
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 539680 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5200 on: July 05 2006, 05:52 am »
i eat like a pig when im stressed or depressed^^
guys....im not sure, don't they like to be alone or something?
by me.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5201 on: July 05 2006, 06:00 am »
GIRLSS like to eat when they're depressed, i wonder what guys do when they're deprseed
they drink Rum!! *well that is what Jack does*

I'm not sure. I think it depends on the guy...Ether they eat more or eat less >_>

This is a hard subject......wait....I know.........they play sports! *gets hit in the head*
ok, that one was dumb one
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5202 on: July 05 2006, 06:00 am »
GIRLSS like to eat when they're depressed, i wonder what guys do when they're deprseed

That's not entirely true. I hate to eat when I'm depressed. I sometimes go three days without food if my depression is serious. Don't make labels and assume the same of everyone please.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5203 on: July 05 2006, 06:43 am »
Personally, when I'm depressed, I just play on the computer and video games, reading manga and try not to think about what made me cry.

Let's rephrase that:
Some girls like to eat when they're depressed.

Or... something like that.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5204 on: July 05 2006, 07:02 am »
i act pretty rotten when i'm depressed. for the guyz..... my brother says they drink when their deperssed


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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5205 on: July 05 2006, 07:36 am »
Personally, when I'm depressed, I just play on the computer and video games, reading manga and try not to think about what made me cry.

Let's rephrase that:
Some girls like to eat when they're depressed.

Or... something like that.

It truly depends on the girl. When I was a teenager I always stuffed my face when I was very depressed, but it made me really fat which only made me more depressed, so at about the age of 17 I started to starve myself to lose weight. It's a habit that I unfortunately carried into adulthood.

Proof. I'm the one in the white shirt. I was really camera shy back then  :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5206 on: July 05 2006, 07:48 am »
It's kinda upsetting to worry about looks. It would make us pretty selfish, I believe. I made the choice to cut my hair short since it wouldn't be so much trouble (and I plan to make it even shorter before school. Heh.)


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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5207 on: July 05 2006, 09:46 am »
It's kinda upsetting to worry about looks. It would make us pretty selfish, I believe. I made the choice to cut my hair short since it wouldn't be so much trouble (and I plan to make it even shorter before school. Heh.)

I'll agree there, but we should worry about ourselves to a small extent. We matter as well. I would never go as far as boasting my looks to others, but I was made fun of too many times because of how I looked. After all, we all want to be accepted, and have other people like us. I realize now that you should like a person despite how they look, but not everybody thinks like that, unfortunately.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5208 on: July 05 2006, 09:55 am »
I guess people make fun of me 'cause of that but I think it's really because I'm easy to pick on.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5209 on: July 06 2006, 01:48 am »
Personally, when I get down I tend to draw... Generally drawing characters (often Fay, poor boy) feeling down gets me out of my funk.

Congrats on the job, Miss Endoh! Jobs can be a pain and get in the way of our precious internet time, BUT they give us money to buy books and merch which is always good ^__^

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5210 on: July 06 2006, 02:23 am »
Personally, when I get down I tend to draw... Generally drawing characters (often Fay, poor boy) feeling down gets me out of my funk.

Well, I was kind of in depression for the longest time, and I'm still kind of in, but I use to just sit in my room. I didn't want to do anything. I just sat there. I cryed for no reason, and it was bad. But now, it not as bad. I got depress because of my family. It is still the same way with them, but I think I learn to over come it. I trailed away from them. I tryed not letting things get to me. But, it still happens. But I guess thats life. The only thing that makes me happy, is when I do my manga.
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Yeah, I like over  5 books done, every where in my room. I think of a story, draw it down, over 1000 pages later, I put them somewhere in my room, and they just stay here.
When I draw them, I feel like i'm in a different world. When I draw someone happy, that makes me feel happy. Its os odd. but I don't know how it is.

