hear it. I then reminded her that I have a hearing problem and this time she did comment on that; this is what she said, "That's your own fault."

I got made and said it wasn't my fault, and one of my managers, who was watching the entire thing, said I should go sit down. My eyes were filled with tears at this point. My main manager asked if I wanted to go to the restroom, and I said yes. I left, cried my eyes out and returned to work. I still feel upset, and I'm seriously considering reporting it. I can't stand the discrimination anymore, and I'm still crying over it. :cry:

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3830 on: March 21 2006, 04:13 am »
*hugs moezy chan*
people doesnt get the daydreamers!!! reality sucks to much for not dreaming...
report that!!! thats discrimination!!! dont let them to do those horribles stuffs to you!!
Don't ever say things like that Pretty-chan! *hands more money for collage*
You're not stupid at all, I have to constantly tell myself this all the time because of all the silly mistakes I make!

Hit the books! You're going back to school Pretty-chan.. :tongue3:
auch.. *touchs head* that hit wasnt unnecesary..
but ok.. ok.. im going to resist one more week.. then im going to quit.. lets not talk about this any more...

jaja today for the first time i manage to talk about my suicidal problem with my "best friend.. i couldnt talk with her earlier cuz.. well.. i express more what i feel when im writing.. im not very good chatting with people ^^;;
she was like.. wtf... thats stupid!.. i hate when people say that, cuz i dont think this is stupid ¬¬

and i wonder why people keep asking me for advices.. i **** giving advices!! i dont even handle my own problems!!!!!
there is a girl.. that she wants to be my best friend so badly.. i know her for 3 years, bur we had a relation of "hi" and "bye" thats all i talked with her.. but 3 weaks ago.. she suddenty  come with me and told me all her life.. i was like wtf..
she always tries to be with me.. and lately i become a little "antysocial!.. jaja i wasnt like this before.. but oh well.. i dont want to be with anybody.. and she follows me everywhere
she: where are you going?
me: err.. the bathroom...
she: im going with you
me: jeje you dont need to.. i can go by myself.
she: but just in case you need something .. you know .. paper or pads
me: jeje.. dont worry i will check that there is paper and i have pads in my bag anyway,,
she: but im going with you anyway..
me: *sigh* .. leave me alone[/l]

she even call me at 2 in the morning crying cuz her boyfriend bumped her... and its always the same story!!! im becoming crazy of hering that.. they fight .. end.. and beggin again like 20 times in the last count.. and she always go with me.. damn.. im too good.. my best friend is a little jelous of that.. but i really try to avoid her the most i can..

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3831 on: March 21 2006, 06:35 am »
Oh my god, moezy-chan!! I am SO sorry about what happened to you!! That girl sounds horrible!! I'm not kidding I think my blood pressure rose just READING that!!! Grrr!!! People like that make me want to rip my hair out!!! XD

Does your main manager know all this is going on? I mean, you said he/she said you could go to the restroom, but did he/she say that because he/she just saw you CRYING or did he/she see the REASON you were crying, too? ((Or did only the lower manager see that?)) I just really think you need to report that to someone.. Because that's harrassment and it's just wrong. She shouldn't be able to get away with treating you that way, but trust me when I say that even if you report it, nothing may happen.. People get away with mistreating people like that ALL the time.. *sighs* It's sad..

And to pretty: LOL about that girl!! I used to know a girl like that and she'd ALWAYS have to follow me to the bathroom and when we talked on the phone or on the bus she'd tell me the same stories every freakin' day just like your friend does with her boyfriend stories.. It got so old... -_- Just ignore her as much as you can.. She'll get the message! XD Try not to be too mean, though, since she obviously likes you! Maybe if you talk about how much you like your best friend to that girl all the time she'll realize you already have a friend who you consider #1 and she'll leave you alone..
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3832 on: March 21 2006, 07:19 am »
Oh my god, moezy-chan!! I am SO sorry about what happened to you!! That girl sounds horrible!! I'm not kidding I think my blood pressure rose just READING that!!! Grrr!!! People like that make me want to rip my hair out!!! XD

Does your main manager know all this is going on? I mean, you said he/she said you could go to the restroom, but did he/she say that because he/she just saw you CRYING or did he/she see the REASON you were crying, too? ((Or did only the lower manager see that?)) I just really think you need to report that to someone.. Because that's harrassment and it's just wrong. She shouldn't be able to get away with treating you that way, but trust me when I say that even if you report it, nothing may happen.. People get away with mistreating people like that ALL the time.. *sighs* It's sad..

