
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 539810 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5040 on: June 02 2006, 04:49 am »
Oh no :( I hope your eye gets better. Mosquito are bad this year, eh. The weather is just making them worst. I hope you get better Cherry-Chan!!

Also, how is weather where you live now?? Right now in Sudbury, its a bit better then the last couple of days. We have no more Smog Alert ^_^

*huggles* Arigatou Kairi-san! I'm not sure if we have a smog alert, but yeah, here in Toronto it's been cooler. the last couple of days have been extremely humid, smoggy, and hot. But the air conditioning in my house has been turned off today, so that says something :wink:
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5041 on: June 02 2006, 06:30 am »
I;ve also suffered from mosquito bites. -__- Why are they even on this earth? They're at least getting better. ^_^

We don't have smog alert here... Just drills for earthquakes and fires.

Gaah! I'm starting my period now. T_T


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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5042 on: June 02 2006, 07:00 am »
This thread often freaks me out. When one of us has a problem, we all have a problem!

Gah! *glomps everyone* I'm back from camp. I'm staying home from school today because my eye is really, really swollen from a mosquito bite I got at camp. I hate this. We're supposed to have a Variety Show today at my school, and I was really looking forward to seeing it. I'm so sad :cries:

Anyway, my family has the tendency to think a problem will just "go away" - if someone is suffering emotionally, they tend to just brush it away, thinking that the problem will just "go away". Wrong, wrong, wrong. It just gets worse from there. My parents are all like, "come to us if you have a problem, we'll help you." When I do come to them with a problem, then they're like, "Just leave it alone! It'll go away!" That's their idea of helping!?

I go all giggly and squeal-ish when I see kawaii S+S moments (actually, whenever I see them together), it always brings out my dreamy side.

Ah gomen Cherry-chan. That really bites. I know how it feels to have mosquito bites, and they're no fun. Remember to use alot of anti-inch lotion, and try not to scratch. Hard, I know, but hang in there! Ganbatte!

Poor Moezy-chan. I know how you feel, I just spent the weekend at home and had loads of fights with my parents, couldn't wait to get back to university. Dunno how I'm going to cope in a few weeks when I go back for the whole summer. That's like over 3 months!
I can't wait until I can move out but that will be at least another year away. :(

Mah, arigatou gozaimas. People often think I'm crazy because I hate summer break, but from what you just said, you think just like me. College is true freedom. We'll just have to hang in there. I still have two years but I'll make it. I've gone this long.
I;ve also suffered from mosquito bites. -__- Why are they even on this earth? They're at least getting better. ^_^

We don't have smog alert here... Just drills for earthquakes and fires.

Gaah! I'm starting my period now. T_T

Agreed. I can't stand any kind of bugs! I'm deathly afraid of them.  :sad5:

Aww, gomen Hikari-chan. Hope it isn't too bad and make sure to eat alot of fruits. Artificial sugars are always tempting, but they make the period worse. Try to load up on natural fruits. I've found that oranges and apples work best although I haven't had an orange in a while  :sweatdrop: but now I can because I finally have medicine for my ulcer! I can eat acidic foods again! Yatta!

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5043 on: June 02 2006, 07:02 am »
The only fruit I eat are strawberries. ._. If you count cranberries juice as a serving of fruit...


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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5044 on: June 02 2006, 07:11 am »
The only fruit I eat are strawberries. ._. If you count cranberries juice as a serving of fruit...

Ah, but try to use those as your sugar suppliment then. And yes, cranberry juice can count as a serving of fruit. That really helps in all actuality.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5045 on: June 02 2006, 07:31 am »
i love fruits
that's the only food i eat more than anything
oranges and watermelon are really good this year
my house has like 2 boxes of oranges right now ^^;;;
by me.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5046 on: June 02 2006, 07:26 pm »
the only fruits i eat are Strawberries, watermelons and grapes because everything else is usually "out of season"

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5047 on: June 03 2006, 12:12 am »
*huggles* Arigatou Kairi-san! I'm not sure if we have a smog alert, but yeah, here in Toronto it's been cooler. the last couple of days have been extremely humid, smoggy, and hot. But the air conditioning in my house has been turned off today, so that says something :wink:
Toronto had a Big Smog Alert a couple of days ago.The news in Sudbury was going crazy on it. Lucky for for having air conditioning. But today, the sun isn't really shining, its cool and there is a nice wind blowing. Ahh, the heat wave is now over in sudbury ^_^

I love seedless Watermellon, Machotish Apples (the only ones I eat), Hand Pick Oranges from florida (my grandparents goes there every winter), strawberries, and pick blueberries. Now those are good. I love picking blueberries and then selling them. Once time, I almost got attack by something. I heard some animal noices, so I ran o.O it was in the bear season. I was so scard, but I couldn't stop laughing. When I'm scard, I laugh my head off

This thread often freaks me out. When one of us has a problem, we all have a problem!
Ya, that true. Ok, now I"m freack out o.O
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5048 on: June 03 2006, 05:50 am »
"When one head aches, all the members share the pain." I got that quote somewhere (forget where). So yeah, it's true, in a way.