Congrats on the job, Miss Endoh! Jobs can be a pain and get in the way of our precious internet time, BUT they give us money to buy books and merch which is always good ^__^
I'm at my job right now. :hehe: But yeah, jobs are a pain. I'm gone for more then 6 hours a day now, so my days are useless, but the good thing about it is.......MONEY! :lol: in two weeks I should be able to get my laptop, and more manga ^_^
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5211 on: July 06 2006, 02:32 am »
You're lucky to get a job...I'm still underage! And I can't babysit...I just can't. It's something about going on the computer when I'm supposed to watching the kids  :sweatdrop: Habit, being an only child and all. Wahh!  I need to find a way to make money. T_T I want my manga and merchandise!!

When I get depressed, I write or lock myself up in my room and read. I really only need time alone when I'm depressed. When I write when I'm depressed, all my stories end up really depressing. Then when I give them to my friends to read, they get depressed.. :sweatdrop: Then they start getting mad at me and start calling me an emo and such.  My depression doesn't last that long though because my friends always come over and make me laugh one way or another.

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Ashlee and I love our Rum!
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5212 on: July 06 2006, 02:40 am »
I find it very odd, that when you read, watch, or listen to something that depresses you, people say that you are emo. I mean, we watch stuff that has a guy killing other people, but that doesn't make us killers. Every one needs to cry sometimes.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5213 on: July 06 2006, 04:07 am »
Argh, when I'm depressed, I do the stereotypical emo thing. Listen to music and write either a story, or poetry in my journal.
Either that or I cover that depression by lashing out at pretty much everybody. Whatever works at the time, haha.

Yeah, the job pays okay, but I'm barely getting any hours. I'm allowed to blow my first "big" paycheque on whatever the heck I want, but after that I have to save pretty much all of it for my "future", according to the parents. Lame, but they have a point.
Although I was already planning on doing that, now I don't have a choice because they say if I'm blowing my money the second I get it, then I'm out of the house the second I graduate.
Sheesh, can't I live a little?
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5214 on: July 06 2006, 05:09 am »
Congrats on your new job Endoh-chan! I have like a ton of friends that work at Dairy Queen. I really have been trying to get a job this summer but unfortantley, I don't think many people are hiring. Oh well.. can't say I didn't try.

Oh and since we are on the topic of depression, whenever I get upset, I'll usually just hang out in my room or eat. Lol. Or I'll read a little bit or watch tv, it always helps me. But usually I'm not upset but if I do get upset, its usually because of stupid things that I don't have to worry about. Its usually about my apperance, its not that I don't like how I look, its just sometimes I feel like I have to make myself look super pretty. But for now, I think I'm just trying to learn about myself and everything. That's just being a teen I suppose. Haha.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5215 on: July 06 2006, 11:30 am »
Well, I was kind of in depression for the longest time, and I'm still kind of in, but I use to just sit in my room. I didn't want to do anything. I just sat there. I cryed for no reason, and it was bad. But now, it not as bad. I got depress because of my family. It is still the same way with them, but I think I learn to over come it. I trailed away from them. I tryed not letting things get to me. But, it still happens. But I guess thats life. The only thing that makes me happy, is when I do my manga.
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Yeah, I like over  5 books done, every where in my room. I think of a story, draw it down, over 1000 pages later, I put them somewhere in my room, and they just stay here.
When I draw them, I feel like i'm in a different world. When I draw someone happy, that makes me feel happy. Its os odd. but I don't know how it is.
I'm at my job right now. :hehe: But yeah, jobs are a pain. I'm gone for more then 6 hours a day now, so my days are useless, but the good thing about it is.......MONEY! :lol: in two weeks I should be able to get my laptop, and more manga ^_^

Wow, that's an awful lot of manga you've done :o

And my job means I'm away from home (and more importantly, the computer and my desk!) 10 hours a day u_u It makes me so sad!

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5216 on: July 06 2006, 02:26 pm »
*cames back from a ..kinna long hinbernation*

nobody wants to meet the sad me xD
the ones who already meet her....hates her >_>;; i hate her too but..she plans to live with me forever..
i'm such a looser ^^;;;

It's kinda upsetting to worry about looks. It would make us pretty selfish, I believe. I made the choice to cut my hair short since it wouldn't be so much trouble (and I plan to make it even shorter before school. Heh.)

omg..i cut my hair..really short >_O
remember how i had it..and now is..like in the beggining of the shoulders..
and..what's the "not so much of trouble" well as long as you feel alright withyouself cutting it..it doesn't matter the rest
don't do it for somebody else -__-;;

[ps i missed you hikari chan ;_; ..and if someone mess with you..just tell me ><..for real o_o]

Personally, when I'm depressed, I just play on the computer and video games, reading manga and try not to think about what made me cry.

