Man.....friends can be bad for our sanity, right?
I have one who doesn't seem to get it when I say 'no' if she asks me somewhere. I only turn her down if I have too much homework or other plans already, but she never gives up! She spent nearly an hour trying to convince me to not go and see my Grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary, and to go to the cinema instead!
If she gets bored, she seems to think that I'll just drop everything to go entertain her - I don't even get how she could be bored, with a street full of kids, a computer, a playstaion and pratcically everything you could want! Plus, she even starts conversations with 'I called everybody, and they're all busy! Meet me on the grass!'
So what? You practically tell me I'm your last resort, and then expect me to go drop everything to pamper to your needs? Either that, or she's lying to try and make it more likely for me to go out......grrrr!

Sorry.....needed to rant there!

She drives me crazy sometimes, especially since everything has to be on her terms, but not mine. If she wants to see a film I don't want to see, she'll drag me there, and ignore my protests. If it's vice versa, she'll just say that the film looks c**p, so why should she fork out money to see it?