I'm not really sure if my manager saw me crying or not. I think she just let me leave so I wouldn't have to start any fights, though I'm not entirely certain about this. Here's the worst part though; the "girl" is a 50 year old grandmother and she's been at this place for years, and I've only worked there for 2 months. They probably wouldn't listen to me. They'll just think I like to cause trouble in the work place. People always get away with treating me like that. And it's her word against mine. I'd lose the battle in a heartbeat. Thank you for your concern though. It's this incident that is going to give me the incentive to apply for the other job. I can't work there any longer. I deserve better respect. I refuse to be somebody's garbage can any longer.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3833 on: March 21 2006, 07:28 am »
I'm not really sure if my manager saw me crying or not. I think she just let me leave so I wouldn't have to start any fights, though I'm not entirely certain about this. Here's the worst part though; the "girl" is a 50 year old grandmother and she's been at this place for years, and I've only worked there for 2 months. They probably wouldn't listen to me. They'll just think I like to cause trouble in the work place. People always get away with treating me like that. And it's her word against mine. I'd lose the battle in a heartbeat. Thank you for your concern though. It's this incident that is going to give me the incentive to apply for the other job. I can't work there any longer. I deserve better respect. I refuse to be somebody's garbage can any longer.

O.O Oh my god, she's 50? XD XD XD Sorry but I just find it funny because I was picturing some snotty young lady...

But this is all happening at the restaurant you work at, ne? Well, since you already said yourself that you don't like food I'd say you're right, this really gives you yet another reason to leave. This lady has clearly got something up her bum and I doubt she'll get any better...
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3834 on: March 21 2006, 07:35 am »
Yeah, moezy-chan! You deserve to have a job where co-workers are actually NICE to you! Hmm, I just had a thought. Maybe your job/workplace/company or whatever will do something to the woman that's being horrible to you after possibly having the knowledge that you're going to get another job? I don't think companies like having people quit... they may need you, moezy-chan (who wouldn't?)! And it might look bad on them or something... I dunno just a thought :) I really do hope you get the treatment you deserve.

P.S. Thanks guys for sharing your procrastination stories with me! Yeah, I do procrastinate, but I also have slowness to blame! It takes me years to finish something, probably because I think it's boring... :P
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3835 on: March 21 2006, 11:56 am »
Speaking of procrastination, I need to study really soon. :/

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3836 on: March 21 2006, 02:17 pm »
Hey! I haven't been on here for awhile, I've been so busy with school work and the play I'm in, which finally opened and it went really well so i'm happy! unfortunately just got my period so i don't know how thats gonna work out with my costumes but i'll figure it out. Anywho I hope all is well for everyone else and to all who don't feel well feel better :)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3837 on: March 21 2006, 02:21 pm »
Wokring with people you hate and/or who hate you is awful. You have to be civil to them, otherwise you might get fired, etc, and you can't avoid them very well. You really need to take that new job you were offered, moezy-chan.

I too hope everbody feels better.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3838 on: March 21 2006, 04:53 pm »
I dont wanna work ;_; I'll just live off my parents and scholarship (mmm $6000). Should get a job but I'm so busy with uni. Bc of Science/Nanotechnology. ^^

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Girly Poll!)
« Reply #3839 on: March 22 2006, 04:42 am »
Yeah, I desperately need to find work so I can afford loads of cool Anime stuff. Too bad no jobs will accept me cos I fail interviews *cries*
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