
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 541929 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1060 on: September 05 2005, 03:05 am »
so much words I don't speak during the week... um not to other people
When I speak to myself it could be right...
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1061 on: September 05 2005, 08:05 am »
Let me first say that I just started my period so get ready for a very long rant. I can't stand my family! They always get on my nerves. My father is convinced that I use my period as an excuse to control everybody, and yet the minute he gets diabeties he wants everybody to cater to him! I can't stand him!  :angry:

Also, I also make it a habit every year to buy myself new clothes for school. My mom was with me when I bought it and she suggested that I get it. I tried it on and I liked it so I bought it. 2 days later, my mom is wearing the exact same shirt when she already new that I bought it! To make matters worse, my mom convinced my older half-wit doesn't know how to use her brains for herself, sister to buy the same exact shirt! And her argument is that it wasn't her idea to pick it out for herself! Everytime she does something, it isn't her fault it's always the fault of the person who told her to do it! She's 25 and acts like she's 5!

I try my hardest to tolerate my family, especially considering my sisters have special needs, but when I get on my period, I just can't take it anymore. Also, mom says that this computer is for me to use because I have homework, but the minute I get mad it belongs to her, despite the fact that I pay for most of the equipment! She is such a hypocrit! I really can't stand my family. And right now, my sister won't leave me alone. I yell at her and she apologizes. She doesn't like it when people are mad at her, but she's allowed to be mad at other people. She really doesn't know how to handle anger and I'm not in the mood to talk right now.

The weird thing of it is, if I blow up at my sister that's 2 years older than me, my parents won't say anything. I was yelling at her all week; and yet when I blow up at my sister, who's 3 years older than me, the one I'm mad at about the shirt, my parents always yell at me. Mom doesn't admit to playing favorites, but tell me, doesn't it sound like she is? She always defends my oldest sister and she is always trying to control everybody else. She's such a spoiled brat!

Ranting done now. Hope I didn't act too much like a bi**h.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1062 on: September 05 2005, 08:17 am »
Wowzaz . . . Sounds like your life's crazy, moezy-chan, and you don't sound like a bi**h. Feel free to rant all you want!!!

It's just me and my younger brother, so I can't really relate to having to deal with older sisters or anything like that, but I do know what it's like to deal with uneven parenting. Because he's a guy, my parents let my younger brother get away with things they would never let me do because "I'm the oldest and a girl so I should know better." He gets off scott free, and I get an hour lecture about being a good sister and setting an example. I don't know how that can be called fair, but whatever . . . That's how they are.


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1063 on: September 05 2005, 09:24 am »
Wowzaz . . . Sounds like your life's crazy, moezy-chan, and you don't sound like a bi**h. Feel free to rant all you want!!!

It's just me and my younger brother, so I can't really relate to having to deal with older sisters or anything like that, but I do know what it's like to deal with uneven parenting. Because he's a guy, my parents let my younger brother get away with things they would never let me do because "I'm the oldest and a girl so I should know better." He gets off scott free, and I get an hour lecture about being a good sister and setting an example. I don't know how that can be called fair, but whatever . . . That's how they are.

Arigatou Gozaimashita for your sympathy DoRKyLOo-chan! And hai, it is crazy!

Offline Moon

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1064 on: September 05 2005, 10:58 am »
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that your so frustated, Moezy-chan. Sometimes I feel like I don't get much freedom just because I'm a girl. I can't go outside by myself.. even though I was able to not long ago... They're afraid I'll get raped or something. Sheesh. I've probably already complained about this, so I'll stop now. n__N;

