
Believe in love at first sight?

You bet! I met this guy today  .. I'm already planning our wedding!
Sure. It could happen.
I'm not too sure. You never know, though.
Naaah. Sounds too much like a cruddy romance novel.
Pssh, you HAVE to know the person to be in love. That's just silly.
No comment. To each their own.

AuthorTopic: The Girl Thread (New Poll as of May 24th!)  (Read 544773 times)

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Offline aishiteru

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2020 on: October 24 2005, 10:40 am »
i don't know what's going on with my boyfriend and me. i saw him today and i don't know.. he acted like nothing ever happened and i'm just so confused.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2021 on: October 24 2005, 10:50 am »
He posted on is journal that you weren't his type? -_- What a dolt.

Yeah. He didn't mention my name though.. but I knew he was talking about me. *sigh* I gave him a letter before he left saying that I liked him.. bad idea.. I had to wait for a long time before I got a reply about it.

Maybe you should talk about it with him, aishiteru-chan.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2022 on: October 24 2005, 10:54 am »
i don't know what's going on with my boyfriend and me. i saw him today and i don't know.. he acted like nothing ever happened and i'm just so confused.

That's because he's a guy. Men don't always like to admit they're wrong, but they also don't like it when the girl they like is mad at them. Hurts their ego. So in order to resolve both issues, they will act like nothing ever happened. They do this hoping that we will just ignore it as well. The male ego can be very fragile. My dad does it all the time. If I ever yell at him he will stop talking to me, and the next day he'll ask me if I want to go shopping. And he buys. I hate that. I'd rather he would talk to me.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2023 on: October 24 2005, 10:55 am »
Yeah, aishiteru-chan. Or maybe he needs time to cool down.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2024 on: October 24 2005, 12:00 pm »
haha, now i remmember how sexist girls are.

Gomen nasai but that's how I perceive it. I don't mean all men. I should've clarified that.

I feel bad. I do mean what I said, but there could've been a better way to have said it. I wish I could take it back but I can't. I hope you'll forgive me VexNet-san. I have a bad habit of running my mouth off and don't always know I'm doing it.
« Last Edit: October 24 2005, 12:18 pm by moezy-chan »

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2025 on: October 24 2005, 12:18 pm »
hah. thanks for the advice moezy-chan! i really appreciate it but yeah. i guess we're alright now. he gave me my late birthday present which was really sweet. his mom made me a cake for my whole family so yeah. i guess we're alright.

i don't see all guys like that, though, moezy-chan. some guys, sure. but not all guys. so cheer up vexnet!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2026 on: October 24 2005, 12:20 pm »
i don't see all guys like that, though, moezy-chan. some guys, sure. but not all guys. so cheer up vexnet!

I'll agree with you there. I don't think my crush is like that. I guess I posted that on a moment of PMS. I tend to point fingers when I get it, and men are usually my target.  :sweatdrop:


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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2027 on: October 24 2005, 12:25 pm »
I just hate how we always get the bad end of the stick when Me personally have always tried not be like that. I'm pretty honest and open about my feelings and i'm pretty proud of it too.

I certainly didn't mean you though! I know your not like that VexNet-san. Let me just say this. I was abused by a man when I was younger, and I haven't fully gotten over it yet. And I know you are a gentleman. I know I offended you, but I really hope you'll forgive me. I probably sound like a whiny 5 year old now.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2028 on: October 24 2005, 02:32 pm »
I'm definitly sure my crush isn't like that either!
In fact, I found out why he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now.
"Honestly, it's because I don't have any time. If I'm going to be in a relationship with someone, I wanna be there for them 24/7, and I don't have the time right now and I would feel horrible about it!"
That's basically what he told my friend Christine.
Hehe, that just made me like him even more!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2029 on: October 24 2005, 05:58 pm »
awww that's so cute endoh! just a wait and maybe he'll ask you out :greengrin:
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2030 on: October 25 2005, 01:01 am »
Here's to hoping! [crosses fingers]
Rest in peace my furry friend.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2031 on: October 25 2005, 06:24 am »
I just hate how we always get the bad end of the stick when Me personally have always tried not be like that. I'm pretty honest and open about my feelings and i'm pretty proud of it too.

How do YOU guys always get the bad end of the stick? I'm sorry, but the reason there are so many sexist women, is because of the sexism we have all come to suffer from men. The oppressed have simply become the oppressors. Women like me also try to not fit the female stereotype, just like men like you try not to fit the male stereotype. And I tell you, it's HARDER for us.