I change my favourite fruits all the time. My recent favourite fruit is pineapple. After awhile, it makes me mouth feel prickly when I eat something else, but I still love it :wink: I really like chinese pears (yum!), mangoes (drool), and coconut! Yes, I have a taste for the exotic XD But I also like regular fruits like apples, bananas, etc. And I LOVE all types of berries!
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5049 on: June 03 2006, 08:35 am »
I never eat fruits that much. I mean I have alternatives, I'll drink orange juice or eat apple sauce. I just don't like alot of fruits textures. It seems weird but at least there are alternatives. Lol. I'll eat bananas too.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5050 on: June 03 2006, 10:04 am »
Sometimes, I eat bananas but it's usually when I eat lunch in the school cafeteria.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5051 on: June 03 2006, 10:21 am »
I mostly eat bananas when I'm sick, because I can only swallow pills with a banana. I can't swallow pills with water, even.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5052 on: June 03 2006, 10:31 am »
thats funny Oneechan XD
I dont think in could swallow pills with anything but water.
*sigh* I wish I could eat bananas I'm allergic to them and most things really :(

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5053 on: June 03 2006, 10:45 am »
I actually can't swallow pills period. Lol. Whenever I go to the doctor when I'm sick and get medicine, I always have to take the chewable kind. Hehe I feel like such a kid. Come to think of it, I haven't eaten a banana in a while.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5054 on: June 03 2006, 10:55 am »
Sometimes the chewable kinds are nasty. O.o I threw up a chewable medicine, once. Sorry, you didn't need to know that xD I tried swallow a pill with water once, and it melted in my mouth and almost made me throw up! It was horrible.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5055 on: June 03 2006, 01:42 pm »
Yeah the chewables can be nasty. It just depends on the medicine you get I guess.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5056 on: June 03 2006, 03:38 pm »
Conversation moved to medicine... how ironic for me.
I just got back from the doctor's a while ago because I'm really sick. I couldn't even keep saltine crackers down. :(

Anyway, I wanted to rant a bit.... Just a little bit. My brother is getting married in seven days. Tihs would be great, but his fiancee tands to be a psycho when it's her time of the month. Right now, she's on the phone, threatening to call off the whole thing and my brother is crying and asking her why would she throw it all away like that?
I'm trying to stay out of it, but it's hard, especially since my brother and I are pretty close and the house is small and I can hear most of what he's saying.
Love sucks. I don't know if I should hope for them to break up or not. Bleh... I feel sick.
Rant is over.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5057 on: June 03 2006, 09:33 pm »
Conversation moved to medicine... how ironic for me.
I just got back from the doctor's a while ago because I'm really sick. I couldn't even keep saltine crackers down. :(

Anyway, I wanted to rant a bit.... Just a little bit. My brother is getting married in seven days. Tihs would be great, but his fiancee tands to be a psycho when it's her time of the month. Right now, she's on the phone, threatening to call off the whole thing and my brother is crying and asking her why would she throw it all away like that?
I'm trying to stay out of it, but it's hard, especially since my brother and I are pretty close and the house is small and I can hear most of what he's saying.
Love sucks. I don't know if I should hope for them to break up or not. Bleh... I feel sick.
Rant is over.

Aww, gomen Crystal-chan. That is really sad. I hope your brother will be able to work it out with his fiancee.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5058 on: June 04 2006, 02:10 am »
Conversation moved to medicine... how ironic for me.
I just got back from the doctor's a while ago because I'm really sick. I couldn't even keep saltine crackers down. :(

Anyway, I wanted to rant a bit.... Just a little bit. My brother is getting married in seven days. Tihs would be great, but his fiancee tands to be a psycho when it's her time of the month. Right now, she's on the phone, threatening to call off the whole thing and my brother is crying and asking her why would she throw it all away like that?
I'm trying to stay out of it, but it's hard, especially since my brother and I are pretty close and the house is small and I can hear most of what he's saying.
Love sucks. I don't know if I should hope for them to break up or not. Bleh... I feel sick.
Rant is over.
woah.... gomen ne, Crystal-chan.... *agrees with Moezy-chan*
I hope they will be able to work it out, too......

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5059 on: June 04 2006, 03:34 am »
Conversation moved to medicine... how ironic for me.
I just got back from the doctor's a while ago because I'm really sick. I couldn't even keep saltine crackers down. :(

Anyway, I wanted to rant a bit.... Just a little bit. My brother is getting married in seven days. Tihs would be great, but his fiancee tands to be a psycho when it's her time of the month. Right now, she's on the phone, threatening to call off the whole thing and my brother is crying and asking her why would she throw it all away like that?
I'm trying to stay out of it, but it's hard, especially since my brother and I are pretty close and the house is small and I can hear most of what he's saying.
Love sucks. I don't know if I should hope for them to break up or not. Bleh... I feel sick.
Rant is over.
Aww... Hope everything works out okay. We're all in your corner! I don't like real-life love because of that and other things. -__-