Something else that annoys me when my dad starts calling my name and I can't hear him at first because I'm listening to music and he continues to call my name as though I can hear him.. and eventually I answer. But still, it's so... *shakes fist in rage* >__>; In general, my dad always finds a way to bother me. From his lame jokes to his humming songs in the car. And, when I'm trying to sleep, he's making noise as though we can't hear him. It's usually 1 in the morning and I'm just lying in my bed waiting for him to finished. *deep, long sigh*
« Last Edit: September 05 2005, 02:45 pm by moonprincess18 »
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1065 on: September 05 2005, 01:10 pm »
I feel your pain, Moezy-chan. I know how pissed I can get at my brothers or my parents. And since I'm on my period too, and my midol is running low, I feel the need to rant, too. Haha.
First off, people just plain suck. I had arranged to go to the Saanich Fair with my friends Fiona and Shelly yesterday, and they were supposed to call me to say when they were going and when and where to meet them. Well, it's the next day already, ummmm.....where's my freaking phone call!?? So I wasted my whole entire day, waiting for them, AND I turned down going with another friend for them. Thanks alot, guys. And no, I couldn't call them because I didn't know their number. And just the other day they were complaining about how a friend of theirs ditched them. Pssh, hypocrits.
My brother is being a little hypocrit as well. He's always yelling at me, saying I'm wasting my time sitting around and doing nothing. Hmm...well, it IS summer vacation, smartass! I'm supposed to sit around and do nothing! Pssh, at least I'm still in school working towards my goals in life you lazy drop-out! Sheesh, he's almost 20 and he does nothing but sit around with his girlfriend, who's also a drop-out. Wow, such motivation they have. So out of rage, I punched him in the stomach, and threw my shoes at him (which resulted me in locking myself in my bedroom for 2 hours until he left to go to his girlfriends house.)
And well, I just moved into my new house and what is this, mother? I don't have to unpack since we're not staying here? Wow, you just can't make up your mind can you?
Yeah, I've only lived there for 3 days, and I find out we're moving AGAIN! Apparently the house is too small, and Mark doesn't appreciate being stuck in the garage. Well, SORRY! I don't think a detached suite is going to inspire you to get the hell out of the house!

Wow, I ramble. But I needed to get that off my chest.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1066 on: September 05 2005, 01:23 pm »
Arigatou Endoh-chan. Really s**ks being the youngest doesn't it! And as far as friends not calling you, I certainly know how that feels! My so called best friend hasn't been in contact with me for 4 months!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1067 on: September 05 2005, 01:27 pm »
My so called best friend was stealing from me.
I'd say she owes me a little over 300 dollars.
And my mom used to sell Mary Kay make-up, and she would go into the cabinets and steal some of that as well.
That little [insert innapropriate words here].
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1068 on: September 05 2005, 01:27 pm »
Oh man you guys seem to have highly annoying family.

And I thought mine was a pain.  Repeating everything you say.  Saying what? after you ask him to do something (every time)  Waves his hands in front of my face.  Pokes me.   Grr.       But i guess that's little brothers for you
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1069 on: September 05 2005, 01:29 pm »
My so called best friend was stealing from me.
I'd say she owes me a little over 300 dollars.
And my mom used to sell Mary Kay make-up, and she would go into the cabinets and steal some of that as well.
That little [insert innapropriate words here].

That's unbelievable! I would kick that girl to the curb! Can't stand my friend right now, but I can honestly say, she's never stolen from me.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1070 on: September 05 2005, 01:40 pm »
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that your so frustated, Moezy-chan. Sometimes I feel like I don't get much freedom just because I'm a girl. I can't go outside by myself.. even though I was able to not long ago... They're afraid I'll get raped or something. Sheesh. I've probably already complained about this, so I'll stop now. n__N;

Something else that annoys me when my dad starts calling my name and I can't hear him at first because I'm listening to music and it just continues to call my name until I answer like I can actually hear him. That just... *shakes fist in rage* >__>; In general, my dad always finds a way to bother me. From his lame jokes to his humming songs in the car. And, when I'm trying to sleep, he's making noise as though he can't hear him. It's usually 1 in the morning and I'm just lying in my bed waiting for him to finished. *deep, long sigh*

 yeah, my dad does it a lot... oh hell, that's not even an exaggeration. -_- he always tries to talk to me whenever it gets too quiet....