The female stereotype is to constantly be smiling, be willing to serve those around you, be caring for everyone, be silly and cute, and just about everything I am NOT when I am in a professional situation. The reason it is harder, is because every SINGLE time I go into a room without a smile on my face, all the men have to yell things like "What's the matter, baby? Lemme see your smile!" or "Cheer up, sexy, it's not the end of the world!". Men on the other hand, can not smile for a MONTH and no one say a darn word about it. Also, if I act even within the RANGE of my actual intelligence, people become intimidated, and sometimes even dislike me claiming I'm arrogant and snotty. But when a MAN acts intelligent, ((and even if it treats people like they're stupid because of it)), people swoon over him and only talk positively about him. Whereas I, who only wanted to help them, is treated as a snob. Also, despite the way I act on the forums, in real life, I am NOT always silly. Only amongst my friends am I that way. But, the women I know who ARE, are treated considerably better than those of us who aren't by the majority of the male community. In fact, the reason I have so much work right now is because I'm trying my hardest to get good grades ((I'm in college)) so that one day I can support myself and be independent of any need for any man, while the "silly" girls in my class, are handed "A"s on a platter by my male chauvenist teacher.

Although there are female sexists, all they generally do is make it sound like men are stupid or sex-obsessed or uncaring. At least they treat men like they're still HUMAN. Male sexists treat women like we are only objects for their pleasure and service, and it is hard to live that way, but men simply don't understand, because they've never been in that situation. Sex is also very different for women than it is for men, so even if a man WERE sexually harrassed, he probably wouldn't take it the same way as a woman would. ((Nor would other people, and that, I admit, is NOT fair for men.))

What I'm trying to say is, I have suffered a LOT of sexual harrassment in my life; and frankly, when men claim they suffer it as much as women, it flat-out makes me mad. Because it's a FACT, women suffer significantly more discrimination than men.

This is not a flame on you, VexNet, I'm just rather upset right now, because today, as usual, I was mis-treated by a man because of my sex. And moezy-chan, there is NO need for you to apologize any more, once was enough. *huggles you both* There, we're all sorry. It's all good with us, now, ne?
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2032 on: October 25 2005, 06:31 am »
TvT Nyaah, great to have you back Yuki-san! *huggles*

...Uuuh, sorry... Now I ruined everything... :sad5: Continue discussing... *goes away*
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

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Offline aishiteru

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2033 on: October 25 2005, 06:33 am »
wow akaiyuki.. that was.. really true but a little much. but true. girls are sexist because we are treated differently by other sexist people.

i'm treated differently between me and my brother just because i'm a girl. you know how unfair that is?
"Dreams can be such dangerous things: they smolder on like a fire does and sometimes consume us completely." - Memoirs of a Geisha[/center]

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2034 on: October 25 2005, 06:33 am »
TvT Nyaah, great to have you back Yuki-san! *huggles*

...Uuuh, sorry... Now I ruined everything... :sad5: Continue discussing... *goes away*

Heh heh, hello, dear! Sadly, the first post you saw of my return was a little naggy... Heh heh, sorry about that! *huggles you* Also, you didn't ruin anything, don't worry about it! ^.~ Oh, and I just saw that Endoh may be getting a new boyfriend soon? Good luck with that! *waves Endoh fans* Banzaaaiiii!
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2035 on: October 25 2005, 06:40 am »
Sugoi Yuki-chan.  :sweatdrop: That happens to me too, and I really don't like it. It actually got worse after I lost 80 pounds. I really can't stand it when men only see me as a sex object, when I do have a brain. Another thing that I got upset about, that I've already told but I'll say it anyways; my brother came at me with a knife and tried to kill me. He got to stay home, and my mother rather have had me leave than him. Part of the reason was his disability, but I have 2 sisters that also have disabilities and my mom threatened to kick them out as well.

I would tell her that she needed to find him someplace else to live, but she wouldn't listen to me. And yet when our town trusty said this, she believed him. My mom can't live without a man's approval, and I can't stand that. It's only because my grandfather abused her, and she wants that male attention. She can't even see my father for who he really is. That's why I'm never getting married. It's not that I hate men, it's just that I would hate giving up my independence. I'd give you a cookie for your post, but I already gave you one, and it hasn't been 5 hours yet. When the time limit is done, I'll give you another cookie.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2036 on: October 25 2005, 06:49 am »
Sugoi Yuki-chan.  :sweatdrop: That happens to me too, and I really don't like it. It actually got worse after I lost 80 pounds. I really can't stand it when men only see me as a sex object, when I do have a brain. Another thing that I got upset about, that I've already told but I'll say it anyways; my brother came at me with a knife and tried to kill me. He got to stay home, and my mother rather have had me leave than him. Part of the reason was his disability, but I have 2 sisters that also have disabilities and my mom threatened to kick them out as well.

