
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544327 times)

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1780 on: October 10 2005, 06:53 am »
Ever since I started to lose weight, my dad wanted me to eat more. I think he was afraid I'd become anoreix. Which is highly unlikely. I wouldn't do that to myself. It was annoying too, him trying to push food onto me when I was dieting.

I wanted to say something eariler about the discussion of periods and liking someone you don't know online. So, here I go. Whenever I'm on my period, I have horrible cramps in the beginning but then after the next day or so, they're gone. I never feel like eatting much.. hm.. it really varies about how I feel. Most the time I feel fatter then normal. Like I gained weight or something. I hate that. So much. *hatehatehate* DX

About liking someone online, it's happened to me before, Cherry-chan. Only I've had conversations with the guy and gotten to know him a little bit.. to an extent, anyway. ^-^;
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1781 on: October 10 2005, 07:17 am »
Part of the reason I became anorexic was because of my weight. Here, I'll show you:

I did lose a lot of weight as you can see, and I'm happy where I'm at, but I can't get rid of the disorder. It's sickening not being able to control my eating habits, and I hate it. I lost even more since the last picture. At least 30 pounds since then, and 4 pant sizes. I the first picture I was a size 18, the second a 14, and now I'm an 8. I don't have a picture of me in an 8 though. I'll get one soon.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1782 on: October 10 2005, 11:56 am »
I'm not exactly sure what pants size I am right now, since it seems all my pants are different sizes but all fit the same.
But the ones I'm wearing right now are 11's. Then another pair is 15. Another a 9, etc.
I used to be so uncomfortable with my body. Especially around middle school, since the entire summer I was being tormented by my old friend Julia who had all her new friends gang up on me to insualt me about my weight.
That was when I said "Enough is enough!" and dropped like....30 pounds (but not exactly in the most healthiest manner). I was 160 before and now I'm around...errr...125'sh. I'm not sure, I don't make it my life's mission to weigh myself 24/7 anymore, haha (and I'm especially not doing it now since I just had thanksgiving dinner...I'm stuffed).
I guess I sort of taught myself to tell that little nagging voice in my head that says, "Oh, you shouldn't eat!" to shove it.  It's tough, but I find I'm alot more happier when I'm not worrying 24/7 about how many caleries I've had in one day.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1783 on: October 10 2005, 12:00 pm »
That's the same way with me. I'm Catholic, and for Lent, the season before Easter, we have to give up something. This was 2 years ago, and I gave up the scale. I used to weigh myself about 5 times a day. I'm certainly not proud of how I lost weight, but at the same time, I am glad that I did lose weight. I just wish I went about a different way.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1784 on: October 10 2005, 12:03 pm »
It's hard not worrying about your weight when your mom keeps nagging you about how much your eating. And she had the happiest smile when I said I lost a couple of pounds (but I really didn't I was just checking her reaction). But I don't really care anymore about weight. Of course, I don't eat too much unhealthy food :P
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1785 on: October 10 2005, 12:30 pm »
Im 11 years old and Im 65 pounds...which is very unhealthy, so says my doctor...:dodge: Though, I've never really cared about how much I weigh. All my friends, family and doctors say that I need to gain at least 10 pounds....:sweatdrop: Though, its not like I don't eat anything at all. Actually, my eating habits are a bit irregular (skipping meals, not eating breakfast, etc.), but I just don't seem to get hungry. Though, if my mother finds out I've skipped meals or breakfast, for that matter, she loads me with food...but I don't seem to gain much weight from it at all...:XD:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1786 on: October 10 2005, 12:38 pm »
My mom nags me about it too.
Although today, she said I looked good.
Well, I translated that from, "you don't look as chunky."
I take what I can get, haha.
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Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1787 on: October 10 2005, 12:39 pm »
I have the same problem, but you should eat. It really isn't healthy. Do you do this by choice, or it's just something that happens whether you want it to or not?

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1788 on: October 10 2005, 01:38 pm »
Quoted from Moonflower121
*****"Im 11 years old and Im 65 pounds...which is very unhealthy, so says my doctor... Though, I've never really cared about how much I weigh. All my friends, family and doctors say that I need to gain at least 10 pounds.... Though, its not like I don't eat anything at all. Actually, my eating habits are a bit irregular (skipping meals, not eating breakfast, etc.), but I just don't seem to get hungry. Though, if my mother finds out I've skipped meals or breakfast, for that matter, she loads me with food...but I don't seem to gain much weight from it at all..."******

You sound a lot like me  It's called high motabolism !  I've been called anorexic to my face before.  When in fact I am not.  I am very far from it!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1789 on: October 10 2005, 01:45 pm »
My dad and brother have a similar problem. They have over-functioning thyroids that burn the food as soon as they eat it. Part of the reason they're both diabetics. They could eat enough food to last 3 people and never gain weight.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1790 on: October 11 2005, 02:49 am »
I am 14 years old, and I must admit I don't really care that much of my weight.   :sweatdrop:

Although I find it really annoying when all my friends stare at the mirror and keep saying how fat they are when they are not. They are so skinny some of them look like skeletons. It freaks me out. I weight what a healthy girl of my age should weight (according to my doctor) I like healthy food but every now and then I eat junk food, but not much.  -_-

People that wight too much for their own good SHOULD try to lose some pounds, bu if you are under the weigh you are supposed to be and WANT to lose weight doesn't seems logical to me.....  :dontknow:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1791 on: October 11 2005, 04:41 am »
I don't worry that much about my weight anymore.
As long as I'm in the healthy range for my age and height. I'm all good!

Errr...most of the time, anyways.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1792 on: October 11 2005, 04:44 am »
hm,.. i'm kinda overweight,... it really sucks....
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1793 on: October 11 2005, 04:55 am »
Last year, I weight 74 kilos, and thats big considering my height. Right now I weight 63.5 kilos, so I dont really worry much about my weight. I eat a lot of food like 3-4 cups of rice, but I dont gain much weight, as long as I keep exercising.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1794 on: October 11 2005, 05:49 am »
The worst part of losing weight, is that you have a different self image of yourself. You can't see what you look like, and it doesn't make sense unless you actually try to develop an eating disorder. I am ashamed of what I did, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to recover, but I learned my lesson, and I'm never doing it again.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1795 on: October 11 2005, 05:53 am »
good luck moezy-chan i'm sure you'll do very well, goodluck :hello2:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1796 on: October 11 2005, 05:56 am »
good luck moezy-chan i'm sure you'll do very well, goodluck :hello2:

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1797 on: October 11 2005, 06:56 am »
lol, i remmember the last time i lost a load of weight, my self confidence SHOT through the freaking roof!!
i never knew i could be so outgoing and open XD i guess i'm still a bit like that but it kinda died down...
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1798 on: October 11 2005, 07:20 am »
lol, i remmember the last time i lost a load of weight, my self confidence SHOT through the freaking roof!!
i never knew i could be so outgoing and open XD i guess i'm still a bit like that but it kinda died down...

For me, it was the exact opposite. I was losing pounds and inches, but I still wasn't satisfied. It actually gave me the energy to attempt to kill myself. I guess it's different with girls.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #1799 on: October 11 2005, 07:31 am »
but i mean.. when i got thinner my body started to actually look good! like i developed abs and my body looked a bit more athletic and good.

plus the fact peopel started to talk to me and make conversation when they didn't before.

(also when i lost teh weight somehow i lost the acne too, double woohoo!)
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