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1071 on: September 05 2005, 01:49 pm »
My mother does the same thing. I will be in the restroom, or doing my homework so I can't leave and she'll call me, and I'll ask what, and for 10 minutes she will just continue calling my name. I tell her in a minute but she just keeps calling me!  :angry:

And I give her the same answer anytime; I'm not the dogs, so don't treat me like one, and if it's so important, why can't you come get me yourself. My mom is unbelievably lazy. For instance, the car will be backing out of the driveway, when she realizes that she forgot something. Instead of going into the house to get it, she will take her cell phone out and call somebody in the house to get it for her and then she says that I'm lazy. Like mentioned before, parents are total hypocrites! She says I'm lazy and yet I go to work, I have college, and when I come home I have homework. She says that she's tired from her job, but at least when she comes home, her work ends, and my work begins. Also, if I don't do the laundry, it will go undone for a month! Nobody here likes to work, and if I put it off for awhile, I get yelled at!

Again, sorry for the long rant. I feel alot better getting this out. I can't stand being on my period. Only time when I'm mad. Other than that, I have a pretty even temper.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1072 on: September 05 2005, 02:03 pm »
Ahh... you know, moezy-chan, you sound 50/50 on par like my mother but only about the laziness. Lol. Yeah, and the males, in this house, are the lazy ones (typical) so me and my mother do everything. I call this female oppression -_-

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1073 on: September 05 2005, 02:13 pm »
Ahh... you know, moezy-chan, you sound 50/50 on par like my mother but only about the laziness. Lol. Yeah, and the males, in this house, are the lazy ones (typical) so me and my mother do everything. I call this female oppression -_-
Haha, that's the same here. I clean the kitchen everyday since my mom leaves for work at 4 and doesn't come back until about 1am. And as soon as I'm done, I go to bed. The next day, my father starts yelling at me for not cleaning the kitchen.
Turns out, the boys went upstairs to make a late night dinner (they were "under the influence" and got the munchies) and didn't bother to clean up the kitchen. So I yelled at them for getting me in trouble and they basically said since I'm the girl I should be in charge of cleaning up everything, regardless of who made the mess, and called me a  "lazy b*tch".
So I turned off their XBox right in the middle of their game and, again, hid myself in my room for a few hours.
They're violent as well as lazy.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1074 on: September 05 2005, 02:27 pm »
Haha, that's the same here. I clean the kitchen everyday since my mom leaves for work at 4 and doesn't come back until about 1am. And as soon as I'm done, I go to bed. The next day, my father starts yelling at me for not cleaning the kitchen.
Turns out, the boys went upstairs to make a late night dinner (they were "under the influence" and got the munchies) and didn't bother to clean up the kitchen. So I yelled at them for getting me in trouble and they basically said since I'm the girl I should be in charge of cleaning up everything, regardless of who made the mess, and called me a  "lazy b*tch".
So I turned off their XBox right in the middle of their game and, again, hid myself in my room for a few hours.
They're violent as well as lazy.

Looks like our lives are very similar. My brother was also violent before he left. He actually tried to kill me with a knife at least 5 times before my parents got rid of him, and they blamed me! Life su**s! They didn't even believe me until they saw it with their own eyes, and they didn't get rid of him because he gets $700 a month for disability. Since when is money more valuable than human life?! But he's gone now, and my life is safe. Feel bad that you're still stuck with your brothers though. As hard as it may seem, just try to hang in there, and avoid them as much as possible.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1075 on: September 05 2005, 03:05 pm »
The only one I worry about is Mark. Andrew is pretty normal, just lazy as hell.
I remember a few months ago, Mark had one of his "episodes" where he smashed the windshield of the car with his cellphone, smashed his glasses, and punched a few holes in the wall. We had to call the police and the Crisis Hotline.
That was a long Monday.
He's basically two other people, and he reminds us of it often. It's like we have to watch what we say around him like walking on broken glass. I remember on time he said he was going to do some drastic thing and I just rolled my eyes and said, "In your hallucinagenic dreams." and he just flipped out, and just like you Moezy-chan, he pulled a knife on me.
What the hell is with guys and sharp things! Ah!

