Today, my brother was walking back and forth in the hallway. And I was scrubbing the walls since they were disgusting and I was like, "What the hell is your problem?"
He was like, "I need to kill someone."
I just rolled my eyes and went back to my work. Then he turned to me and he like, "Ya know what? I'll start with you." And he walked back into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and he did his stupid "Evil" grin and started walking towards me.
Well, he's done this too many times, so, again I ignored him and just said, "Mark, if you're so bored that you need to kill someone...why don't you try doing some work like the rest of the family?"
He then got all pissed and kicked over my bucket of water and went back into the office to do god knows what.
Pssh, the carpet is still soaked.
But I learned today that Mark isn't coming with us when we move. He's going to stay with his girlfriend and her father. GOOD! He's almost 20, it's about time he gets the hell out of here!
But . . . I don't think that'll last. Since he would be paying rent to stay there, and he doesn't have a job, which I doubt he'll get. He'll come crawling back home and knowing my mom, she'll cave and let him come back. Pssh. I know it sounds mean, but he needs some tough love. Because, the next thing you'll know, he'll be 30, he still wouldn't have graduated from Highschool, and living in my parents garage with his good-for-nothing girlfriend (who's 17 and dropped out, herself.)
Blah, I'm frustrated now.
I'm going to kill people on the Sims, haha.
Yeah, I'm in the Sims phase.