I would tell her that she needed to find him someplace else to live, but she wouldn't listen to me. And yet when our town trusty said this, she believed him. My mom can't live without a man's approval, and I can't stand that. It's only because my grandfather abused her, and she wants that male attention. She can't even see my father for who he really is. That's why I'm never getting married. It's not that I hate men, it's just that I would hate giving up my independence. I'd give you a cookie for your post, but I already gave you one, and it hasn't been 5 hours yet. When the time limit is done, I'll give you another cookie.

I don't plan on getting married, either.. And you know what, I think YOU are the one who deserves the cookie! *gives you one* But uh-oh, it's time for Yuki to say something sappy:

*hugs moezy* You know, we only talk on the forums, but you are a really good person. I can tell. You have been through so much in your life, and you're still so young. I am young, as well, but I've only suffered discrimination and harrassment, which I can survive, but what YOU'VE suffered is abuse. Even if you did post that thing that happened with your brother, I wasn't here to see it, so it's new to me and it's very shocking and unfair. The female role-models in your life don't seem very strong, but you've grown to be an independent and powerful woman despite that. I admire you, and truly hope for you to have much happiness in your life, because you deserve it more than almost every person I've ever met, including myself. *hugs again*
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2037 on: October 25 2005, 07:03 am »
Arigatou Yuki-chan. That was so heartfelt and beautiful that I'm crying now.  But I don't feel that I've suffered the most. There's people out there that have gone through worse than I have, and that's why I do my best to help as many people as I can.

One thing I would like to say to VexNet-san though. I hope that you can learn to have more confidence in yourself, because I've tried to help you, and you won't even accept my help. I know Harumi-chan hurt you, but are you going to let 2 people on this forum get in the way of your true happiness? I was not trying to make it seem like the entire male population is evil. I'm just giving my side of the story. I've been abused by men nearly my whole life. My father wouldn't even bother to spend the time I need with him, my brother tried to kill me, and my cousin tried to sexually molest me, and I still hold my head up high, and I face the world with a smile and a kind word.

You're girlfriend dumped you, I made one comment, and Yuki-chan backs me up. You're calling us sexist? Now if you can tell me that a women tried to take advantage of your body, I will stop my ranting and agree that there are some women that are sexist, but look at it this way. It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. I was never loved and I got over it. So should you.

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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2038 on: October 25 2005, 07:14 am »
AkaiYuki.. thank you for making me lose more faith in women. Your not exactly helping yourself.

the only men i know who are sexist are (surprisingly enough) Jocks and the majority of the other popular "players" all of who i hate. If I was one then I wouldn't feel ANY offense with what she said, but since i'm NOTHING like the freaking bastards your talking about, Yes I (as a Male human being) do get offended, Much so by your own post since your still forgetting the basic Fact that NOT ALL OF US ARE PIGS!!!

I'm ******* fed up of you lot putting the blame on us when we (the better part of the male population) have done jack shit to you.

also i'm not going to stop saying that just because the forum is majority female.

VexNet, I'm sorry, but after your girlfriend left you, you have become very moody and very snappy. I did NOT claim that the entire male population is horrible, and you may re-read my post if you think that, I simply stated that as a generalization, women have it worse. For me to think that all men in the world have done something bad to me would require me being harrassed by roughly 3 billion people. Why is it that my post which at least has valid REASONS for me to feel the way I do upsets you, while YOU can simply say "haha, now i remmember how sexist girls are." and consider yourself justified? How is THAT fair? And how DARE you claim that I have caused you to lose your faith in women! Your foolish remarks didn't make me claim you made me lose my faith in men, so how did I deserve that?! I didn't even need to justify my reasons for my statements, obviously, because you just justified them yourself.
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Re: The Girl Thread
« Reply #2039 on: October 25 2005, 07:19 am »
I really don't want any fights breaking out on the forums, so could we please stop. I love this place because it's always so happy, and the people are friendly. I hurts me to see fighting. I get enough of it at home.  :cry: I wish I had never made that post in the first place. If I didn't then there wouldn't be any fighting. Onegai, tamare. (Please, stop.)