Anyways, it's rare these days that he's like that, so I don't worry too much about it. But, with 15 years of living with a not-so-sane person, I've learned to fight back, hehe.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1076 on: September 05 2005, 03:17 pm »
The only one I worry about is Mark. Andrew is pretty normal, just lazy as hell.
I remember a few months ago, Mark had one of his "episodes" where he smashed the windshield of the car with his cellphone, smashed his glasses, and punched a few holes in the wall. We had to call the police and the Crisis Hotline.
That was a long Monday.
He's basically two other people, and he reminds us of it often. It's like we have to watch what we say around him like walking on broken glass. I remember on time he said he was going to do some drastic thing and I just rolled my eyes and said, "In your hallucinagenic dreams." and he just flipped out, and just like you Moezy-chan, he pulled a knife on me.
What the hell is with guys and sharp things! Ah!

Anyways, it's rare these days that he's like that, so I don't worry too much about it. But, with 15 years of living with a not-so-sane person, I've learned to fight back, hehe.

I remember you said that one of your brothers pulled a knife on you. I know how it feels. I near about had a heart attack the first time, and the last time I actually thought that I should allow him to kill me. Part of the reason I was suicidal. I almost succeeded. I knew I was going to die eventually, but I wasn't going to let him do it, so I had 2 options. 1: try to get out of the house and find my own place, or 2: kill myself. I couldn't afford to move out, so I attempted to kill myself. Glad to hear that your brother hasn't tried to hurt you lately.

Just be careful when you're around him. Sounds like his attitude is similar to what my brother's attitude was.That boy needs severe counseling!

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1077 on: September 05 2005, 03:26 pm »
Oh my gosh. o__x; ( and I'm so glad you haven't killed yourself, Moezy-chan.. but..you did attempt to. Hmm. ) My brothers have never pulled out a knife on me before. Sure, we get into fights but not really physical ones. Sheesh. Seems like like our silly fights are plum gentle compared to the stuff you gals go though with your brothers.

I'm actually on good terms with both my brothers. Since they're older, I feel like I can have conversations with them ( or they're girlfriends. Nice girls, too. Willing to talk to me and my parents. ) It's nice but it doesn't stop them from teasing me.

It's so wonder why I'm often known as a "innocent angel" because I've never been though really hard situations or sexual ones or whatever. Because I don't drink or smoke or what have you, I'm such a goodie-two-shoes. Well excuse me for not wanting to become pregnant! --; Plus, smoking is gross ( and it makes your clothes/hair smell.. ruins your teeth... etc etc ) Drinking messes you up. Sheesh. ( No offence, it's just my opinion. )

I feel like a lone sometimes, but even so, I have some pretty good friends.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1078 on: September 05 2005, 03:38 pm »
Yeah, we've tried to get Mark help, but he says the psychiatrist looks at him funny and refused to go back.
I wasn't really suicidal, but around the 7th grade I used to cut myself. Only my legs though (mostly behind the knees where it's most sensitive...why am I giving details?) since I didn't want anybody seeing cuts on my arms during ballet and such.  I don't know why I did it, but I always felt relieved once I did. I guess it was a control thing.
What I always hated though, were people at my school who would cut themselves, and delibrately show it off. I'd hear them like, "yeah, I hate myself and I just want to die." and a long list of what's wrong with them. I'd just roll my eyes and say, "Do you need a pole for the sport of compliment fishing?"
That always annoyed the hell out of me, and still continues to do.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1079 on: September 05 2005, 10:44 pm »
Yeah, we've tried to get Mark help, but he says the psychiatrist looks at him funny and refused to go back.
I wasn't really suicidal, but around the 7th grade I used to cut myself. Only my legs though (mostly behind the knees where it's most sensitive...why am I giving details?) since I didn't want anybody seeing cuts on my arms during ballet and such.  I don't know why I did it, but I always felt relieved once I did. I guess it was a control thing.
What I always hated though, were people at my school who would cut themselves, and delibrately show it off. I'd hear them like, "yeah, I hate myself and I just want to die." and a long list of what's wrong with them. I'd just roll my eyes and say, "Do you need a pole for the sport of compliment fishing?"
That always annoyed the hell out of me, and still continues to do.

I was also a cutter, but I did it on my arms. Only thing is, I used my fingernails. They grow really fast, and they seemed like the perfect weapon. For me it was also about control. I did it on and off for 3 years.