Let's rephrase that:
Some girls like to eat when they're depressed.

Or... something like that.

meh.. i only eat a lot when i'm hungry xD
and..that's more a bulimic thing..when someone eats a lot ^^,
right moezy chan [cuz you know many of this things blablabla]..is more common in those kinna cases .. not ..in depresion..well depresion is another symtom of bulimia but..is another story

*goes back to hinbernate*

((siggy made my me.. be nice.. its the first shit i make that actually turns ok- ))

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5217 on: July 06 2006, 10:04 pm »
OMG, Pretty your back *jumps*

omg..i cut my hair..really short >_O
remember how i had it..and now is..like in the beggining of the shoulders..
and..what's the "not so much of trouble" well as long as you feel alright withyouself cutting it..it doesn't matter the rest
don't do it for somebody else -__-;;
I agree. you have to feel alright when cuting your hair. Because it can look good on you, but how do you feel about it.

Wow, that's an awful lot of manga you've done :o

And my job means I'm away from home (and more importantly, the computer and my desk!) 10 hours a day u_u It makes me so sad!
Yeah. And they are all different ones two. Nothing is the same, names, or anything.

10 hours a day. Wow. And I thought my job was long.
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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5218 on: July 07 2006, 12:10 pm »
*cames back from a ..kinna long hinbernation*

nobody wants to meet the sad me xD
the ones who already meet her....hates her >_>;; i hate her too but..she plans to live with me forever..
i'm such a looser ^^;;;

omg..i cut my hair..really short >_O
remember how i had it..and now is..like in the beggining of the shoulders..
and..what's the "not so much of trouble" well as long as you feel alright withyouself cutting it..it doesn't matter the rest
don't do it for somebody else -__-;;

[ps i missed you hikari chan ;_; ..and if someone mess with you..just tell me ><..for real o_o]

meh.. i only eat a lot when i'm hungry xD
and..that's more a bulimic thing..when someone eats a lot ^^,
right moezy chan [cuz you know many of this things blablabla]..is more common in those kinna cases .. not ..in depresion..well depresion is another symtom of bulimia but..is another story

*goes back to hinbernate*

Oh, welcome back Pretty-chan! We really missed you on here. And yes  :sweatdrop: I'm back on as well. I finally got control over my anger. It's like it was never there in the first place O_O And thank you.

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Re: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)
« Reply #5219 on: July 07 2006, 02:18 pm »
I'll agree there, but we should worry about ourselves to a small extent. We matter as well. I would never go as far as boasting my looks to others, but I was made fun of too many times because of how I looked. After all, we all want to be accepted, and have other people like us. I realize now that you should like a person despite how they look, but not everybody thinks like that, unfortunately.

elementary school was hell for me from kindergarden to gr8 nobody in my grade  liked me i used to walk around the school yard all by myself looking at other kids play while i was alone.but it all changed in gr 4, i made friends with a girl in gr 3 but still nobody in my grade liked me. the worst part was the girls in my grade always made fun of me. now that i'm in high school i have way more friends. :)

I guess people make fun of me 'cause of that but I think it's really because I'm easy to pick on.

ya i was easy to pick on too. back then i was way too shy and when i got my glasses the punishment got worse (i call it punishment).

Argh, when I'm depressed, I do the stereotypical emo thing. Listen to music and write either a story, or poetry in my journal.
Either that or I cover that depression by lashing out at pretty much everybody. Whatever works at the time, haha.

Yeah, the job pays okay, but I'm barely getting any hours. I'm allowed to blow my first "big" paycheque on whatever the heck I want, but after that I have to save pretty much all of it for my "future", according to the parents. Lame, but they have a point.
Although I was already planning on doing that, now I don't have a choice because they say if I'm blowing my money the second I get it, then I'm out of the house the second I graduate.
Sheesh, can't I live a little?

congrats on your job Edoh-chan!!! :hello2: